Want to Know How Food Allergy Works?
I recently invited one of the world’s leading experts in food allergy diagnosis to Houston to speak to a group of my patients. His name? Dr. Russell Jaffe, M.D. In the video he discusses how food and environmental allergies work and how to best identify them.It can be two hours to two weeks from the time you get exposed to a food or chemical until a delayed reaction happens…
He discusses a number of great health topics:
- Doctors are taught not to think
- Delayed Food Allergies
- Food allergy testing
- Proper immune respones
- and much, much, more…
Proper Lab Testing is Critical for Implementing the Right Diet
There are a number of laboratories in the U.S. that measure for a variety of different types of food and environmental allergens. The problem is, many of them yield inconsistent and incomplete results. I have used numerous of these labs in the past with patients. One of my qualifiers for a lab is to send out blood samples under two different names to ensure that the lab results are consistent. In essence, I want to make sure that if a patient needs to restrict their diet that the restriction will have a benefit.Most Labs Only Measure IgG and IgA
Most allergy testing labs limit what they measure. They typically only look at one or two types of antibodies (or immunoglobulins). Unfortunately, humans make five different types of antibodies, but also have other types of chemical reactions to allergens. The diagram below illustrates the comprehensive delayed allergy response. When doctors most doctors look for gluten sensitivity, they typically only measure IgG response to the gluten protein gliadin (and gliadin is only one of thousands of different glutens). It is very well known that this type of testing to identify gluten problems is extremely flawed.
2 Responses
I had bloodwork tested through Alcat Labs for food intolerances 2 years ago. Has anyone else used them? How accurate are they?
I wanted to reply to Heidi’s comment eventhough it has been two years since your initial post. I want to let you know that I had myself tested in 2009 for food sensitivities and found it HIGHLY useful in discovering several foods affecting moods and causing severe sinus problems among other things. I would highly recommend this test to anyone as this definitely narrows things down and gives you a basis for what foods to cut out of your diet for a time and re-introduce them in order to narrow down the problem foods. I have recently had this same test re-taken and am currently waiting for the lab results. I truly hope this helps others that may suspect that they have food intolerance issues.