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Gluten and Roundup (Glyphosate) Part 4

glyphosate and glutenDr. Osborne: The other one I see is iron deficiencies. Very common. The other big one I see is B vitamins across the board, which we know are synthesized largely by bacteria in the GI tract. Dr. Seneff: Right. Then molybdenum is involved in sulfite oxidation. People end up with sensitivity to sulfites because they can’t oxidize the sulfite to sulfate, which would make it safe. Sulfite’s very reactive and you need that in the gut, the molybdenum, to be able to detoxify the sulfites, for example, in wine. Dr. Osborne: Sulfites in other foods that are added, that have added sulfites. Dr. Seneff: Yes, right, for a preservative. Dr. Osborne: I want to back up just a minute and tie that in, because now I’m thinking as we talk about sulfites, one of the things I see with sulfite reaction is histamine release from the eosinophils and you just mentioned a moment ago the concept of eosinophilic esophagitis. Right? Is that a corollary then that we’re making that that leads to the inability to process sulfites, which leads to mass cell mobilization, histamine release, and subsequent inflammatory damage? Dr. Seneff: You are right. You know a lot. That’s beautifully said. I couldn’t have said it better myself. You get an inflamed esophagus. That’s a big thing in infants, too. We see a lot of infants that are getting an acid reflux that’s not the normal acid reflux, it’s this other problem which is a new problem today because of this. Part of that is insufficient supply of sulfate. If you can’t oxidize the sulfite, you can’t make the sulfate, right? You end up with a sulfate deficiency. That I think is behind, as I say on my webpage, you’ll see that sulfate is my big thing. I think sulfate deficiencies behind so many problems in modern society and we have various ways in which it can be caused by glyphosate and that’s just one of them. Many different ways in which glyphosate disrupts sulfate. Dr. Osborne: I want to get into that, but before we do, I want to bring up another point because you mentioned infants developing acid reflux. What do we see a lot of infants using? Infant formulas, right? These are largely corn and soy based. Dr. Seneff: Yes. That’s really scary. Dr. Osborne: Coming from GMO, right, coming from GMO crops with lots of Roundup in them. Dr. Seneff: It terrifies me. Dr. Osborne: We didn’t have these problems before. I even see the same thing happening now in elderly because they’re being told to drink drinks like Ensure, which are basically just adult version of baby formula. Dr. Seneff: Right. Oh gosh. That’s just really scary. The soy, I don’t eat soy unless it’s 100% organic, I just won’t go near it, and corn likewise. I won’t touch it. They’re so contaminated. Both of them are GMO, Roundup Ready, 90% of the crop. Spray the Roundup on it, it doesn’t die, soaks it up. There is very little monitoring going on. This is the other thing that’s very disturbing. The government thinks it’s safe so we don’t look at it. Dr. Osborne: It’s just an assumption that it’s safe, that looking forward we don’t have anyone aggressively pursuing any kind of investigation as to the increased modern diseases that we’re seeing, just since the use was implicated. Dr. Seneff: Right. Dr. Osborne: Talk a little bit about sulfites. You mentioned that, and you said lots of side effects to that metabolic pathway. Talk a little bit more about that. Dr. Seneff: There are several ways I think that glyphosate disrupts sulfate. One is serotonin. Actually, it’s very interesting, serotonin is sulfated in transit. It’s produced in the gut. Most of the serotonin that’s made in the body is made in the gut, and then it’s shipped to the brain as a sulfated molecule. It’s actually delivering sulfate to the brain. Sulfate deficiency in the brain is a very strong feature of autism. People have looked at the cerebrospinal fluid of autism patients post-mortem and shown that the heparin sulfate in the fluid in the fluid is depleted. Major problem, I think, with autism is insufficient sulfate in the brain, and part of that is because the serotonin sulfate is not arriving, both because the serotonin’s deficient and because the sulfate’s deficient. With sulfate, of course, we have the problem of the sulfide oxidase, which would produce sulfate from sulfide, but there are other ways to make sulfate. They’re also derailed, too. One of the ones that I’ve written about in another paper, we have a proposal that a particular enzyme produces sulfate in the skin in exposure to sunlight, and this enzyme is a CYP enzyme. If glyphosate is getting into the blood and the red blood cells have this enzyme, we believe they use it to make sulfate. They make cholesterol sulfate, it’s well established that the red blood cells produce cholesterol sulfate, which is then distributed to the tissues to provide both cholesterol and sulfate to the tissues, so this CYP enzyme is going to get disrupted by glyphosate and that’s going to reduce the supply of sulfate in that way, as well. Then, on top of that, we believe that glyphosate competes with sulfate. In the free cell state it’s very difficult to transport because sulfate tends to turn water into jello. That’s a feature of sulfate, when it’s landed in the positive where it’s working, but in transport it’s very difficult to transport sulfate because it will turn the blood into jello, which would not be good. Glyphosate does the same thing, so we think that glyphosate jams the channel between the gut and the liver such that free sulfate can’t go. We think this is why it’s very interesting that these bacteria overgrow, [inaudible 0:22:46] that produces precresol. Precresol can be sulfated. That becomes a way to deliver sulfate to the liver, packaged up with precresol. Precresol is a toxic chemical. Once it drops off the sulfate it becomes toxic, so it attacks the liver, but the liver is getting the sulfate that it desperately needs in the process. The gut bacteria are really collaborating with us to maintain the health of the whole system. It’s really a collaborative process. Even the pathogens are doing something essential in the face of this miserable situation. They’re delivering the sulfate, but at the same time they’re delivering the toxin, and they’re doing that for the liver and the kidney. Dr. Osborne: As a delivery mechanism, we’re basically getting it to the liver by demand but we’re dropping off toxins to the liver as a result. Dr. Seneff: Right, because the things that would not be toxic are not doing it, because the serotonin’s not doing it, the dopamine’s not doing it, the cholesterol’s not doing it. All the normal processes that we have in place to deliver sulfate are broken, therefore you have to kind of come up with these other methods that are really dangerous. The product, once the sulfate has dropped off, you’ve got the toxic chemical to deal with. Dr. Osborne: Would you or have you come across any research on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in glyphosate exposure? Dr. Seneff: I should do that research because I’m sure it’s connected, but I haven’t. I haven’t done that explicitly, so I don’t know if there are papers on that. Nextpage To listen to the interview and get the in depth story from the source, click the link below. Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and Roundup (Glyphosate) Please share, like, tweet, etc. Spread the word and together we can increase awareness of this issue. You can read the transcript of the interview below. Always looking out for you, Dr. O – The Gluten Free Warrior Think you might be gluten sensitive? >>> Take this short quiz for free <<<

2 Responses

  1. I appreciate Dr. Seneff’s and Jeffrey Smith’s efforts to uncover the health hazards of glyphosate and GMOs. I want both of them to be banned worldwide. Yes! I want all genetically modified food to be banned!

    Dr. Seneff apparently has the idea, which most MDs in the U.S. do, that celiac disease is primarily a malabsorption syndrome. This is false! celiac disease is primarily an autoimmune problem, which can affect any tissue and organ in the body by autoimmune attack.

    However, Celiac disease did not come out of nowhere. Knowledge about celiac disease came from the human genome project and spread of the knowledge through the Internet. The practice of conventional medicine in this country has to catch up. In 2007, it was estimated that 1.5 to 3% of people in the US with celiac disease were diagnosed.
    The original celiac researchers came to this country from Italy, Australia and Ireland, where they were already researching celiac, as well as Dr. Kenneth Fine, who continued the work of a gastroenterologist in England and says that 47% of all people of all races in the United States have at least one of the main celiac HLA-DQ genes. In the last seven years researchers in Sweden and Finland have found moore than 60 other gene loci on other chromosomes that affect gluten sensitivity and researchers in India have found 100 such genes. The hybridization of wild grasses began 10,000 years ago. Celiac disease was written about and named by an Ancient Greek physician. A Dutch physician realized that wheat caused celiac when very sick children got better during World War II during wheat shortages and got sick again after the war. When I was diagnosed with celiac disease in 2007, it was 36 years after I went to a gastroenterologist at the age of 19, who misdiagnosed me with “a nervous stomach”. I remember my father saying “… my nervous stomach…” in a conversation with my mother when I was a young boy. Both of my parents had gastrointestinal symptoms, extra intestinal symptoms associated with celiac and autoimmune problems, and ancestors with type I diabetes, proof that they had a celiac gene, as well as symptoms associated with celiac disease. Wheat, barley, rye, spelt, kamut and triticale are toxic to varying degrees to all humans and most mammals.

    We all were raised to be brainwashed by USDA lies and other institutional lies since the Egyptian wheat culture, Roman culture, etc., addicted to gluten because of the gluteomorphins that attach to our opiate receptors, and ignorant due to the refusal of the teaching institutions of medicine to consider a therapy that makes no money for them and takes away a great easy source of money for millions of people, by which rich people can easily get richer, and taxes can be generated, by investing in food enterprises and pharmaceuticals, which are mostly for every symptom of gluten’s destruction in our bodies.

    I am a celiac born in 1952, finally diagnosed at the age of 55, and also with medical records of infant high fevers upon every introduction of a new vaccination. At the age of 60 found to be on the autism spectrum, after experiencing regressive autism and 44% traumatic brain injury and many autoimmune diseases, which I have the genes for, upon unintentional ingestion of hidden gluten after going gluten-free and healing to the point of my immune system strengthening after absorbing B vitamins, enabling my IgA manufacture to greatly increase.

    I can tell you that the study on celiac disease that concluded that celiac disease incidence has increased fourfold in sixty years was poorly designed, as it compared men who were in the Air Force, having gone through basic training, which would have washed out most celiacs, with young seemingly healthy men who had not necessarily had a stress test of having been through military basic trying or the stress of college. It is simply not an equivalent group.

    Glyphosate does not cause celiac disease, although I take her word that it can produce a lot of similar symptoms, but I think they pale compared to actual celiac disease.

    1. Hi Michael,
      Thanks for chiming in! You make a lot of excellent points, and I would have to agree. Glyphosate exposure can definitely mimic the symptoms of celiac disease, but we should not forgot that gluten sensitivity is and always has been a major medical problem. In my upcoming book, No Grain, No Pain, I discuss this topic and many other in detail.

      All the best,
      Dr. Osborne

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