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Is Coffee Gluten Free?

The Connection between Coffee and Gluten Sensitivity

Is coffee gluten free? Before you jump into a panic attack about having your coffee taken away, please read the entire article and watch the video below. I am not condemning coffee, I am simply sharing with you recent research combined with many years of clinical experience dealing with clients who fail to respond to a traditional gluten-free diet. If you’ve been eating gluten-free and are still experiencing gluten-related symptoms, the problem may be your coffee intake. That being said, let’s dive in to discover why…

There are several supposed gluten-free foods and drinks that cause what’s called a gluten cross-reactivity in those who are sensitive to or intolerant of gluten. This is because the proteins in these foods are perceived by the body as invaders in the same way gluten is.

Dairy is the most common cross-reactive food to those with gluten issues, because of its casein proteins. But coffee also contains problematic proteins and the cross-reaction to coffee has actually been found to be one of the most severe.

Is Coffee Safe on a Gluten Free Diet or Does It Mimic Gluten?

In 2013, Aristo Vojdani and Igal Tarash published a study in Food and Nutritional Sciences that examined the cross-reactivity of coffee. What the researchers found was that highly-processed coffees, such as instant coffee and popular ground coffees, produced the most cross-reactivity in test subjects. Gluten-free instant coffee is one of the most processed forms of coffee that you can drink.

What researchers believe is that the processing itself contributes to the problem, since organic, whole-bean coffees did not produce cross-reactivity issues. While more research is needed, it’s thought that the proteins in coffee are changed in such a way during processing that the body perceives them as a threat, which causes the same inflammatory responses and symptoms as gluten in those that are sensitive or allergic to it. We see this same type of problem with dairy. The processing of the dairy changes the dairy protein and creates a gluten like reaction.

One of the troubling aspects of the cross-reactivity of coffee is that some of the most common symptoms, such as migraines, mental fogginess, and fatigue, will actually cause people to reach for yet another cup, which leads to a frustrating and damaging cycle. Add to this the fact that most people also add some form of dairy to their coffee, and you now have two potential ways they could be having cross-reactive gluten like inflammatory damage. On top of that, other research is linking coffee as a cause of autoimmune diseases including hypothyroidism, Type I Diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Coffee and Mycotoxin Contaminationgluten free instant coffee

Another potential problem with coffee is the presence of mycotoxins (also found in corn). Coffee beans are known to be high in a toxic mold compound known as ochratoxin A. Many people tolerate this exposure just fine, but some chronically ill patients (especially those with chronic gluten-induced autoimmunity) can have severe reactions to these mycotoxin compounds. Roasting and processing the coffee beans can reduce the quantity of these toxins, but the results vary based on the type of bean and the type of processing.

It can be hard for people to pinpoint the problem because coffee is a gluten-free food. People suffering from symptoms are eating a TRUE gluten-free diet and examining every inch of their lives for hidden gluten in an attempt to explain why they’re still suffering from symptoms. Unfortunately in most cases, they’re coming up empty. Even many doctors fail to connect cross-reactive foods like coffee when their gluten-sensitive patients come in for help.

Coffee and Pesticides

Coffee crops are one of the most heavily loaded with pesticides. Keep in mind that some of these chemicals can cause intestinal damage, leaky gut, and disrupt hormones (especially estrogen). Think about this before you pick up your next cup on non-organic coffee – 1 cup per day is equivalent to 20 pounds of pesticide exposure per year.

Coffee and Additives

Additives to coffee, such as creamers and other sweeteners can be laced with traces of gluten. Before you add a splash of store-bought creamer to your morning cup of coffee, make sure to review the ingredient list and do some additional research. This can prevent you from feeling unwell and help you feel more in control of what you put into your body.

Coffee and Caffeine

The caffeine content is coffee ranges from 100-200 mg per 6 oz serving. This changes based on the method of preparation, i.e. espresso has greater caffeine content than does a standard cup of brewed coffee. What is important to understand here is that caffeine is a common gastric irritant. It can contribute to mucosal degradation in the stomach and esophagus, and many who have gluten-induced GI damage also have problems with regular coffee consumption. Caffeine can also overstimulate the adrenal glands. This over-stimulation can be very detrimental for someone already suffering from adrenal burnout or adrenal insufficiency. In this scenario, coffee isn’t the cause of the disease process, but the caffeine in it can allow the symptoms to persist and inhibit the recovery process. Some people have to remove the caffeine for several months while their bodies are recovering. Are you wondering if your gluten-free k cups are really gluten-free now? Keep reading…

How to Know if Coffee is a Problem and What to Do About It

So to answer the question – Is coffee safe on a gluten-free diet – consider the following. If you know your diet is gluten-free and you’ve eliminated any hidden gluten such as vitamins whose coatings contain gluten, try going without coffee for a full week. Yes, this can be hard to do if you’re dependent on caffeine to get you through your day, but you can still have your caffeine, but for this trial week, you’ll need to get it from black or green tea. Try subbing hot tea in the morning and iced tea in the afternoons if you usually have an afternoon coffee.

Once the antigen load in your body has been significantly reduced (after a week without coffee), try having just one cup in the morning, but make it an organic, whole-bean coffee. If your symptoms diminished or went away entirely after a few days without coffee and your one cup of whole-bean coffee doesn’t produce any symptoms, then it’s safe to say that you can go back to your normal coffee intake, but stay away from instant and ground coffees. Using organic, whole-bean is definitely the better choice.

You don’t have to give up all your favorites just because you are gluten intolerant. There are great and healthier alternatives!

The upside of this is that freshly-ground coffee is usually superior in taste and aroma, and there are plenty of interesting and exotic organic beans for you to discover. So, you can eliminate your symptoms and still enjoy a great cup of coffee. I recommend Purity Organic Coffee, as they have a high quality and uncompromising standard.

Do you have bad experiences with coffee? Don’t be a stranger and chime in below in the comments section. Let us know if you think if tea and coffee are gluten-free? We would love for you to chime in. Your experience may help someone else improve their health.

Wishing you excellent health,

Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior

65 Responses

  1. I am gluten, dairy and coffee sensitive. After giving up these three I do not have any issues. I replaced my coffee habit with a Chai Tea habit. I never thought I could give up coffee but to feel better, well worth it.

    1. Im gluten intolerant and drank coffee a few days mug and my headache and other symptoms were worse than being heartrate was 120 for about 10minutes.

      1. I haven’t yet been diagnosed but all things point to coeliac disease. I’ve kept a food diary for three months, thought it was just a diary and wheat intolerance at first. It’s sites like this that have kept me going, and sane! Keep posting please it’s very informative for people like me desperately seeking some answers.

      2. This use to happen to me, but since I starthaving organic coffee beans it didn’t happen anymore and I also have it after lunch coz in the early morning I’m afraid I get migraine or brain fog… but ya the bad coffee use to give the similar sensation of being glutinated but more severe.

    2. Hi
      I have had many blood tests for celiac disease,
      they have all been negative.
      Just a few weeks ago I found a connection, between bone decease and gluten. So I thought
      lets try eating gluten free bread and other foods
      It was truly amazing. After years of having IBS
      my symptoms got better, so I was never helped by any Doctor, I joined the dots. Reading Dr P Osbourne that is all I need to know. He gives so much help, I an still learning but much Better
      health. So I an Gluten Intolerant.
      Thanks Dr Osbourne.

    1. I have been gluten free for about 7 years, then dairy free a year ago. I feel better but still having days that I missed something. I have been drinking decaf instant coffee because of my heart rate and I had V tach 3 years ago. I am wondering if that instant coffee might be my problem?

  2. My whole life is completely gluten free down to even my bath products – it has to be to keep me healthy and feeling good. But something will randomly trigger my gluten migraines and other symptoms. I could not figure it out and I thought I was going crazy or just being paranoid about being glutened when I kept coming back to coffee as the trigger. But after reading this article and a few others, all with the same information and advice, it all makes sense! Now I know what I need to do. And I know I was not going crazy. LOL

    1. Hi Dana, you mention gluten migraines and I have been noticing a trend for some time and wondering if I’m suffering from them? My stomach feels upset, I get what seems to be a tension headache and feel nauseous. Possibly the nausea if from the pain because it’s not like I’m gagging. These headaches and stomach feelings are quite particular. I’ve had a headache without and a dodgy stomach without, but the headache and stomach together seem to be ‘a thing’. Is this a gluten migraine, do you think?

  3. Thank you Dr. Osborne. My daughter gave up coffee, and she is doing so much better. I’m going to try giving it up as well. I’m now on a Paleo Diet, but I have trouble if I eat any grains that are gluten free. I get bad stomach pains. The caffeine in coffee could be the culprit, as well.

    1. Could part of the problem with coffee be corn, which is sometimes added to prevent clumping (especially to instant coffee)?Sometimes corn oil is used during roasting, and some pesticides are made from corn. My question is: does Turkish coffee contain corn?

      1. Yes. Coffee can sometimes contain corn or corn based ingredients. Each brand is different, and you should contact the manufacturer to determine this.
        All the best,
        Dr. O

  4. I have recently gone back to eliminating all grains, dairy, and caffeine because that is how I had the most improvement and felt the best in the past. I have tried organic whole-bean coffee and also caffeine capsules (without the capsules, just the powder), and it seems to definitely cause problems for me, both emotional and physical. I initially did all these changes because of an article by Dr. Mercola several years ago that five non-gluten foods actually act like gluten in the body: dairy, corn, chocolate, coffee, and soy. I had great results and then bad times when I went off this diet several times. I really think this is worth a try if someone is just not getting great relief from eliminating gluten things alone. The challenge is to remember how bad you felt because these all seem to provoke an addictive process, which can make it difficult to given them up, and then to stay away from them. I do wonder if the mycotoxin issue is the real culprit with even organic coffee, but I’ve had the same problem with the caffeine capsules.

    1. Carelyn,
      Regarding chocolate, have you tried raw chocolate not processed on machines which process dairy? I have found that even 90% chocolate bar which does not specifically state DF, GF will trigger me even if there is no dairy on the ingredient list. On the other hand I buy 100% raw chocolate and make little cocoa balls with coconut oil, a 100% juice, maple syrup or other sweetener and have no problems at all.

      1. I am also working on going gluten free and dark chocolate is my weakness. I will look for the raw chocolate from now on and see how this works for me.
        I suffer from psoriasis and would love to get my body inflammation free. Thank you so much for giving an alternative way to still enjoy my love of dark chocolate!🤗💕

    2. Thank you Carelyn for that information from Dr. Mercola. I have had problems with some coffees but not others, and noted the organic coffees are better. However, I had a chocolate bar yesterday (74%) and really noticed the same symptoms as the coffee with frequent trips “down the hall”. Also used a corn oil based marinade with stomach upset. I really appreciate all the blogging here to educate me. Eliminating gluten from my diet has cleared up a lifelong history of sinus issues(have had SIX sinus surgeries over last 35 years)….now it appears I need to take this to the next level.

      I’m reading about the fact that all grains have gluten not just barley wheat and rye and that one may be reactive to many of those. Any information would be appreciated.

      1. Yes indeed. Gluten is in all grains but each grain has its own specific gluten. Eg Wheats gluten is called gliadin, oats is called avenin.

    3. I have been drinking decaf dried coffee with unsweetened almond milk. I was diagnosed coeliac about 10 years ago. I have also been told, that my villi has repaired itself.
      However I have always had problems with my stomach.
      I was diagnosed with diverticular, I’m now wondering if it could be coffee as well. I only drink water or unsweetened almond milk otherwise. Thanks for the information

  5. Thank you so much, Dr. Osborne! My entire family, including my husband and grandchildren, are double-gene gluten intolerant. We learned this, BEFORE I knew of you and your website, through Entero-lab cheek swab and stool test results. A most important point we learned in our family with the myriad illnesses we WERE experiencing (including a son-in-law who is now FREE from stage two lymphoma) is that every body is different. Therefore, every autoimmune reaction differs. We are grateful that we discovered our gluten-intolerance in time before any of us advanced to diseases, such as diabetes, MS, RA, Parkinsons, additional Cancers, etc. Your invaluable and up-to-date information to which we adhere has been a primary factor in our healing. Know that I have researched your information comparatively with recent studies from Spain and Italy. So, I know for a fact that your information is accurate. Because we strive to be gluten-free in every way, we ask that you please continue with this passion of yours because we depend upon your information. Thanks again! Patrice Belleci-Shipe

    1. I’ve just started my research journey into gluten sensitivity. I suspect I have inherited genes for it from my mother & father’s side. My mother’s grandfather had serious IBS. My grandmother died of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. My grandfather developed Parkinson’s – apparently it has run in his family. My father developed early onset Parkinson’s that has seriously affected his life & health. My Aunt (my father’s sister) has non- Hodgkin’s lymphoma. My son has mild autism & my daughtef has food allergies & had eczema & asthma. I have always had a range of vague health issues and I think gluten is probably the answer I’ve been looking for. I feel alone though as no one else is interested in seeking an answer they just want to carry on dealing with symptoms individually one by one and generally put anything down to ‘bad luck’. Its hard dealing with the health issues, and trying to understand & fix them by myself. At least my husband is supportive. This site has been really invaluable in this journey. I also hope I am not too late to avoid more serious disease for myself & my children.

  6. Yes, I discovered I had a huge problem with coffee after being diagnosed celiac. Just a few sips of my husband’s coffee gave me effects similar to gluten poisoning within a half hour. Never did that again, because I suffered for weeks afterwards. I also cross-react to dairy and large amounts of soy (small amounts seem ok).

  7. I am new to this gluten free diet. I am so thankful to find this site. I have so many questions and little answers about gluten. I never had stomach problems up until about four months ago after having radiation treatments for breast cancer. Would love to find some gluten free recipes that my grandchildren my want to eat. That would be great. Thank-you

    1. Thanks Linda! Dr. Osborne is passionate about educating and helping people heal through a true gluten free diet. has years of his work available for that purpose and there will be a full recipe plan in place in the near future. Stay posted and sign up for his newsletters if you haven’t already. Be well!

  8. I have been very sick for over 30 years and after reading this I will give up coffee too not just because of the gluten content but also because of the mycotoxins and mold. I am also intolerant to any oils – canola, palm soy, cottonseed, and olive. I get very sick from salicylates and all fruits and all vegetables and dairy and eggs and chicken and meat. I can’t have any fodmaps. I’m intensely allergic to rice and I can’t eat potatoes because of the mold spores. There is nothing left for me to eat. Can anyone please help me I am wasting away. I used to be normal and never had to think twice about anything I ate.

    1. Sky,
      Please consider a clean protein powder such as Dr. Osborne’s Ultra Protein or Ultra Pure Protein. Intermittent small meals of healthy shakesare very often a boost nutritionally and with regards to weight. Combining healthy ingredients to make new recipes keeps it interesting!

      1. Baking soda shouldn’t be ingested as it neutralises the stomach acid. This acid is essential to the process of nutrient absorption. The stomach is the one place that must be acidic.

    2. I realize this is late but if you are still suffering start by eating bananas and grass-fed beef and lamb for a while; nothing else. Make sure you are taking vitamin c to deal with possible histamine in the bananas. Take powdered glycine in water as well as baking soda in water to counteract any salicylates. Educate yourself on how to heal a leaky gut. Read Neil Nathan and Thomas Levy. Nathan especially will help you a lot. Eat ZERO starches and ZERO sugar in any form except for powdered glucose. This is an important learning from the SCD diet. Good luck you – I used to be in your shoes.

    3. Sounds tough. Katy’s suggestion to try probiotics is excellent advise. But be sure to get live bacteria and keep refrigerated. Never take within 20 mins of hot food or drink and DYOR on prebiotics. Healthy gut bacteria needs feeding with soluble fibre so that they may proliferate.
      I also recommend something like Slippery Elm Root to coat the stomach and GI tract with mucus. It’ll help to heal lubricate and protect.

  9. I am gluten-sensitive, and gut inflammation led to the beginnings of thyroid disease–it wasn’t even being detected through labs yet, but it was there. Reverse T3 was the indicator of gut inflammation, even though I’d been gluten-free for years (but not grain-free) and even coffee-free for years. Coffee would give me the shakes, so I quit in 2003. Two years ago I learned about mycotoxins in coffee–I started slowly with Bulletproof decaf, did comparison tests between decaf, full caf, and organic coffee from my local shop. No jitters with the Bulletproof, plenty of jitters from the organic local blend. Organic is great, but it is still often contaminated with mycotoxins. Every body is different. We all have to be detectives and Dr. Osborne’s passion for providing us with cutting-edge information is a true gift. Chocolate, vanilla and even standard coconut oil for cooking is rife with mold/mycotoxins and I do better on mold-free products. Frankly, I do better on an anti-inflammatory regime of no grains, sugars, soy, egg whites, nightshades and dairy (except ghee and colostrum powder!) Thank you, Dr. Osborne, I just LOVE learning the science behind the choices we need to make. Even if all my friends are sick of hearing about it.

  10. Thanks for this article. Recently determined my own gluten sensitivity and have (mostly) eliminated all gluten items and feel a lot better but something still isn’t right. So, I will start a week coffee free tomorrow and see if that helps! Thanks again for this info!

  11. Thanks guys for all the info! I lost 70% of gut lining so now have problems with: Gluten/Dairy/Nightshades/Egg Whites/Yeast/too much Sugar – I also have High Histamine, which is fun!!! I personally have tried most things in the Diet like everyone, but went down the Immune Strengthener route. I now grow Kefir, which is 30x stronger than normal Yoghurts. I could only have 1/2 tsp. to start, now I have 8xtbsps in Goats Milk. This has helped a lot for me, although I still get a few problems from other things. I would recommend attempting to strengthen the Immune System. Look up Kefir and things like the Nutribulet info and see if it would help you.

    M xxx

  12. Your interview with Mark Sisson led me to your book, which I am reading now.
    The information above is what I believe I’ve been searching for! I’m in my 60s and have known since I was in high school that my body stays leaner, has less bloating, with no mental fog when I don’t eat refined carbs – especially wheat and corn and sugar. Now, being older and having little cartilage left in my knees exacerbates my problem. When I eat refined carbs, my joints (not just the knees) get very stiff and sore. I notice when I stay away, my body feels half my age! In the past few years, I have noticed I get the same effect when drinking coffee. I thought that it might be because coffee is dehydrating me and my joints are being affected from that. However, my gut tells me there is another component and perhaps this is it – the cross-reactivity. I have now been off of coffee for three weeks and feel pretty good (and even better when I am not munching on leftover Easter candy)… I will try some organic tomorrow – without dairy – and see what happens. Thanks for sharing this interesting and relevant data.

  13. I’ve been gluten free for about a month. In the last 2 weeks, I’ve not been able to nap. Im jolting, twitching and jerking – shoulders, legs, feet, fingers. I drink one half – caf in the morning. I’m wondering if that’s it! Any ever heard of that? Wondering if my absorption is different now?

  14. I kept getting gluten reactions every time I eat corn or regular cooked rice found out they also mimic the gluten protein. Not everyone reacts to them but of course I do. I can eat rice flour just not whole rice. Found out I was celiac a year ago rough at first but you get use to it only occasionally I look at something with gluten and woul d like to eat it

    1. I too have the exact same reactions, if I eat rice especially if wholemeal the same with coffee milk and dairy products potatoes and chicken all these cause me very strong migraine dizziness and brain fog, consider that I have been doing this fight for 1 year before then I have not I had no symptoms of any kind, everything happened after the two doses of the vaccine and the covid I had in January 2022, from then on I was sick and I discovered that gluten is the first cause by associating cross-reactions with other foods such as coffee, milk, rice, potatoes, chocolate, chicken I understood that I have a cerebral autoimmunity where the antibodies after the ingestion of these foods mistakenly attack the brain because they exchange brain cells such as gluten proteins or have looked for solutions and cures for these symptoms but without get results i hope someone one day can fix this nasty disease

  15. I found that the milk I was using in my coffee was causing discomfort. I drank a lot of coffee everyday and finally noticed that I was using less milk per cup as the day went on and had been for years. I just never paid attention to it. I switched to Lactaid Milk for coffee and Lactose free ice cream and butter for cooking and no other lactose (including M&M’s).
    Our family physician suggested it for me when I was ten in 1960 for hyperactivity. Now coffee only bothers me if I forget to eat (anorexia)and just drink coffee and smoke cigarettes instead of eating. Going wheat free is the best thing I have ever done.

  16. Yep…that explains it..on the weekends I have a gluten free breakfast…with coffee…and bam! the gluten attack feeling…I could never figure it out…why only on the weekend….I thought it was eggs, the cheese…and then I researched and found out about the coffee! I bought organic coffee and there was no difference…it gives me a huge gluten headache and causes intense fatigue…totally ruins my weekend…I may try grinding my own beans or just drinking tea….

  17. Regarding chocolate – stay away from all chocolate containing soy lecithin. I have found a wonderful Italian chocolate called la Perugia which uses sunflower lecithin instead of soy lecithin – I haven’t had any reaction to this chocolate.

  18. Just found this very informative website as I suspect gluten is the culprit in my own life! Feel so ill sometimes everything from severe stomach upsets to almost fainting! Family suspect hypochondria!!! Am now much better informed and instigating immediate dietary change… Thankyou..

  19. I think I have a intolerance to gluten. I have changed my diet and have noticed the stomach pain has gone away. I am still struggling with body aches and fatigue nearly everyday. I eat alot of fruit, and drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee with creamer each day. Could this be my problem? I need some direction.


    2. Dana, depending on what you mean by creamer, that may be the problem. I hope it’s not the Coffee Mate powdered creamer. I used that for years before realizing how harmful corn syrup is (its #1 ingredient), and when I began avoiding dairy I went to a vanilla-flavored almond creamer–then realized I had a problem with its sugar, pea protein, gums, etc.
      So now I use a vanilla protein powder instead (Dr. O’s) and it’s delicious!! (I include collagen too.) I also switched to Purity Coffee a couple years ago and LOVE it! I’m grateful to be able to enjoy my coffee and know it’s healthy for me.

  20. I’m so glad I found this article, I was diagnosed gluten intolerant about 7 yrs ago and recently started trying to drink coffee again (I thought the caffeine was causing me other issues, so I cut out caffeine completely in my diet). I got coffee beans from a local store and ground them myself to ensure there were no other contaminants (I have to avoid soy & dairy as well). I found myself tired and feeling a glutened/dizzy almost everyday after I had had my morning coffee so started to suspect it was the coffee. I googled ‘is coffee gluten free’ and found this article. What a lifesaver!!! One thing I discovered though was to make sure you get Organic Coffee that is in a bag at the store and not ground or in a bin of any sort (like Third Coast). After my first go around with trying Organic I realized the store probably didn’t clean their coffee bins and the oils, etc from regular coffee plus the flavorings was still causing me issues. I got a bag of Third Coast Organic Coffee this past weekend and no problem, no tired feeling AT ALL and no glutened symptoms. THANK YOU!!!!!!

  21. I am a Coeliac, with Dermatitis Herpetiformis, and on Dapsone, and I was still getting flare ups even though I was 100% gluten free! I did a trial of what I was eating, and discovered I was eating potato chips with iodised salt, and this was causing the rash! I had been using iodised salt at home too! Since eliminating all products with iodised salt including gf bread, the Dermatitis Herpetiformis has stopped!!
    Don’t cheat eating even a small amount of gluten, or you may end up with Dermatitis herpetiformis, this is a nightmare!

  22. Self diagnosed gluten,celiac,dairy intolerant, experience anxiety turning into panic attacks, GP not clued up , had endocrinologist test on adrenal function and cortisol, awaiting results,seems everyone finds a clue to their gluten answers relatively late in life when probably there all the time, Dr Osborne insight is proving invaluable to me but you have to be aware that you are educating people around you including ‘unaware’ professionals, starting to loose the foggy ness on good days and pins and needles in joints seem less, all from going non dairy,wheat,gluten,tea, coffee, hope my comments touch and help other people, I know it’s tough

  23. What an excellent article! Thanks so much for explaining the reactions of other grains & coffee.

    Instinctively I’ve felt there were still issues with amaranth, corn, rice & buckwheat.

    Here’s to feeling great!

  24. I’ve been gluten free for a few years now and perhaps got a little lazy as thought I was all clued up. the thing is I still get inflammation, pain in my intestines and lots of fatigue, skin rashes, going to the toilet can be either one or the other. Thanks for the added info, I will now look to cut out the 5 non-gluten foods that act like gluten in the body and see if the pains and inflammation go away. I’d be very interested to learn what gluten is called in beauty products and vitamins/supplements/medicines so I can start eliminating here too if anyone can point me in the right direction please?? I have felt so disheartened recently as I have worked hard with a nutritionist for over a year after suffering so much pain and fatigue I couldn’t get to work, then I had a crazy flare up of inflammation which caused bleeding out the bum – I was in bed for 2 full weeks and lost so much weight, according to my blood work I only had an inflammation marker and nothing else, for ages I have suspected Crohns or Colitis but now I think I need to re-look at gluten more carefully. Thank you for info it is so helpful

  25. Great web-site

    Coeliac Disease is only truly diagnosed by Endoscopy, and examination of the biopsy taken, however. Gene testing is also helpful.
    Second-guessing, removing food groups, without proper diagnosis-is unwise.

  26. Can a gluten-sensitive/coeliac patient who develops coffee sensitivities be cured of this and be able to drink coffee again ever? I miss it so much. Of course, it is not worth the irritability, migraine, brain fog and other neurological symptoms, but I do wonder for the future!

  27. I stop drinking coffee a long time ago. It was to hard on my adrenals and gave me acid reflux. I feel much better now without it, no more acid reflux. I do miss the smell but I don’t miss the acid reflux!

  28. I am gluten, dairy and soy free. Well i thought gluten free but wondering now about quinoa, rice etc….. Coffee also causes problems and trying to cut down/ out but nothing helps perk me up…..
    Also can’t eat nightshades and a number of other fruits or veg. Would love to get to the bottom of it……

  29. I cannot thank enough for this article which gave clarification to my confusing food sensitive problems. Though I am feel ok with home made wheat flour foods, i can’t tolerate refined wheat flour and factory processed whole wheat flour. I cannot tolerate coffee, tea, Chicken, mutton, dhals and many fruits. This article on cross-reaction helps me understanding the coffee related sensitivity. I would like to know why I am sensitive to many foods that I listed above.

  30. Even though I was 99% gluten free I was still experiencing headaches and diarrhea nearly daily. Then one day I got up and just did not feel like coffee. So….weirdly enough I simply quit drinking it. And I’ve been SO much better since! Functioning like a human being again. And wondering if gluten was ever really my problem. I have eaten it a few times in the past few weeks without any issues. This week I am going to eat, over a few days, a lovely loaf of Italian bread and see what happens. What if it was the coffee all this time? Oy. 😉 Also…going coffee free has all but eliminated my daily struggles with GERD.

  31. I don’t have any issues with gluten. My problem is curiosity, so I go around medical circles and learn from doctors and patients as well. I just want to say that Dr Osborne is the best teacher I’ve come across. One could get a better degree from him than from those corrupt medical schools. Thank you Dr Osborne and all of you who share your experiences.

  32. I thought I had developed an intolerance to gluten but now I`m not so sure. I read about the common food bacteria “Bacillus cereus” and how it can develop in food stored for a few days. It causes the same symptoms as gluten intolerance. I also read how acetic acid can kill it. I now include a dessert spoon of vinegar to a 1 liter container of food that I store in the fridge and I have not had a digestive issue since. I also have an open jar with some vinegar in it sitting in the door of the fridge, just to purify the air in the fridge a little.

  33. The coffee I use is ORGANIC (German certified) INSTANT freeze-dried Caffeinated and CO2 decaf coffee beans from high altitude ( less possibility of mold), called Mount Hagen. I didn’t read any discussion on freeze dried killing mold nor on CO2 decaf. This coffee beats the taste of Purity Coffees hands down and since I’m constantly traveling is very mess free. Also no mention was made concerning acid level of coffee. I don’t usually have BO but by my second cup of coffee the little bacteria families in my left armpit are delighted and start propagating. I drink a cup of water with baking soda to turn them off.
    Any comments on the above 3 subjects by the doc to round out this topic?

  34. For about 6 months I got hooked on drinking chocolate coffee. Loved it!! To make a long story very short, I ended up at the Mayo Clinic because my feet weren’t working. I walked like Frankenstein and I had a weird feeling that was traveling up my legs. Getting worse day by day. They told me to stop drinking flavored coffee since it was nothing more than stale coffee that was soaked in alcohol with added flavorings. (Gluten) I stopped, my feet went back to normal. I have other gluten issues now which I’m on a GF diet. This article is very interesting. I’m going to stop for a week and see if things change. Insecticides?! Interesting. Let’s give this a go.

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