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Glyphosate and Gluten Sensitivity Part 6

glyphosate and glutenDr. Osborne: We said at the very beginning of our conversation that the government considers glyphosate safe. Do you have any evidence or research, any animal or human studies, that show a part per million dose where we start really seeing problems and damage showing up? Dr. Seneff: Well, there’s the Serolini study. Are you familiar with the Serolini study? Dr. Osborne: No, I’m not. Dr. Seneff: He’s in France and they did a very interesting study on rats. They fed them GMO foods with and without glyphosate, so they had four different groups of rats, with BT corn as well. There was a BT, there was the Roundup Ready, there was a GMO, and then there was the Roundup Ready GMO with the Roundup itself. There were different conditions, and they compared them to rats that were fed an organic diet of the same foods. These rats, they fed them these diets throughout their lifespan, from birth, and what they found was that they didn’t see any problems at all until four months. For the first three months, things were fine. Problems started to show up at four months. By the end of their life, they had huge mammary tumors and liver toxicity, kidney toxicity, early death, lots of problems. This paper was written up and published, and then maybe a year or two later it was forced to be retracted, which happened Thanksgiving Day this past year. Just this past Thanksgiving Day it was retracted. The journal put pressures on them, probably because of pressures from the industry. You can’t prove that. The journal even admits that the retraction is not based on any grounds. There aren’t any legal grounds for the retraction, given what’s required for a retraction, things like cheating which simply weren’t happening. The claim was that there were not enough rats for statistical significance, and the fact is that they didn’t have any fewer rats than there were in all the studies that had been done by the industry, but had only gone for three months. Basically, the same kinds of experiments had been done by the industry over a three month period, to show no harm. You have to wait four months to see the problem. That’s the thing, is that it’s a slow, insidious toxicity that you don’t immediately see. As long as you cut the experiment off after three months, then everyone’s happy. You can go home and go ahead and eat your glyphosate and poison yourself, and not know better, because you think it’s fine. You have to go through these longer studies in order to see the damage, but then they managed to get this paper retracted, so now it can’t be used as evidence to try to convince the government to worry about glyphosate. Dr. Osborne: That sounds like politics to me. Dr. Seneff: I know. It’s amazing how much power there is in money, and this is what we’re up against. People would rather have people suffer from all these problems than to not make that money, apparently, which I find shocking. Dr. Osborne: Any time I deal with patients, many of them are very hesitant to want to change their diets, right? They’re used to a particular way. Food is such a social addiction and so you’re not just battling, “Take this food out of your diet,” you’re battling marketing, you’re battling years of people having traditions that they’ve created with these different types of foods. Dr. Seneff: Also you’re battling the fact that when you eat these potato chips, you don’t feel anything. You don’t have this direct sense of, “Oh my god, this is killing me,” because it’s an insidious process that happens slowly over time. No particular piece of food you eat, you can’t connect the dots, unless you do it rationally and you see the long term evidence from the literature and you finally are convinced. My husband and I, now, we just buy everything organic. Luckily, we live near a Whole Foods and it’s a wonderful store. We won’t make it if it’s not organic. It’s been neat that Whole Foods has so many choices. Dr. Osborne: The takeaway is grow your own food in your own soil without these pesticides, or buy it organically. What do you think about, I know one of the things that we see in the grocery stores and Whole Foods does this, is importation of a lot from South America. How do you feel about that? My concern with a lot of that is how much control do we really have? Our EPA doesn’t have a control over that and we know that for many of the crops that we do import, glyphosate is used in great quantities. Dr. Seneff: What are you saying? Are you saying if it’s an organic product from South America, do we trust it? Is that what you’re asking? Dr. Osborne: One, do we trust it, or two, is it as organic as it would be if it were grown in the U.S.? Is it grown right next door to a potential glyphosate field or an infected field? Dr. Seneff: That’s probably happening in the U.S. as well, right? Here, U.S., buys 25% of the world’s glyphosate, so this is probably almost the worst place to grow an organic crop, to try to keep yourself from it. Dr. Osborne: Interesting. Dr. Seneff: There is going to be glyphosate in the soil. The stuff doesn’t break down. They claim it breaks down quickly but I have seen studies in certain soils, like with high hummus and high acidity that can last for 20 years. Dr. Osborne: 20 years. What do we do if it’s in water runoff now? Dr. Seneff: I know, that’s another problem. Dr. Osborne: Have you come across research that shows what kind of filters will remove it? Are we talking about potentially granular activated carbon, maybe zeolite, have you read anything about that? Dr. Seneff: I don’t know, and of course no one’s trying because it’s harmless. This is the really insidious thing about it is no one thinks it’s a problem. They don’t even measure it. There was a paper that just came out looking at glyphosate in rain, in I think Mississippi, and it was like 86% of the time they found it in the rain in the study that they did. It was in an area near crops that were being sprayed with it, but it’s very hard to avoid. Even if you’re going organic, you drink a glass of water and you don’t know how much is in there. Dr. Osborne: Right. Dr. Seneff: It’s kind of scary. To think that it’s all over the place, it really kind of makes my skin crawl. To think of these people making more and more of this chemical and pouring it out into the world. It has just become harder and harder to try to figure out how to keep from getting yourself exposed to it. You have to move to another planet to get away from it at this point. Dr. Osborne: You need a new spaceship and a community to go, right? Let’s just kind of summarize, then. You have this ubiquitous environmental chemical. 25% of its use is right here in the United States. It’s used on a number of different foods, whether in Roundup Ready seeds or as a weed killer to soak with, or to allow for crops before we harvest them, to kill the weeds before we go and make a harvest. It interferes with liver enzymes that aid in detoxification, primarily sulfites and -fates and affected, which can contribute to or can cause similar symptoms that we see with hyper allergic or allergenicity, as well as autism and other conditions. It can affect the gut bacteria, affecting our synthesis of vitamins and our ability to digest our food, making our food more allergenic. It can affect the absorption of nutrients through its chelating effects, so it binds to certain minerals that we require, as humans, to function. It can interfere with metabolism of certain amino acids, like serotonin, tryptophan, and phenylalanine, which are important for the function of our thyroid gland and our gut function and our brain function. The only real tool that we have to reduce and minimize our exposure is basically educating consumers and intelligent selection of food, and potentially filtration of water. I’m going to look more into this after we’re done and find out if we have any evidence or any research on how we can pull this from the water, what kind of filtration devices we can use. I would assume, or maybe even surmise, that maybe reverse osmosis would probably be the best scientifically to pull this type of chemical out, and maybe carbon wouldn’t be sufficient. Our best bet is to buy organic, and to cook with organic foods and eat organic foods– Dr. Seneff: And whole foods, of course. Dr. Osborne: –And whole foods. To not eat out and to not buy processed foods. Dr. Seneff: That’s right. It’s a pretty strict rule but it’s worth it. Dr. Osborne: I agree with you. I see it every day. My journey into this was treating patients who had gluten issues and celiac disease who were not responsive. In other words, they were in that refractory category where they wouldn’t get better. It started with grain elimination and eliminating other grains. When we eliminated all the grains, we found a huge improvement in all of these patients who were failing to respond. Dr. Seneff: Yes. Dr. Osborne: This has been very great. This has been a wonderful conversation. Dr. Seneff: It has been. I appreciate your knowledge. You are definitely a quick study and you know a lot already. Very impressive. It’s wonderful to talk to talk to someone like that. Dr. Osborne: Thank you and likewise. Dr. Seneff: It’s been great. Thank you so much for doing this. Dr. Osborne: How can our listeners find you? You mentioned a website. Is there something you have that we can send them to read? Dr. Seneff: Yes. If they type my name, they’ll find a bunch of stuff. I’ve done various videos with Dr. Mercola and with Geoffrey Smith, and radio interviews, and also I have various papers and essays on my website, slides from talks I’ve given. There’s a lot of material, if you just type my name, you can find things. I can give you the web page but it’s a bit messy. There I have a bunch of pointers to various papers and essays and slides, and stuff like that. Dr. Osborne: I’ll make sure to include that link for everyone listening. Okay. Well, again, Dr. Seneff, thank you so much for taking part in our discussion and bringing to the table so much great, valuable study and research that I think is going to help change a lot of lives. Dr. Seneff: I hope so. It’s a positive note to know that at least you do have an option. I think that’s a wonderful thing that people can buy organic and that places like Whole Foods do exist. We’re not completely frustrated that we have to eat the poison. I think that’s a huge benefit, and as more and more people eat organic, then more and more people will produce organic because it will sell. People will be willing to pay the extra price and the farmers will probably be happy not to have to deal with the chemicals, so it will be a win-win situation. Great. Thank you. Dr. Osborne: Great. Well, thank you, and have a wonderful afternoon. I’m going to be in touch on the back end. There are some things. I’ll send you that paper on transglutaminase and maybe we can have another conversation in the future. Dr. Seneff: Excellent. Yes. That sounds very interesting. Thank you. Dr. Osborne: Have a wonderful day. Dr. Seneff: You too. Bye. Dr. Osborne: Thanks. Bye. To listen to the interview and get the in depth story from the source, click the link below. Gluten Sensitivity, Celiac Disease, and Roundup (Glyphosate) Please share, like, tweet, etc. Spread the word and together we can increase awareness of this issue. You can read the transcript of the interview below. Always looking out for you, Dr. O – The Gluten Free Warrior Think you might be gluten sensitive? >>> Take this short quiz for free <<<

14 Responses

  1. Wow! Great information. I am beginning to think I need a bigger garden! This glyphosate is everywhere in our food supply and environment. Scary, really alarming. No wonder its so hard to really heal!

  2. Adding this to my personal library on my computer memory stick! Great interview, thank you both! I am a great fan of both of you.

  3. Test your veggies to see if there contaminated with poisons by soaking them in a pH of 11.5 High Alkaline Water for 10 minutes. I have the machine that makes it…May God protect us all!

  4. I appreciate the information on this topic very much. I have a son who had atypical infant reflux and is now gluten sensitive. Thankfully I have transitioned to an organic non-processed diet and he is improving. The explanations you give are very helpful in understanding the cause and the solution. Thank you!

  5. Thank you, Dr. Osborne, for all your help! I cannot say enough. I have been to Mayo Clinic and many doctors over the last 3 years and you are the ONLY one with answers and help. You are a God-send.
    With much gratitude,

  6. I have a sulphite sensitivity that is getting increasingly worse, I have an asthma attack with hives and then stomach pains. I’m so glad I read this and can try and treat my sensitivity by avoiding grains. Are their any supplements that you can recommend to help?

  7. I was wondering if there is anything on detoxing? I was i a direct spray from a farmer in my yard and it shows up in my bloodwork. I have read where a Infrared Sauna is a good start and of course only organic. Any info would be a help Thanks

  8. Unfortunately they also do spray Glyphosate around tennis courts, and my son is now so sensitive to it that he gets severely fatigued suddenly.

  9. From the statements at the end about trusting certain organic growers and the levels in the water….it sounds like even with reducing exposure we will still be getting some from the environment as well. Should we supplement probiotics and prebiotics on top on clean eating for the stray environmental exposure? Or will we just have to wait to find out ways to remove it completely from water and organics?

  10. Have you heard of Zach Bush? He has been talking about the effects of glyphosate for years and has been working with American farmers to get them to stop using it. I’m in the UK and you can buy roundup in the local garden centres, its really popular. People just don’t believe how dangerous it is. Very scary.

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