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An Electronic Tongue to Detect Gluten?

A new research study used and electronic tongue device to help detect gluten in various foods. The results were… the system also allowed distinguishing “Gluten-free” and “Gluten-containing” foodstuffs (15 foods, including breads, flours, baby milked flours, cookies and breakfast cereals) with an overall sensitivity and specificity greater than 83%, using the signals of only 4 […]

Science Finally Confirms Gluten Sensitivity

A new double blind, randomized, placebo controlled study published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology confirms the presence of gluten sensitivity in the absence of celiac disease. This is the first study of its kind confirming the existence of gluten intolerance in the absence of celiac disease. Source: Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jan 11. Gluten […]

Hydrolyzed Wheat Flour Reduces Celiac Symptoms

A new study finds that wheat flour that is chemically manipulated using sourdough bacteria and fungal proteins did not cause symptoms or antibody response in patients with celiac disease. A 60-day diet of baked goods made from hydrolyzed wheat flour, manufactured with sourdough lactobacilli and fungal proteases, was not toxic to patients with CD Source: […]

Traditional Gluten Free Diets Fail

Researchers give the traditional gluten free diet an F… In this study only 8% of the patients recovered from intestinal damage while following a traditional gluten free diet. After a median 16 months GFD, 38 (8%) patients had histological ‘normalization’, 300 (65%) had ‘remission’ with persistent intraepithelial lymphocytosis, 121(26%) had ‘no change’ and 6 (1%) […]

Biopsy and blood markers for gluten intolerance fail again

Another new study shows just how flawed the biopsy and serum markers are at confirming a diagnosis. RESULTS: Celiac disease was detected primarily in first-degree relatives and patients with autoimmune disorders (40.6%). A gluten-free diet was prescribed to 20/106 patients because of symptoms, which were relieved in only 11. Eighty-nine of the 106 patients entered […]

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