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Toxic Food Additives Are Common In Gluten Free Foods

Are These Toxic Food Additives Derailing Your Gluten Free Diet?   In this episode of the Gluten Free Warrior Podcast, I have Mira Dessy, The Ingredient Guru, on the show to discuss how hidden toxic food additives and ingredients can sabotage your gluten free diet . We discuss common gums and hidden sugar additives and […]

Using Ayurveda To Improve Digestion On a Gluten Free Diet

ayurveda and the gluten free diet

Using Ayurveda to Re-balance a Gluten Damaged Gut In this episode of the Dr. Osborne Podcast, we bring you Ayurveda expert, John Immel. John is the founder of Joyful Belly, an extensive educational Ayurvedic website and digestive care clinic. Drawing on years of research and clinical experience specializing in digestive disorders, John teaches Ayurvedic Practitioners, […]

Dr. Osborne on Thyroid Nation Podcast

Thyroid Nation - Gluten

Gluten, Environmental Poisons, and Thyroid Disease I recently sat down the ladies from Thyroid Nation to discuss the relationship between gluten and thyroid disease. The conversation was probably one of my best interviews to date. Dana and Tiffany were gracious hostesses, and the interview was more like a table side conversation. Whether you follow a […]

The Real Causes of Fibromyalgia with Dr. David Brady

Causes of Fibromyalgia Dr Osborne

What Are The Causes of Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia may create chronic pain, but the disease has it’s origins in the brain and central nervous system. Technically, it is not an inflammatory disease, it is a central processing disease. Many people diagnosed with fibromyalgia don’t actually have the disease. In essence they have symptoms that are similar, […]

Gluten Free & Greatness – One on One with Lewis Howes

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with entrepreneur, professional athlete, and author of The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes. We talked about a lot, but I think the biggest take away from this interview comes from the concept that anyone can be great, anyone can find passion, and anyone can live the life […]

FDA Sued Over Glutens in Medication

Is There Gluten In Medications? The Wall Street Journal recently reported a story about a New York resident filing a law suit against the FDA for not adequately regulating gluten in medications. Currently their is no confirmed or verified database on medications being dispensed and the possibility that they may contain gluten. Additionally, there is […]

Recipe Hacker – Gluten Free Chocolate Cookies

Best Gluten Free Cookie This recipe is one of my absolute favorites. These cookies remind me of the Keebler fudge stripe variety I had as a kid – only they’re better! My friend Diana Keuilian just published her Cookbook, The Recipe Hacker. These delicious gluten, grain, dairy, soy, free cookies are awesome. The recipe is […]

Glyphosate and Gluten Sensitivity Part 6

Dr. Osborne: We said at the very beginning of our conversation that the government considers glyphosate safe. Do you have any evidence or research, any animal or human studies, that show a part per million dose where we start really seeing problems and damage showing up? Dr. Seneff: Well, there’s the Serolini study. Are you […]

Gluten and Roundup (Glyphosate) Part 4

Dr. Osborne: The other one I see is iron deficiencies. Very common. The other big one I see is B vitamins across the board, which we know are synthesized largely by bacteria in the GI tract. Dr. Seneff: Right. Then molybdenum is involved in sulfite oxidation. People end up with sensitivity to sulfites because they […]

Glyphosate and Gluten – The Connection Continues (Part 5)

Dr. Osborne: I’ve seen it clinically and could probably write a few. I have actually seen a number of patients who were accused of being alcoholics by their primary care, even though they didn’t drink at all. In my clinic, we get them off of grain, which is a large part of where they glyphosate […]

Gluten or Glyphosate? Part 3 Interview with Dr. Seneff

Dr. Seneff: Exactly. It won’t work if it’s not activated. On the other hand, the CYP enzymes break down retinoic acid in the liver. Retinoic acid is something that can cause troubles, both in terms of introducing this new condition called eosinophilic esophagitis, which is like an inflamed esophagus, and people have trouble swallowing. It’s […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Glyphosate Toxicity Part 2

Gluten Free Society Expert Interview Series Glyphosate and Gluten Part 2 Dr. Seneff: Yes, I would love to see that. Another interesting thing that directly connects to glyphosate: Glyphosate kills bacteria, and it preferentially kills the good bacteria in your gut. One of those is bifido bacteria, and those guys are really important for processing […]

Does the chemical glyphosate (Roundup) mimic gluten sensitivity?

  Gluten Free Society Expert Interview Series Presenting Dr. Seneff on Roundup: I recently sat down with Dr. Seneff from MIT to discuss the potential dangers associated with exposure to the chemical glyphosate (also known as round up). This chemical is one of the most commonly used herbicides (weed killers) in the U.S. It is […]

Busting The Cardio Myth

Interview with World Leading Expert Exposes the Truth About Exercise If you are gluten sensitive and just getting started, you most likely are in one of two situations physically: Overweight (high abdominal fat with poor muscle tone) Underweight (malnourished with little fat and poor muscle tone – this is what we refer to as skinny […]

The Gluten Free Lie – On UnderGround Wellness

What is the gluten free lie? I recently did an interview with Sean Croxton of Underground Wellness to answer this very question. Watch this video to get the synopsis… The Gluten Free Food Industry is Keeping You Sick When initially going gluten free, the average person reaches out to the gluten free aisle in the […]

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