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Is Protein Deficiency Common with Celiac Disease?

Protein Deficiency: Why It’s Common in Those With Celiac Disease & Gluten Sensitivity (and what to do about it) Protein is a hot topic when it comes to food. It often gets associated with high level athletes or praised by those looking to lose weight. On the other end of the spectrum, it often gets […]

Is Your Water Causing You Health Problems?

The Importance of Water Drink more water! We hear this advice from all types of health advocates. It’s hard to argue that we should drink more water, but why? And what if your water is causing you health problems? Water makes up 60-75% of human body weight. A loss of just 4% of total body […]

Pellagra, Gluten, & Vitamin B3 Deficiency

Does Gluten Cause Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Deficiency? Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, was first isolated and identified as a treatment for a condition known as pellagra, which primarily causes inflammation of the skin (dermatitis), diarrhea, and dementia. Often times referred to as the three D’s of pellagra, if left untreated, niacin deficiency can lead […]

Gluten and Autism

Can a Gluten Free Diet Help With Autism? Many wonder…Does gluten affect autism? Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD or autism) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized primarily by deficits in social communication and interaction and by restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior. As the name implies, its range of symptoms exist on a spectrum and vary widely […]

Eyesight Problems? Gluten might be a factor.

Can Gluten Cause Eye Problems? Before discussing whether or not gluten can cause eye problems, let’s address some important background information. Celiac disease is often thought of as a disease that only affects the small intestine, creating symptoms like diarrhea, intestinal pain, cramping, weight loss, and malabsorption. While that is true, approximately half of all […]

Can Gluten Cause Anemia?

Can Gluten Cause Anemia? Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies found in undiagnosed or newly diagnosed celiac disease patients. This might raise some questions about the relationship between the two conditions. Can gluten cause iron deficiency anemia? And can a gluten-free diet cure anemia? These questions and more will be […]

What Causes Fibromyalgia? Researchers Suggest Gluten

gluten and fibromyalgia

What Causes Fibromyalgia? More Studies Point To Gluten If you’ve been following my research for any length of time, you know that I am passionate about sharing research that shares links between celiac disease or gluten consumption and a wide range of health conditions. Many don’t realize that gluten and celiac disease can be associated […]

Impact of Antibiotics on the Gut

Antibiotics and the increased risk of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease Antibiotics can be a controversial topic. While they can help tremendously for some specific infections in the body, they can also wreak havoc in the gut and beyond when overused or misused. But how far can their damage go? Can they really increase the […]

Manganese – A Mineral You Should Not Ignore

You may not hear much about manganese when it comes to your diet and health. But it’s a mineral you should not ignore. Like most vitamins and minerals, you can’t live without it. So let’s explore the many roles of MN. And discuss how gluten can cause a deficiency as well as the best MN-rich […]

Vitamin B2 – Nutrients Deficiencies & Gluten

gluten and vitamin b2 deficiency

Can Gluten Cause Vitamin B2 Deficiency? Can gluten cause vitamin B2 deficiency? Should those with a celiac diagnosis be concerned with supplementing vitamin B2 in their diet? The simple answer is yes, but before we dive into the connection between gluten sensitivity and vitamin B2 deficiency, let’s take a look at why B2 is such […]

Folate Deficiency & Gluten – What’s The Connection?

Folate Deficiency & Gluten Sensitivity What’s The Connection? Can gluten cause a folate deficiency? Are those with celiac disease at greater risk for health issues caused by folate deficiency? The simple answer is yes, but before we dive into the topic, let’s discuss why folate (AKA – vitamin B9) is so important. Folate is part […]

Potassium Deficiency – Is Gluten to Blame?

Potassium Deficiency – Is Gluten to Blame? Does gluten cause potassium deficiency? Should those with a celiac diagnosis or gluten sensitivity be concerned with supplementing potassium in their diet? The simple answer is yes, but before we dive into the connection between gluten sensitivity and potassium deficiency, let’s take a look at why this electrolyte […]

Can Gluten Cause Chromium Deficiency?

Chromium is a mineral and its claim to fame comes from the role it plays in regulating blood sugar. So let’s first walk through how it performs this job and discuss other roles it plays. Then we’ll talk about how gluten causes chromium deficiency and the best foods to eat to maintain healthy levels. Key […]

Is Santa Claus Gluten Sensitive?

gluten free christmas

Is Santa’s Health in Jeopardy? I am frankly a little worried. Santa Claus shows many of the signs and symptoms of gluten sensitivity. That means his health may be at risk. Aside from the fact that he lives at the North Pole with very little sunshine (he is most likely vitamin D deficient). Gluten is […]

Vitamin B6 & Depression – Linked to Gluten?

Depression, Gluten Sensitivity, and Vitamin B6 Deficiency One of the key roles of vitamins in your body is to help enzymes perform their job, which is to initiate biological reactions vital to life. And vitamin B6 (a.k.a. pyridoxine) is no exception. In fact, vitamin B6 assists a variety of enzymes involved in well over 100 […]

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