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Hydrolyzed Wheat Flour Reduces Celiac Symptoms

A new study finds that wheat flour that is chemically manipulated using sourdough bacteria and fungal proteins did not cause symptoms or antibody response in patients with celiac disease. A 60-day diet of baked goods made from hydrolyzed wheat flour, manufactured with sourdough lactobacilli and fungal proteases, was not toxic to patients with CD Source: […]

Corn Maize Gluten Causes Antibody Response in Celiac Patients

In this research study, testing confirmed that celiacs react to corn glutens independently of wheat. Competition ELISA and preabsorption tests indicated that antibody reaction to maize storage proteins did not simply result from cross-reaction of antigliadin antibodies. Source: Clin Chim Acta. 1991 Dec 31;204(1-3):109-22. Getting the diagnosis of gluten sensitivity often sends a person to […]

Biopsy and blood markers for gluten intolerance fail again

Another new study shows just how flawed the biopsy and serum markers are at confirming a diagnosis. RESULTS: Celiac disease was detected primarily in first-degree relatives and patients with autoimmune disorders (40.6%). A gluten-free diet was prescribed to 20/106 patients because of symptoms, which were relieved in only 11. Eighty-nine of the 106 patients entered […]

Fox News in Philadelphia discusses gluten free, schizophrenia, celiac, and autism

I was jaw dropped when I heard Dr. Mike talk about schizophrenia and autism in relationship to gluten sensitivity! Not because it isn’t true, but because so many are skeptical about the connection. A couple of months ago, I was attacked by several celiac visitors because of their violent opposition on the topic. One guy […]

Part 2 – How Gluten Affects Children

Dr. Osborne discusses more on the impact of gluten intolerance on the health of children… How Does Gluten Damage Your Children? There are a variety of ways that gluten can harm your child’s health. Some early warning signs or problems that gluten may be contributing to disease include, colic, chronic diarrhea, eczema, asthma, growing pains, […]

Biopsy Testing For Celiac Disease Completely Flawed!

Researches tried to identify whether children with positive celiac blood tests (endomysial antibodies or EmA) but negative biopsy results for celiac disease would benefit on a gluten free diet. The children suffered with gastrointestinal symptoms similar to celiac disease symptoms. The researchers found that children who continued to eat gluten had increased symptoms and worsening […]

Psoriasis and Gluten Sensitivity

Psoriasis is a Symptom of Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity Skin disease is common in those with gluten sensitivity. The most commonly seen skin affliction is called dermatitis herpetiformis. Scientists at the Medical University of Silesia in Poland decided to find out whether or not antibodies for celiac disease could be found in the blood of those […]

Corn Antibodies in Celiac, Crohn’s, and Ulcerative Colitis

In this 1978 Study, corn antibodies were found in patients with celiac disease, crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis (see table 1). “It is of interest that patients with coeliac disease on a gluten-free diet had a lower incidence of wheat, but not of maize, antibodies when compared with those patients not on a diet.” The […]

Gluten and the Autoimmune Disease Spectrum

Gluten and Autoimmune Diseases – Is there a connection? Research Links Gluten Sensitivity to Multiple Autoimmune Diseases Research continues to link the autoimmune spectrum of diseases to gluten sensitivity. In the research studies referenced below, gluten intolerance was found to be present in patients with multiple types of autoimmune conditions. Below are direct quotes from […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Liver Disease

  More than 200 scientific studies have linked gluten sensitivity to liver disease. In this review, the following liver conditions were linked to gluten intolerance: Reactive hepatitis ( coeliac hepatitis) Autoimmune liver disorders including – Autoimmune hepatitis, Autoimmune overlap syndrome, Autoimmune (sclerosing) cholangitis, and Primary biliary cirrhosis Non alcoholic fatty liver disease Acute liver failure […]

Link between hypothyroid and celiac disease

Does Celiac Disease Cause Autoimmune Hypothyroid Disease (Hashimoto’s)? In a paper published by the journal, Clinical Medicine & Research,  the authors  discuss the importance of screening autoimmune hypothyroid patients for celiac disease. “Treatment of CD with a gluten-free diet should reduce the recognized complications of this disease and provide benefits in both general health and […]

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