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Testing for Food Sensitivities

Have you followed a TRUE Gluten Free diet and still find that something is keeping you from feeling your best? Food sensitivities might be responsible. You are unique, and while you may be consuming foods that are completely gluten and grain free, what is perfectly fine, even healthy, may not necessarily be good for YOU. […]

So You’re Gluten Sensitive… Now What?

Based on your quiz results, you may be Gluten Sensitive. But what does that actually mean? And what are you supposed to do from here? You may have a ton of questions and that’s why I created this quick resource for you to wrap your mind around it all. So let’s dive right in. Gluten, […]

Why does my lab test for gluten come back negative?

Lab tests for gluten sensitivity often come back falsely negative. Many people go gluten free despite the lab results and end up feeling better. The following video explains why this can happen… Traditional diagnostic testing has focused on blood antibody tests and or intestinal biopsies. Unfortunately traditional tests for gluten sensitivity are often incorrect! Why? […]

New Mechanism Found in Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten Affects People in Many Ways To date, scientists have elucidated a number of ways that gluten can cause damage to both celiacs and non celiac gluten sensitive individuals. Unfortunately, when trying to identify gluten as a progenitor to disease, doctors typically only look to diagnose celiac disease. As celiac disease is an autoimmune reaction […]

Gluten & Bone Loss – The Topic is Much Deeper Than Calcium

Bone Loss is a Complex Process It is a common thought that osteoporosis associated with celiac disease is a result of malabsorption of vitamins and minerals (mainly vitamin D and calcium). The above report links an autoimmune process of bone loss to gluten sensitivity separate and distinct from gluten induced malabsorption. This finding begs us […]

Gluten Sensitivity Genes and the Flaws of Lab Testing

Flaws of Laboratory Testing to Identify Gluten Issues It is no mystery that serum (blood) tests to identify gluten sensitivity are fundamentally flawed. It is also no mystery that the intestinal biopsy is flawed as well. Unfortunately, doctors continue to use these tools definitively to diagnose celiac disease and gluten sensitivity. If the labs come […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Vitamin Deficiencies

Have You Had Your Nutritional Levels Checked? One of the biggest delays in healing that patients with gluten sensitivity face has to do with the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary nutrients. Many doctors check their patients for iron deficiency, but fail to check other essential nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, […]

Glo-3A Antibodies and Celiac Disease

A recent study published in the the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition identified a new protein in celiac patients that may help detect the disease earlier than some of the traditionally used lab tests. Immune Response to Non Gluten Protein The protein is called Glo-3A. It is a non gluten storage protein found in […]

What is Gluten Sensitivity? An Easy Explanation To Avoid All the Confusion…

What is the Difference Between Gluten Sensitivity, Intolerance, and Celiac Disease? The difference is very big and it may just surprise you. Watch the video below to learn more on this, and to learn more about a TRUE gluten free diets Vs. Traditional gluten free diets… Celiac Disease is not the same thing as Gluten […]

Serum Lab Testing for Gluten Sensitivity Inaccurate

A new study confirms more inadequacies in the accuracy of serum lab testing to diagnosis gluten sensitivity and celiac disease… Reports from our clinical laboratory database show that 75% of children <2 years old tested for celiac serology who were found positive for deamidated gliadin peptide (DGP) antibodies had negative results for tissue transglutaminase IgA. […]

Using The Right Lab Test To Identify Food Allergies

Want to Know How Food Allergy Works? I recently invited one of the world’s leading experts in food allergy diagnosis to Houston to speak to a group of my patients. His name? Dr. Russell Jaffe, M.D. In the video he discusses how food and environmental allergies work and how to best identify them. It can […]

Genetic Testing For Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease

One of the most common questions pertaining to gluten sensitivity and celiac disease? How do I get tested? Serum blood tests and lab tests are fraught with error and inaccuracies. A number of research studies have confirmed this. Many patients have these tests performed, the results come back negative, yet they still respond to a […]

Predictive Antibody Tests for Autoimmune Disease

In this Gluten Free Society sponsored interview series, Dr. Peter Osborne and Dr. Tom O’Bryan discuss predictive antibody testing as a tool to help predict the onset of autoimmune diseases years before they happen. Commonly Diagnosed Autoimmune Diseases – Rheumatoid Arthritis SLE (Lupus) Celiac Disease Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (hypothyroid) Psoriasis Reactive arthritis Grave’s Disease Osteoporosis Diabetes […]

The Genetics of Gluten Sensitivity

Part of my presentation at the Charlotte Gluten Free Expo was on the genetics of gluten sensitivity. The topic is a complex one, but I hope this presentation makes it easier for you to understand. If you have had serum or blood lab testing done and it came back negative, yet you responded to a […]

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