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Choline Deficiency Symptoms & Gluten

Choline and Gluten Gluten sensitivity is a common cause of malabsorption and nutritional deficiency.  Choline is no exception to this rule.  While choline has existed just as long as any other nutrient, it has only recently started to get some well deserved attention. Choline was only recognized as an essential nutrient by the Food and […]

A Guide for Gluten Free Cereal

Gluten Free Cereal Cereal is a breakfast staple, but if you are living a gluten free lifestyle, cereal might be quite literally off the table! There are quite a few gluten free cereals available, but the vast majority are not recommended or for a number of reasons: They taste terrible. They have unhealthy ingredients you […]

Does Gluten Cause Fat Malabsorption?

Mainstream nutritionists have touted the evils of fat for years. This misinformation campaign has led to the demonization of fat and the popularization of low fat processed foods and low fat diets.   Because of this fat phobia, the problem of fat malabsorption has been largely ignored.  Fat is one of the three major macronutrients that […]

Can Gluten Cause Giant Cell Arteritis?

Can Gluten Cause Giant Cell Arteritis? Before answering the question about gluten and Giant cell arteritis (GCA), let’s define what the disease is.  GCA is an autoimmune condition that causes severe inflammation in the lining of medium and large arteries throughout the body.  When the condition primarily affects the aortic, pulmonary, and renal arteries, it […]

Gluten Free Survival Food – Are You Prepared for an Emergency?

gluten free emergency

Do You Have a Gluten Free Survival Plan In Place? Are you prepared to stay gluten free during an emergency? Do you have your gluten free survival food stocked?  Do you have a contingency plan if the power goes out, if a snow storm or hurricane strikes, or if food shortages occur? The reality of […]

Histamine Intolerance and Gluten

What Is A Histamine Intolerance and How Does it Relate to Gluten? You have probably heard about a number of food intolerances – from gluten and dairy to fructose and FODMAPs. But there is a lesser known intolerance that is the topic of this post – histamine intolerance. It is estimated that 1% of the […]

Can Eating Gluten Cause Back Pain?

The Link Between Gluten & Back Pain (Research Review) Can eating gluten cause back pain?  Seems like an outrageous question on the surface, but the answer might surprise the skeptic mind.  Back pain is one of the most common medical conditions that people seek medical attention for.  In the US, low back pain will affect […]

Gluten Free Snacks

Gluten Free Snacks Who doesn’t love a good snack? I sure do (gluten free snacks of course!), but the quality of a snack is important. Try to not think of a snack as just something to eat when you’re bored or not in the mood for a meal.  Think of a snack as another opportunity […]

Diabetes and a Gluten Free Diet

Can Gluten Cause Diabetes? Research has definitely made several links between gluten and diabetes, but before we dive into the connection, let’s define diabetes.  Diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects how the body turns food into energy.  In simplified terms, carbohydrate-containing food that we eat gets broken down into sugar (or glucose) by […]

Gluten Free Beer

Gluten Free Beer Traditional beer is made from water, yeast, hops, and wheat, rye, or barley. Obviously, the inclusion of these gluten-containing grains mean that traditional beer contains gluten. As gluten-free diets are on the rise, the demand for a gluten-free option to traditional beer is high. Of course, manufacturers have been quick to respond […]

Is Spelt Gluten Free?

There’s been a rise in popularity of so-called “ancient grains” recently. The irony is that as the name suggests, grains like spelt, millet, and farro have been around a long time, but are only now getting renewed attention. The reason for their spotlight is that many claim that they are more nutritious than modern grains. […]

Is Maltodextrin Gluten Free?

Those of us who avoid gluten and are generally health conscious have become accustomed to reading food labels carefully for unwanted ingredients. In doing so, you may have come across one that has raised some questions – maltodextrin. So I wanted to address the relatively unknown ingredient, maltodextrin. What is it, is it gluten-free, and […]

9 Health Benefits of Fasting For Celiacs

Can Fasting Help with Celiac and Gluten Sensitivity? Intermittent fasting regimens have become increasingly popular in recent years. While many people seek weight loss benefits from fasting and find this approach easier to follow than traditional caloric restriction, the truth is, there are extensive benefits to fasting beyond weight loss. We’re taking a look at […]

Is your IBS a gluten sensitivity?

Can Gluten Cause Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)? Does a gluten free diet help with IBS? Can gluten cause IBS directly? Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a widely diagnosed, often misunderstood condition. With an array of symptoms that mimic a variety of other gastrointestinal disorders and a diagnosis that can easily mask other underlying conditions, many […]

Can Gluten Cause Thyroid Disease?

Can Gluten Cause Thyroid Disease? We know that thyroid disease is multifactorial, and has several different causes and triggers… but can gluten cause thyroid problems? Many people receive a hypo or hyperthyroid diagnosis as a result of having a blood test performed during a doctor visit. The typical standard of care is for the doctor […]

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