new to the gluten free journey?

Guidelines for Avoiding Gluten (Unsafe Ingredients for Gluten Sensitivity)

what foods contain gluten?

Answering the question, “what foods contain gluten” isn’t as simple as a black and white answer. The following is a comprehensive list of foods that contain gluten. The list is broken up into two major segments – Foods that absolutely contain gluten, and foods/food ingredients that may contain gluten.

This list can be used as a guideline for those with gluten sensitivity or celiac disease. Many items listed below are traditionally considered safe. However, it should be noted that many of the traditionally safe grains have been studied to cause and to contribute to damage yet they continue to be recommended by the gluten free food industry.

The difference between a traditional gluten free diet and the TRUE gluten free diet can be found in this video tutorial.


avoid these foods

*These grains are classically considered gluten free, but are not recommended on a TRUE gluten free diet. If you would like to learn more about why these other grains should be avoided, watch this video.

*** These items are technically not grains, but are at high risk for cross contamination and not recommended on a TRUE gluten free diet unless verification can be obtained. These pseudo cereals are also very high in glutamic acid and should be discouraged as substitutes for patients with neurological symptoms.

Alcoholic Beverages That Contain Gluten

  • Beer
  • Malted beverages
  • Grain based spirits (many claim that distillation removes gluten…Gluten Free Society recommends avoidance regardless)

food additives or processed foods that can contain gluten

Many of the terms below are commonly found in processed foods. The terms are ambiguous and have multiple meanings. For example, modified food starch can be sourced from wheat, corn, and potato. Most of the time the label does not differentiate this information openly. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you call the manufacturer to confirm that they are not made from grain based ingredients before attempting to consume them. It should also be noted that regardless of gluten free status, many of the ingredients below are simply not healthy, and you would do better avoiding them anyway.

  • Artificial Colors
  • Artificial Flavors
  • Baking powder (commonly contains grain – wheat or corn)
  • Bouillon cubes or stock cubes
  • Candy may be dusted with wheat flour.  Check our gluten free candy guide
  • Canned soups – Most are not acceptable.
  • Caramel color and flavoring
  • Cheese spreads & other processed cheese foods.
  • Chocolate – may contain malt flavoring.
  • Cold cuts, Wieners, Sausages – may have gluten due to cereal fillers.
  • Dextrin
  • Dip mixes
  • Dry roasted nuts & honey roasted nuts
  • Dry sauce mixes
  • Extenders and binders
  • French fries in restaurants – Same oil may be used for wheat-containing items.
  • Gravies – check out thickening agent and liquid base.
  • Honey Hams – can be based with wheat starch in coating.
  • Hydrogenated Starch Hydrolysate
  • Hydrolyzed plant protein
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Hydroxypropylated Starch
  • Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt – check all dairy products for added ingredients.
  • Instant Teas & Coffees – cereal products may be included in the formulation.
  • MSG and Spices – may contain gluten.
  • Maltodextrin (wheat or corn based)
  • Maltose
  • Mayonnaise – check thickener and grain based vinegar ingredients
  • Miso
  • Modified food starch
  • Mustard – Mustard powder may contain gluten
  • Natural Colors
  • Natural Flavors
  • Non Dairy Creamer
  • Oil, frying – Check for cross contamination or corn based oils.
  • Poultry and meats – Check out the flavorings and basting and inquire about meat glue
  • Pregelatinized starch
  • Seasonings (check labels)
  • Smoke flavors
  • Sour cream – May contain modified food starch of indeterminate source.
  • Soy Sauce
  • Textured vegetable protein
  • Vegetable gum
  • Vegetable protein
  • Vitamin supplements (different brands contain grain based ingredients – check the labels carefully)

Green Drinks

Many people want to use wheat, barley, rye, and oat grass (not the seed) as a supplement in the diet. These grasses are commonly found in “green drink” shake products.

Technically, these do not contain gluten as they are the grass part of the plant. However; it is recommended that these be avoided to prevent the possibility of cross contamination. Go here if you are looking for a grass free greens drink.

Non-edible items that may contain gluten

  • Stamps & envelopes
  • Toothpaste
  • Lipstick
  • Hairspray & Shampoo
  • Detergents
  • Pet Food
  • Medications & Vitamins
  • Lotions
  • Play-dough
  • Makeup

Research has identified that gluten from mother’s diet passes into her milk, therefore if her breastfeeding child is gluten sensitive he/she may react to mother’s milk.

A majority of gluten sensitive individuals do not tolerate milk or dairy based foods. The staple diet for commercial dairy cows is grain. Whether or not glutens from feeding cows grain crosses into dairy is still in question and has not been adequately studied. Some research shows that dairy can be very problematic to those who already have gastrointestinal inflammation.

Additionally, some research shows that processed dairy (using the enzyme microbial transglutaminase) actually triggers a gluten-like reaction in those with gluten sensitivity.

That being said, common sense of the obvious should supersede the decision to use dairy. Gluten Free Society recommends avoiding dairy for at least 6 months. Beyond this, it is recommended that any dairy in the diet comes directly from pasture fed cows if any at all.

  • Meat glue
    AKA – microbial transglutaminase. Several researchers have pointed out that dairy foods processed with this enzyme may contribute to intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and cause gluten-like reactions.
  • Lactase deficiency
    Lactase, the enzyme that breaks down the sugar, lactose, found in dairy is commonly found to be low in those diagnosed with celiac disease. This deficiency contributes to dairy intolerance and symptoms of gas, bloating, and indigestion.
  • BCM-7
    A protein found in A1 milk which has been linked to increases in intestinal inflammation, digestive symptoms, and the development of autoimmune disease.
  • Molecular mimicry of gluten – Research shows that casein proteins found in dairy can mimic gluten leading to similar inflammatory damage and symptoms. This discovery has spawned the gluten free/casein free (GFCF) diet.
  • Added hormones – A number of researchers believe that many of the hormones found in dairy may contribute to the formation of breast, endometrial, and prostate tumors.
  • Added gums Often times used as thickening agents in dairy products, some gums can be difficult to digest for an already damaged intestinal tract. Additionally, research has shown that some gums may also contribute to inflammation.

For more in depth info on gluten in dairy, check out the links below.

Is dairy sabotaging your gluten free healing?

Is dairy safe on a gluten free diet?

Interview with Dr. Rodney Ford – Part 1

Interview with Dr. Rodney Ford – Part 2


*NOTE – there is no such thing as a complete comprehensive list of food items that contain gluten. Manufacturers regularly change their ingredients, mislabel, have product recalls, etc. This is why Gluten Free Society’s stance is to avoid processed and packaged foods as much as possible as well as to avoid eating out as much as possible. You cannot control the mistakes or ethical considerations of others.

236 Responses

  1. So basically, you have taken away all the cereals and cereal substitutes! Are you proposing a diet of only proteins, ftuits and vegetables?

    1. Saretta,
      I have taken away nothing. I am just the messenger. You are correct in your analysis however that the primary recommendation in meat, vegetables, and fruit.

    2. Yes exactly its great though almond flour bread or cassava flour tortillas are great! Try it youll feel so much better!

      1. Grass fed grass finished meat, wild caught fish, organic vegetables (most of them) and organic fruit and berries (most of them) and eggs (from the right healthy no grain fed chickens) and drink clean RO water with added electrolytes from Dr Osborne.
        It’s really plenty!!!! Focus on what you can eat and you will be blessed! Just skip everything packaged or boxed or in any container.

        1. I have a very high metabolism and Hashimotos. I must have some carbs. You can not put everyone in a “one size fits all” diet, without causing more misery. I’ m speaking from experience, are you?

          1. The info presented speaks into a specific condition, not a specific condition paired with other conditions. That being said, you can get plenty of carbs (starchy and otherwise) from most fruits, carrots, potatoes, beets…and root veggies really, cassava flour, tapioca starch, arrowroot powder, honey, maple syrup and many more. They may not be the carbs you WANT, or possibly you just don’t want to research or actually make the changes, but there’s plenty of resources out there to get gluten free carbs. I suggest changing your thinking from look at what I can’t have to look what I get to have. It helps and yes, I speak from experience from multiple conditions.

      2. I am a 60+ year old man. I eat this way. I’m never hungry. I eat as much as I want to eat. My diet is very interesting and very varied and quite simple to prepare. I have the body, energy, and sexual function of a 25 year old athlete. I can work outdoors in the Florida summer heat all day long. And I fall asleep in less than 2 minutes and sleep like a baby, and wake up before the alarm, fully rested and raring to go! Jan, this stuff works.

        1. This is just a funny comment, not a criticism…. I always thought the statement, sleep like a baby was sort of goofy. My breast fed babies were awake every 2-3-4 hours at night. I personally don’t like being awake for an hour every 2-3-4 hours & am very glad my babies are now grown well beyond that. I now sleep through the night quite well. I do know what you mean by that statement, though, Ronald & I’m glad that you are so healthy & sleep very well.

          1. Maybe Ronald never wad up at night with babies?

            The following is for all well-meaning people who tell those with severe illness and food issues not to feel as they do or to cheer up.

            Also, seriously, for people with grave illnesses and no answers to tell them to be happy and ignore anxiety is not listening as well as being insensitive. Several years ago I had to be on a very restricted elimination diet — and I’m kosher and a vegetarian — it’s really hard and scary when we just don’t know what might make us extremely sick. Once my husband accidentally bought something on the “bad” list and I was so sad and defeated because he just doesn’t know what it’s like.

            And also, please be aware that suggesting that people just eat organic, or unprocessed, or etc., means that you are probably at least middle class and 1) have health insurance, 2) don’t live in a food desert (Like I do), 3) can afford in time or money the kinds of food that you suggest.

            Most people I know with these types of illnesses have to be vigilant so the thing that is supposed to make them healthy or feel good won’t do the opposite.

  2. Synthroid contains cornflour, so if you need a thyroid supplement, ask your doctor for medication that doesn’t contain wheat or corn products.

    I now only buy herbs and spices from the heath food store, as they don’t have any of the food additives that you recommend to avoid.

  3. This is daunting news. I just recently started following this on facebook. I can’t imagine just eating fruit, vegetables, and meat. I like those but there has to be something I can substitute.

    1. Plantains ( cooked or (mix with coconut milk and fruit to blender), Plantain flour , bread fruit flour, possibly tapioca, cassava and arrowroot flours are what I have researched. If you don’t take care of things it can go into autoimmune and tremendous illness. Just jump in and retrain.

    2. Nate, I eat the Dr Osborne way. I have so much interesting food and variety that it’s astounding. In addition to eating “just” fruit, vegetables, and meat, my wife bakes me bread, makes delicious waffles, I get ice cream, I drink mocha, milk, coffee, once in awhile I have a hard apple cider. I get cheese, jerky, nuts, delicious and interesting salads. Nate, all this can be done with educated ingredient selection, alternative food sourcing, and food prep. I feel like I eat like a king!

  4. I’m just getting to know the reason of being so sick for over 10 years, so far things are better because of the knowledge on gluten free product.thank youi so much for the time you are givingon that matter.

  5. Ok, Dr. Osborne, I didn’t mean to imply that you personally were responsible! Sorry if it came across that way. I was just very surprised to see things like quinoa and amaranth on the list. Have been watching your video on the health matrix and it is very informative. Thanks for all you are doing!

    1. Don’t know what your IgE showed, but I was allergic to both wheat and amaranth. I find that there is amaranth in a lot of “gluten-free” items.

      1. Jan you will feel so much better without dairy, grains and yes the almond flour
        Tortillas are the best, now at Costco along with taco chips, Sieti brand also
        They have taco seasoning. It is hard to mark changes but so worth it if you stick to it.

    1. Diane,
      Yes from a gluten free perspective, those foods are considered safe. However; I do not recommend them as staple foods in a healthy diet. I will be posting a video on this topic very soon.
      All the best,
      Dr. O

  6. What about flours from things like chestnuts or garbanzo beans? I’m hoping they are ok, since I don’t see either on your list.

    1. Poultry are fed grains and corn. You eat what the animal eats.
      I would think if you could find grass fed poultry it would be ok??? Would have to be grass fed AND grass finished (grass fed animals can be fed grains at processing facilities so need to watch out for that as well).

  7. Thanks so much for all your valuable updates.

    I did not see sorghum and tapioca listed as cross-links. Most people are not familiar with the issue of cross-links. The November issue of Celiac.Com’s Journal of Gluten Sensitivity has a great article on gluten testing and Sojorgen’s disease.

    I lived in Tuscan for 20 years and have translated most of the traditional Tuscan recipes to gluten-free.The Italians require a test before children enter school and are inventing a gluten-free flour because they eat so much bread and pasta.

    The Gluten-Free Topanga Chef

    1. Would it be possible for you to give me a date or issue number on that article? I have sjogrens and now developing painful gut. Also am vegetarian so I get much of my protein from grains.

  8. My daughter is gluten free, msg free. However, she just had a MRI and it said she has Scheuermann’s Disease. Does this have anything to do with eating gluten her first 23 years of life? The reason we had the MRI done is because she said she has floating ribs that go out of place and she has a hard time breathing. She goes to the chiropractor puts them in place and then a day later they are out again and breathing problems again. Her pulse rate is 49. She exercises every day but over the last 4 months she has not been able to exercise; she is 26 years old. Any suggestions….There is no doctor that has been to help us.

    1. HI Theresa, a few years since you posted … other forms of treatment for your daughter to consider include oesteopathy, feldenkrais and homeopathy. Hope she is progressing. xx Leela

    2. I know the original post was a long time ago but I recently heard what you are describing as a possibility of parasites. She could test to eliminate that as a factor.

      1. Sarah,
        I harvest & make wild organic Black Walnut Hull Tincture, using potato Vodka it’s a broad spectrum pathogen killer.Anti-Microbial, Anti-Bacterial & Anti-Viral. I was losing my birds all the time with what they call Black-Head, which is actually black feces, they’re bleeding from their intestinal tract. They were picking up a protozoa from the soil & killing them.
        The Black Walnut Hull Tincture put an end to that, eggs are not effected like big pharma toxins, which you can’t consume eggs for two weeks or more.
        I haven’t lost any birds to pathogens in over 15 yrs. now. Just predator’s, hawks, coyotes, foxes, domestic dogs.
        We all take it, people, our dogs & birds, we’re all healthy with Gluten Free diet, no sickness, or infections of any kind, I can’t remember the last time anyone even had a cold.
        The biggest problem we have try & deal with is the multiple hybridized petroleum toxins being dumped into all of our foods now. I want these vile people & toxins out of all of our foods. They’re killing people & the underlying cause of most all diseases.

        All petroleum by products are always Neurotoxic & Carcinogenic, years ago I asked chemical scientists, How do you remove the neurotoxic & carcinogenic effects of crude oil? Their answer, We can’t we don’t have the technology as of yet. But still deemed edible & legal by pocket puppet politicians, all without a degree in Toxicology. Real smart vile greedy tree monkeys, Our healthy lives mean nothing to them, if you’re not sick we can’t make money from you.

  9. “Daughter”- IMHO Chiropractic approach is the correct avenue but you also need to ensure the chiropractor has an holistic approach- Restricted diet is the key to allow the body to heal and drinking 2 to 3 litters of water daily is critical to rebuild that cartilage between the ribs. (Water is the only liquid she should be drinking). Total Posture is very key too.

    1. Bob’s Red Mill is terrible. They have ingredients that are definitely not gluten free in their “Gluten Free Flour”. They have Sweet White Rice Flour, Brown Rice Flour, Potato Starch, Whole Grain Sorghum Flour, and Zantham Gum. I will not purchase from them ever again. I used to trust the Gluten Free Label, but Dr. Osborne woke me up to that label. They are still allowed to have up to 20 ppm in their products and they can be called gluten free. This needs to be changed. We need to alert our government people to change that.

  10. Does anybody have a recipe for gluten-free bread that has no rice, sorghum or buchwheat flour? Or is bread altogether out of the question?

    1. My son has epilepsy and celiac and autism. As part of his treatment he eats a ketogenic, gluten-free diet. We use Almond flour and Coconut flour as our only substitutes, and occasionally milled flaxseed.

    2. I contacted Bob’s red Mill. they were very kind and let me know they clean their conveter belts but cannot promise things are not cross contaminated.

    3. Michelle, Simple Mills Flour has an Almond Flour Artisan Bread. The only thing is that you need to be careful about too much Oxalates. I also have a recipe for bread that I am going to try and I will let you know how it turns out. I just need to find eggs from chickens who are not fed corn.

  11. Here’s another reliable resource. If you have an official diagnosis, they also offer a tax deduction for the extra money you spend on GF food. Save your receipts!

    Celebrate today: US Senate Resolution 550: National Celiac Awareness Day September 13, 2012

    1. Audrey, who offers a tax decuction for the extra money I spend on GF food? You say “Here’s another reliable resource” What is the other resource? Where can I get more information? Thank you.

  12. For gluten free bread recipe google flaxseed bread. Made with 2 cups of flaxseed meal and 1 cup of ground blanched almonds…a couple of eggs, good pinch of salt and a little water to make it into a runny dough ( a couple of table spoons of olive oil too). Pop in a 180c temp oven for around 25 mins or until it feel firm to touch.

  13. I have had to give up all grains but I seriously need to gain weight and I am not at all sure that I can do so on a low carb regime – have you any advice about weight gain??

  14. It is nice to see that I am the only one who is about to give up on eating. I have celiacs,GERD,pre-diabetes and depression. I have been very good about watching my wheat cossumption. But,I still have diariha,depression,GERD,muscle spasms,light headedness burning stomach the list goes on and on. I already feel like I can’t eat or drink anything now they want us to cut out corn,rice and lactose. What does that leave to eat? I ate 4 flaky biscuts spent the next 6 hours on toilet also vomitted up the buscuts just like I ate them,so eating wheat isn’t something I am going to rush out and do. I just want to feel better!

  15. Dr Osborne,

    I understand from a well known researcher that not only the items you mention but coffee, sesame and chocolate as well as yeast, MAY also cross react with gluten due to molecular mimicry. Do you find this is so?

    1. Olive,
      Yes – I have seen this correlation clinically in many patients. I would not limit the list to only coffee, chocolate, and sesame. I would add to it many other legumes and seed based foods.

  16. To clarify my question about coffee, sesame and chocolate, I don’t mean that these foods may be cross contaminated with wheat. I refer to the claim that the actual amino acid sequences are similar enough that the antibodies may misrecognize them for gluten peptides.

  17. For heavens sake. Are we over analysing this issue. Paleo Diet – grass fed meat, fish, fruit, veg, nuts, fermented/unpasteurised milk. eggs . Food our bodies were made for…. It’s not rocket science…

    1. I disagree about fermented milk. It didn’t work for me! I’m gluten, dairy , tomatoes , potatoes, peppers and eggplants free and I feel much better. The vegetables that I mentioned have Lectins.

      1. I just took those same things out of my diet and I feel so much better. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants used to really make me sick. Also, onions, garlic. So glad to see that it wasn’t in my imagination, like some in my family thought…..

  18. I am new to the group and am learning so much from the blog. What food list are members referring to?

  19. I am trying to figure out if there is a connection between gluten and my husband’s eczema on his fingers. Do you have any information on this? Also, if a person lives entirely gluten free, do they suffer from malnutrition?

  20. I noticed oatmeal on the list; my research and stomach say its not gluten. If I eat gluten I’m in immediate pain and feel like I can’t breathe
    And yes, fruits, vegetables and meat is about as safe as you can get! I dont bother with all of the *gluten free substitutes and I dont miss anything. Pain free is better than pizza or a cookie.

  21. It has also been found that flavoured potato chips have gluten. It is used to glue the flavour (barbecue, onion, whatever) onto the chips. And because it isn’t officially an ingredient, it doesn’t have to be declared on the label.
    So, only plain chips are safe…… but of course are not good nutrition.

  22. Potato chips have another evil threat: acrylamides (from heating starches to really high temperatures). These can be carcinogenic.

  23. Potato chips have another evil threat: acrylamides (from heating starches to really high temperatures). These can be carcinogenic.

  24. Hello!

    I was recently told by my naturopath that I have a 2.9% chance of developing Celiac. Is that high?

    We also did a food allergy test and most of my intolerances (kidney beans, string beans, mushroom, sugar cane) are in the 1/6 column (1 is very low and 6 being extremely high). Only almonds is in the moderate 3/6.

    Is that even something to worry about? are we overreacting?

  25. Hello!

    I was recently told by my naturopath that I have a 2.9% chance of developing Celiac. Is that high?

    We also did a food allergy test and most of my intolerances (kidney beans, string beans, mushroom, sugar cane) are in the 1/6 column (1 is very low and 6 being extremely high). Only almonds is in the moderate 3/6.

    Is that even something to worry about? are we overreacting?

  26. To clarify the previous post: are we overreacting by going sugar free, gluten free, string/kidney beans free (forever)? is 2.9% chance even that high? (the lab labeled it as moderate genetic risk from HLA DQA/DQB genotype – positive for DQ2).

    1. Dede,
      You are not over reacting going gluten free. The foods may or may not need to be avoided long term. Depends on the status of your gut. Leaky gut is often times a cause for developing food allergies.

  27. To clarify the previous post: are we overreacting by going sugar free, gluten free, string/kidney beans free (forever)? is 2.9% chance even that high? (the lab labeled it as moderate genetic risk from HLA DQA/DQB genotype – positive for DQ2).

    1. Dede,
      You are not over reacting going gluten free. The foods may or may not need to be avoided long term. Depends on the status of your gut. Leaky gut is often times a cause for developing food allergies.

  28. my mother-in law raises chickens and they feed them wheat. Do you know if it would be safe to eat those eggs if you are gluten intolerant? Just curious.

    1. No, chickens fed wheat is no safe. Whatever your meat animals eat is in the muscle tissue that you eat. From personal experience (8 yrs gluten free + MANY food allergies), ANY meat animal that is fed wheat/grains is not safe for me. I can only eat organic, pastured beef and chicken, and wild-caught fish (farm-raised fish are usually raised in extremely dirty conditions; and overseas, they often raise chickens above the water, and the fish eat chicken stool almost exclusively. If that doesn’t make you sick just thinking about it, nothing will! Make sure any fish you buy is a U.S. product, or all bets are off!) Pork in particular really makes me sick, because grains are pretty much all they eat. There is no such thing as grass-fed or “pastured” pigs, because pigs don’t eat grass. I’ve also discovered that NON-organic pigs (and even some beef cows) are often fed all kinds of stuff the farmers can find that’s cheap, including outdated candy, baked goods, and other unsold stale foodstuffs they buy up from factories, If that is allowed by state law, because pigs will pretty much eat anything.

  29. my mother-in law raises chickens and they feed them wheat. Do you know if it would be safe to eat those eggs if you are gluten intolerant? Just curious.

    1. No, chickens fed wheat is no safe. Whatever your meat animals eat is in the muscle tissue that you eat. From personal experience (8 yrs gluten free + MANY food allergies), ANY meat animal that is fed wheat/grains is not safe for me. I can only eat organic, pastured beef and chicken, and wild-caught fish (farm-raised fish are usually raised in extremely dirty conditions; and overseas, they often raise chickens above the water, and the fish eat chicken stool almost exclusively. If that doesn’t make you sick just thinking about it, nothing will! Make sure any fish you buy is a U.S. product, or all bets are off!) Pork in particular really makes me sick, because grains are pretty much all they eat. There is no such thing as grass-fed or “pastured” pigs, because pigs don’t eat grass. I’ve also discovered that NON-organic pigs (and even some beef cows) are often fed all kinds of stuff the farmers can find that’s cheap, including outdated candy, baked goods, and other unsold stale foodstuffs they buy up from factories, If that is allowed by state law, because pigs will pretty much eat anything.

  30. I have some friends who are gluten-free. I have had the celiac test and do not have celiac disease. I have SOME kind of sensitivity and don’t know what it is. have GERD and UC and never had problems with bread before I developed those. Now wheat and dairy bother me (but not across the board, I can eat Finncrisp rye crackers with Havarti cheese and have no reaction at all for instance…and most especially the combination of wheat/milk, so for example I can’t eat any wheat cereal with milk anymore, makes me miserable for hours). Oatmeal with flax bothered me the other day but doesn’t always bother me. I can’t figure out what specifically is bothering me. I can’t imagine what kind of gluten-free inexpensive diet I could get my kids to eat, and the idea of preparing separate meals is not economical or feasible in terms of time. Every time I try to research the issue, I hit these walls of money, time and just too much information out there to be able to sort it all out. Not to mention the limited number of foods, as between the UC and GERD, doesn’t seem like there is anything I can eat except for…chicken and potatoes!?

  31. I have some friends who are gluten-free. I have had the celiac test and do not have celiac disease. I have SOME kind of sensitivity and don’t know what it is. have GERD and UC and never had problems with bread before I developed those. Now wheat and dairy bother me (but not across the board, I can eat Finncrisp rye crackers with Havarti cheese and have no reaction at all for instance…and most especially the combination of wheat/milk, so for example I can’t eat any wheat cereal with milk anymore, makes me miserable for hours). Oatmeal with flax bothered me the other day but doesn’t always bother me. I can’t figure out what specifically is bothering me. I can’t imagine what kind of gluten-free inexpensive diet I could get my kids to eat, and the idea of preparing separate meals is not economical or feasible in terms of time. Every time I try to research the issue, I hit these walls of money, time and just too much information out there to be able to sort it all out. Not to mention the limited number of foods, as between the UC and GERD, doesn’t seem like there is anything I can eat except for…chicken and potatoes!?

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  44. What would you recommend I give my daughter for breakfast? She’s 4 years old & use to a typical gluten free ‘porridge’ (quinoa, steel cut oats) in the morning with gluten free/vegan toast. I’m trying to avoid any typical allergy foods due to behaviour issues we have with her that appear related to neurological nervous system based. Seems like the more I dig, the more I’m finding everything I feed my child that she loves is a No-no. What kind of porridge can I make for her….or are our porridge days over for now?

  45. What would you recommend I give my daughter for breakfast? She’s 4 years old & use to a typical gluten free ‘porridge’ (quinoa, steel cut oats) in the morning with gluten free/vegan toast. I’m trying to avoid any typical allergy foods due to behaviour issues we have with her that appear related to neurological nervous system based. Seems like the more I dig, the more I’m finding everything I feed my child that she loves is a No-no. What kind of porridge can I make for her….or are our porridge days over for now?

  46. Hi. I am hypothyroid (have never been told I have Hadhimotos but also never had the antibodies testing either). I was diagnosed about 12 years ago and have been on synthroid since. My TSH and T4 results are always within the “normal range” but I still feel that I am having thyroid related symptoms. I feel depressed ( am taking anti depressants that don’t seem to be helping me), I have joint pain in neck, shoulders, back, and hips. I am about 75 lbs overweight and have some inflammation. I have foot pain ( plantar fasciitis). I have no energy, am always tired, and always take very long naps. I tried talking to my doctor about the fact that I think my symptoms are not really related to depression but more my thyroid, diet, gut health, and possible vitamin deficiencies. She was very dismissive to me in her written response and told me that anytime she hears “leaky gut” she is led to believe that the information is not science based. She told me there is no specific diet to follow for thyroid disease other than the regular food pyramid stuff. She did not offer to do any further thyroid or vitamin testing except the hashimotos antibodies. She also questioned where I was getting my information from. I told her that I had joined several groups on FB and that several books have been written which I have not bought as of yet. I know I have to get a new doctor. I don’t know where to begin however because I need someone open to giving me these tests and also helping me investigate other avenues. Possibly even natural dedicated thyroid meds ( I don’t know what’s best but I’ve read good things). I need a doctor in my area that is well versed on thyroid conditions and to helping me, open to treat my symptoms and not rely on one blood test. I also need to know how to determine if I am gluten sensitive or not. I don’t have any stomach pain when eating gluten or dairy however I do know that I absolutely love carbs and could eat them every day of my life. I don’t know if I need to be gluten free or not. I just need a doctor who is covered by insurance and I won’t have to pay out of my pocket. I don’t know how much of each vitamin I should be taking. I have so many questions. I live in Chicago suburbs. Can someone help me???

    1. Jeni, Synthroid is not gluten-free…my Dr. Put me on it also knowing I have Celiac Disease and when I checked my list which I got online it said Not gluten-free….You need to check all your meds. Via this list or with your pharmacist who can call the Pharma Co. Who makes that product –sometimes I just get the Phone Number from my pharmacist and call myself….I now take Unithroid and have had no problems…..Also heard via Dr.Oz that the T-3_T-4 test & reg . Thyroid tests are not that accurate £ there is another one which is better –should be able to get from his website…My Endocrinologist thinks he’s God and also so set in His ways and I am also frustrated — but no other one where I live— I also have bad arthritis, osteoporosis and other ailments — which seem to be related to Gluten…Ps. My migraine headaches ceased when I went gluten-free 12 yrs. ago….Now am thinking of going Grain free –I cannot eat oats of any kind –Evan so-called gluten-free ones. good Lick….

  47. Hi. I am hypothyroid (have never been told I have Hadhimotos but also never had the antibodies testing either). I was diagnosed about 12 years ago and have been on synthroid since. My TSH and T4 results are always within the “normal range” but I still feel that I am having thyroid related symptoms. I feel depressed ( am taking anti depressants that don’t seem to be helping me), I have joint pain in neck, shoulders, back, and hips. I am about 75 lbs overweight and have some inflammation. I have foot pain ( plantar fasciitis). I have no energy, am always tired, and always take very long naps. I tried talking to my doctor about the fact that I think my symptoms are not really related to depression but more my thyroid, diet, gut health, and possible vitamin deficiencies. She was very dismissive to me in her written response and told me that anytime she hears “leaky gut” she is led to believe that the information is not science based. She told me there is no specific diet to follow for thyroid disease other than the regular food pyramid stuff. She did not offer to do any further thyroid or vitamin testing except the hashimotos antibodies. She also questioned where I was getting my information from. I told her that I had joined several groups on FB and that several books have been written which I have not bought as of yet. I know I have to get a new doctor. I don’t know where to begin however because I need someone open to giving me these tests and also helping me investigate other avenues. Possibly even natural dedicated thyroid meds ( I don’t know what’s best but I’ve read good things). I need a doctor in my area that is well versed on thyroid conditions and to helping me, open to treat my symptoms and not rely on one blood test. I also need to know how to determine if I am gluten sensitive or not. I don’t have any stomach pain when eating gluten or dairy however I do know that I absolutely love carbs and could eat them every day of my life. I don’t know if I need to be gluten free or not. I just need a doctor who is covered by insurance and I won’t have to pay out of my pocket. I don’t know how much of each vitamin I should be taking. I have so many questions. I live in Chicago suburbs. Can someone help me???

    1. Jeni, Synthroid is not gluten-free…my Dr. Put me on it also knowing I have Celiac Disease and when I checked my list which I got online it said Not gluten-free….You need to check all your meds. Via this list or with your pharmacist who can call the Pharma Co. Who makes that product –sometimes I just get the Phone Number from my pharmacist and call myself….I now take Unithroid and have had no problems…..Also heard via Dr.Oz that the T-3_T-4 test & reg . Thyroid tests are not that accurate £ there is another one which is better –should be able to get from his website…My Endocrinologist thinks he’s God and also so set in His ways and I am also frustrated — but no other one where I live— I also have bad arthritis, osteoporosis and other ailments — which seem to be related to Gluten…Ps. My migraine headaches ceased when I went gluten-free 12 yrs. ago….Now am thinking of going Grain free –I cannot eat oats of any kind –Evan so-called gluten-free ones. good Lick….

  48. I have had vitiligo since I turned 24 I am now 35. In the last couple of years I have seen it get more severe so I started researching and seeing dermatologists. I do have hypothyroidism as well which is controlled. I came across ur blog so I went and had my blood tested for gluten sensitivity and it came back negative. I guess my question is since I am not do u think this would still work for me? At this point something has to because it is increasing at full force and I have no clue why. I am a nurse as well and have seen many doctors trying to figure this out..

    1. My tests came back negative but have various health and skin problems. Allergy doctor recommended trying gluten and dairy free for three weeks to see if felt better. Did the three weeks and kept going. Almost 3 months now. Feel much better plus 15 lbs lighter. Won’t hurt to try it for a few weeks as a test…

    2. Angela, try magnesium citrate for vitiligo –i had white spots appearing and started on mag citrate to relieve some gastric symptoms and noticed that the white spots are repigmenting. As well i was gluten intolerant, hypothyroid and have made huge corrections in my diet by eliminating grains and I think all seed based foods is a good idea. I bought a nutribullet and juice washed veges and fruits and drink this every day, as well use an instant pot and make very hearty soups made from a mountain of fresh veges…excellent results with minimal to no cravings of any kind….good luck…oh..i bought a berkey water system and use stones to remineralize my water and that is a formula for healing. Good luck…to you…

  49. I have had vitiligo since I turned 24 I am now 35. In the last couple of years I have seen it get more severe so I started researching and seeing dermatologists. I do have hypothyroidism as well which is controlled. I came across ur blog so I went and had my blood tested for gluten sensitivity and it came back negative. I guess my question is since I am not do u think this would still work for me? At this point something has to because it is increasing at full force and I have no clue why. I am a nurse as well and have seen many doctors trying to figure this out..

    1. My tests came back negative but have various health and skin problems. Allergy doctor recommended trying gluten and dairy free for three weeks to see if felt better. Did the three weeks and kept going. Almost 3 months now. Feel much better plus 15 lbs lighter. Won’t hurt to try it for a few weeks as a test…

    2. Angela, try magnesium citrate for vitiligo –i had white spots appearing and started on mag citrate to relieve some gastric symptoms and noticed that the white spots are repigmenting. As well i was gluten intolerant, hypothyroid and have made huge corrections in my diet by eliminating grains and I think all seed based foods is a good idea. I bought a nutribullet and juice washed veges and fruits and drink this every day, as well use an instant pot and make very hearty soups made from a mountain of fresh veges…excellent results with minimal to no cravings of any kind….good luck…oh..i bought a berkey water system and use stones to remineralize my water and that is a formula for healing. Good luck…to you…

    1. Don’t be sorry! There is so much to learn and you can find a ton of help on website. The foundation is Dr. Osborne’s passion and represents his lifes work. So much of the processed gluten free food is full of gluten! Just because it’s not wheat, bardley or rye doesn’t mean it’s gluten free. There are about 400 types of gluten! Focus on whole foods and what you CAN have and not what you can’t. check out the gluten free society FaceBook page and sign up for Dr. Osborne’s newsletter too. Here’s a link that I thought would help. Be well!

      1. Surely if a product is certified and labelled gluten free it must be , otherwise the producers would be braking the food laws ?

    1. Don’t be sorry! There is so much to learn and you can find a ton of help on website. The foundation is Dr. Osborne’s passion and represents his lifes work. So much of the processed gluten free food is full of gluten! Just because it’s not wheat, bardley or rye doesn’t mean it’s gluten free. There are about 400 types of gluten! Focus on whole foods and what you CAN have and not what you can’t. check out the gluten free society FaceBook page and sign up for Dr. Osborne’s newsletter too. Here’s a link that I thought would help. Be well!

      1. Surely if a product is certified and labelled gluten free it must be , otherwise the producers would be braking the food laws ?

  50. Is the cotylrdons in wheatgrass really gluten free? It’s in a supposed GF protein smoothie mix my daughter bought. She has been making smoothies with it for a few weeks. I discovered wheat listed in the ingredients. She says she is getting gluten from somewhere. I also use Gf. Cornmeal,rice and products using these. Am I poisoning my daughter even with all my GF efforts??

    1. No corn or anything made from corn no rice except wild rice check the food list on dr Osborne’s website need to check supplement labels & you can’t rely on labels saying gluten free they consider all grains as GF which they aren’t ehestgras is ok

  51. Is the cotylrdons in wheatgrass really gluten free? It’s in a supposed GF protein smoothie mix my daughter bought. She has been making smoothies with it for a few weeks. I discovered wheat listed in the ingredients. She says she is getting gluten from somewhere. I also use Gf. Cornmeal,rice and products using these. Am I poisoning my daughter even with all my GF efforts??

  52. My husband and I have been gluten free for a year now. I found out I have celiac disease. I am now having thyroid problems. We are really careful to make everything at home. I still get sick. I am hoping that finding out about my thyroid well help. I just am really tired of being sick.

  53. My husband and I have been gluten free for a year now. I found out I have celiac disease. I am now having thyroid problems. We are really careful to make everything at home. I still get sick. I am hoping that finding out about my thyroid well help. I just am really tired of being sick.

  54. Hi, I have some questions about some ingredients not listed here but mentioned in other places as better avoided, namely beans, legumes, peas dry and fresh, chickpeas, lentils, split peas etc. are they ok to use, properly rinsed and soaked and cooked? Also, some other things that come from beans like carob powder and guar gum but are not used as bean, are they ok? And how about nutritional yeast? And other starches like xanthan gum, potato starch, arrowroot, gellan, etc? These might not be common in the average kitchen, but for vegans like us they are a valuable resource and it’s important to know if they are acceptable. Please let me know so my husband and I can navigate the glutefree sea a little better. Thanks

    1. Daniela,
      Xanthan gum is typically derived from corn and not recommended.
      Gellan gum, arrowroot, potato starch are gluten free, but have the possibility of being cross contaminated during the manufacturing process. It is best to use a company that tests for gluten when using these particular products.
      All the best,
      Dr. Osborne
      Dr. Osborne

      1. Hi, It’s been a year since this response, but I appreciate this! I am in my second week of following Dr. Osborne’s free suggestion to go grain-free a month, from his public broadcasting appearance. That is, a month toward grain-free, which someplace he states is a start, and I feel much, much better. The one time I went off with a natural beef pot pie – I knew it was going to bother me, with that delicious, flaky crust on top! – I suffered. But I am having a small amount of gluten-free quick oats almost daily. But no bread, traditional pastas, frozen meals I bought on sale, fried chicken breast (the omega-6’s are in the CHICKEN as well as the breading!), cereals. I’ll post some results when I am done, and can get to a scale. Don’t have one right now.

        But I tried chickpea pasta last night, to go with meat sauce made with grass-fed ground beef. It is pretty good, and makes the pasta with sauce even more substantial. So I am glad Dr. O didn’t target those in his comment. Chick peas are a pulse, as are peas, which mean they grow about 3 to a pod, and peas are the base of his protein powder.

        1. You can’t have even a small amount of gluten one grain could have an effect for 2 to 3 months research grain free products there are some. Cereals but don’t get ones with sugar some brands jovial gf pasta siete taco shells & many recipes on line you can make pancakes from almond flour sweet potatoes bananas with eggs bake your own bread

  55. Hi, I have some questions about some ingredients not listed here but mentioned in other places as better avoided, namely beans, legumes, peas dry and fresh, chickpeas, lentils, split peas etc. are they ok to use, properly rinsed and soaked and cooked? Also, some other things that come from beans like carob powder and guar gum but are not used as bean, are they ok? And how about nutritional yeast? And other starches like xanthan gum, potato starch, arrowroot, gellan, etc? These might not be common in the average kitchen, but for vegans like us they are a valuable resource and it’s important to know if they are acceptable. Please let me know so my husband and I can navigate the glutefree sea a little better. Thanks

    1. Daniela,
      Xanthan gum is typically derived from corn and not recommended.
      Gellan gum, arrowroot, potato starch are gluten free, but have the possibility of being cross contaminated during the manufacturing process. It is best to use a company that tests for gluten when using these particular products.
      All the best,
      Dr. Osborne
      Dr. Osborne

      1. Hi, It’s been a year since this response, but I appreciate this! I am in my second week of following Dr. Osborne’s free suggestion to go grain-free a month, from his public broadcasting appearance. That is, a month toward grain-free, which someplace he states is a start, and I feel much, much better. The one time I went off with a natural beef pot pie – I knew it was going to bother me, with that delicious, flaky crust on top! – I suffered. But I am having a small amount of gluten-free quick oats almost daily. But no bread, traditional pastas, frozen meals I bought on sale, fried chicken breast (the omega-6’s are in the CHICKEN as well as the breading!), cereals. I’ll post some results when I am done, and can get to a scale. Don’t have one right now.

        But I tried chickpea pasta last night, to go with meat sauce made with grass-fed ground beef. It is pretty good, and makes the pasta with sauce even more substantial. So I am glad Dr. O didn’t target those in his comment. Chick peas are a pulse, as are peas, which mean they grow about 3 to a pod, and peas are the base of his protein powder.

  56. ZI. Have been eating Gluten- free for 12 yrs. and am now puzzled by comments that brown rice, amaranth Teft,sorghum flours are Not gluten-free and yet all the gf breads & bagels I have been eating for yrs. have them in them–How can these companies say & sell these products if they are not GF ??? Why is brown rice And white not GF ?? Also corn ??

  57. ZI. Have been eating Gluten- free for 12 yrs. and am now puzzled by comments that brown rice, amaranth Teft,sorghum flours are Not gluten-free and yet all the gf breads & bagels I have been eating for yrs. have them in them–How can these companies say & sell these products if they are not GF ??? Why is brown rice And white not GF ?? Also corn ??

  58. Has anyone experienced hair loss from being gluten sensitive? First time on this website and have a lot to learn. Recently had blood work done. Was told my gluten levels were extremely high. Was told avg. level is around eleven, mine was 118. My hair has been more than thinning and now my eye lashes are falling out.
    Thank you for your comments?

    1. You have not had surgery recently have you? I lost a lot of hair when I had my gall bladder out a few months ago. Surgery and anesthesia can cause that as well.

  59. Has anyone experienced hair loss from being gluten sensitive? First time on this website and have a lot to learn. Recently had blood work done. Was told my gluten levels were extremely high. Was told avg. level is around eleven, mine was 118. My hair has been more than thinning and now my eye lashes are falling out.
    Thank you for your comments?

    1. You have not had surgery recently have you? I lost a lot of hair when I had my gall bladder out a few months ago. Surgery and anesthesia can cause that as well.

  60. Gail~have you had your thyroid checked lately, and not just your TSH…the complete panel? Sounds like it could be both. Being gluten sensitive can build a very thick mucous wall on your intestines and nutrition can’t get through… You can’t assimilate your food, and can become very nutritionally deficient.
    You are definitely in the right place, and it sounds like you need more information.
    Happy learning…Dr. O is the ONLY one who knows “the rest of the story.”

  61. Gail~have you had your thyroid checked lately, and not just your TSH…the complete panel? Sounds like it could be both. Being gluten sensitive can build a very thick mucous wall on your intestines and nutrition can’t get through… You can’t assimilate your food, and can become very nutritionally deficient.
    You are definitely in the right place, and it sounds like you need more information.
    Happy learning…Dr. O is the ONLY one who knows “the rest of the story.”

  62. Hi could anyone give me an indication whether Cyperus esculentus (also called chufa sedge, nut grass, yellow nutsedge, tiger nut sedge, or earth almond) is gluten-free? Thank you!

      1. Gail: After my eyelashes fell out, my eyebrows went, then all the rest of the hair on my body. That was six years ago and I haven’t seen it since. Apparently now I have a diagnosis of Alopecia Universalis – auto-immune of course. I’ve just started an anti-inflammation diet but I wish I’d done it years ago. Don’t wait!

  63. Hi could anyone give me an indication whether Cyperus esculentus (also called chufa sedge, nut grass, yellow nutsedge, tiger nut sedge, or earth almond) is gluten-free? Thank you!

      1. Gail: After my eyelashes fell out, my eyebrows went, then all the rest of the hair on my body. That was six years ago and I haven’t seen it since. Apparently now I have a diagnosis of Alopecia Universalis – auto-immune of course. I’ve just started an anti-inflammation diet but I wish I’d done it years ago. Don’t wait!

  64. Pingback: Anonymous
  65. Pingback: Anonymous
  66. Very interesting article, Dr. Osborne! what do you think about legumes (lentils, beans, etc.)? Are they allowed in a true gluten free diet? Thank you in advance!

  67. Very interesting article, Dr. Osborne! what do you think about legumes (lentils, beans, etc.)? Are they allowed in a true gluten free diet? Thank you in advance!

  68. Is there anything that is safe to eat that would add spiciness to food. It seems that everything that I have been using either contains corn or tomatoes. Thank you!

  69. Is there anything that is safe to eat that would add spiciness to food. It seems that everything that I have been using either contains corn or tomatoes. Thank you!

  70. I’m avoiding lectins altogether, using Dr. Gundry’s Plant Pardox as my guide. There was summer mind blowing info in the book, on audio book it was disc 2.

  71. I’m avoiding lectins altogether, using Dr. Gundry’s Plant Pardox as my guide. There was summer mind blowing info in the book, on audio book it was disc 2.

  72. If I am non-celiac, and give up wheat, will I have bad episodes if I eat a little wheat either by mistake or otherwise now and then?

  73. If I am non-celiac, and give up wheat, will I have bad episodes if I eat a little wheat either by mistake or otherwise now and then?

  74. Does anyone know if Kal Nutritional Yeast is okay on Dr. O’s diet? The label states that it is grown on molasses and made without wheat, corn, milk, dairy, soy, gluten, artificial colors, starch or preservatives. I’m vegan and it’s a good source of amino acids and B vitamins for me. Please help. Thanks!

  75. Does anyone know if Kal Nutritional Yeast is okay on Dr. O’s diet? The label states that it is grown on molasses and made without wheat, corn, milk, dairy, soy, gluten, artificial colors, starch or preservatives. I’m vegan and it’s a good source of amino acids and B vitamins for me. Please help. Thanks!

  76. Does Wheatgerm Oil contain Gluten?
    It’s one of the ingredients in a creme I got prescribed for my nose internally. The pharmacist says no. I’m very sceptic. It will be applied on the mucosa and breathed in.
    Does anyone know?

  77. Does Wheatgerm Oil contain Gluten?
    It’s one of the ingredients in a creme I got prescribed for my nose internally. The pharmacist says no. I’m very sceptic. It will be applied on the mucosa and breathed in.
    Does anyone know?

  78. I’ve started my gluten free diet for a week now and cut out all foods that have the possibility of containing gluten (I’m an all or nothing kind of girl).
    I eat only organic wholefoods that can be grown or were given birth to so nothing packaged I bulk cook twice a week and have substituted a little snack in the afternoon with cashew nuts.
    I am however feeling more bloated than I was before the diet with lots of gas, is it normal to regress before you see positive changes?
    Before the diet change I was overloading in gluten with rice, wheat, processed food and fast food.


    1. I’m not a doctor but I’ve come to understand that our guts are full of different little guys to help us digest different kinds of foods. If you’ve drastically changed your diet then you are going to have to take awhile for the right communities to populate your guts for digestion of the new foods. If you can find a gf digestive enzyme that should help. If the gas continues after several weeks then you might have a sensitivity issue to some of the foods you have started eating. I know I had to cut my cauliflower consumption in half and don’t have a problem with it anymore. You could also start slower, and introduce some of these newer foods a bit over time to allow your body to adjust, or not, but then you’d know exactly which ones are causing the problem.

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