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Dr. Peter Osborne and Dr. O’Bryan Discuss Gluten, Migraine Headaches, & Nerve Damage

Dr. Peter Osborne and Dr. Tom O’Bryan discuss gluten sensitivity and its impact on the body. Migraine headaches, brain and nerve damage, osteoporosis, as well as traditional lab testing flaws are discussed in part 1 of this special interview presented by Gluten Free Society… We want to know what you think. Did you have negative blood test results for gluten sensitivity or celiac disease? If so did going gluten free improve your health? Comment below using facebook… Glutenology Health Matrix Member? Watch the full video here…

3 Responses

  1. my blood tests and the endoscopy were negative. it was done after a 2 week gluten challenge after 5 months of being gluten free. when i went gluten free i had all the classic symptoms but also i only had my period for 1 year in my whole life so i also had MRI’s, blood tests, and an ultrasound. i was diagnosed as having heartburn for my classic gluten symptoms and being anorexic for my period issues. i eventually got a period after being GF but then it went away after being “glutened” again. unfortunately pple still think its all in my head(it doesn’t help that i am a model)

    1. Megan more ‘left out’ factors are covered by Neurosurgeon and health educator Dr. Jack Kruse— cutting edge on light water and magnetism to root causes and cures. He is connecting published information that has been overlooked. It is helping me. I do tweak with elements of the blood type diet for A my type but basically I eat Ketotarian as presented by Dr. Will Cole. Back to light Dr. Kruse believes that light is more about health than food and I believe he is right. His sunlight education and the movement of adherence to avoiding ALAN go a long way toward getting us back to nature for true healing. It is about healing one’s mitochondria engine rather than just using better fuel.

  2. This video perfectly describes my confusion after receiving my blood test results last summer! That is, if we’re talking about the same test? I am referring to t-Transglutaminase (tTG) IgA, in which my result came back <2 = negative. Thank you for explaining this! And which test(s) would you recommend that are sensitive enough to pick up on inflammation in the gut?

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