Vitamin B1 Deficiency & Gluten Consumption
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) – A Common Deficiency for those with Gluten Problems Vitamin B1 – AKA thiamin is an essential nutrient the body uses to help generate energy from the foods we eat. This essential B vitamin also plays a role in the regulation of the heart muscle, and the production of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. […]
Are Food Allergies Affecting Your Brain? Part 2
Research on Brain Damage Caused by Allergies Adults are also affected by food and/or chemical allergy. When Dr. Philpott, a US allergy expert, examined 250 emotionally disturbed patients for a possible presence of food/chemical allergies, using elimination and challenge diet, he found that the highest percentage of symptoms seemed to occur in patients diagnosed as […]
Are Food Allergies Affecting Your Brain Part 1?
Janet’s Story Janet was diagnosed with manic depression at the age of 15. At times she would become completely hyperactive and manic, and at other times become completely depressed. She was put on three drugs – Lithium, Tegretol and Zirtek. These helped control the severity of her manic phases, but she was still frequently depressed […]
6 Common Causes of Peripheral Neuropathy (Gluten Included)
Neuropathy Is Extremely Common Peripheral neuropathy is a condition that leads to multiple symptoms in the arms, legs, hands, and feet. Numbness, tingling, burning, and pain are some of the most common symptomatic manifestations. The condition effects as many as 80 out of every 1,000 people. The condition has a number of different causes. Let’s […]
Ataxia – Another Symptom of Gluten Induced Damage
Can Gluten Cause Ataxia? Can gluten cause ataxia? Before we answer the question, let’s define what ataxia means. Ataxia is a neurological disorder affecting the body’s ability to control muscular coordination. The symptoms can manifest in a variety of ways, but often lead to dizziness, clumsiness, loss of coordination, fatigue, difficult speaking, difficulty swallowing, muscular […]
H. pylori, Iron Deficiency and Gluten Sensitivity – Is There A Connection?
Chronic gluten exposure for those who are intolerant can weaken the immune system’s ability to fight off infection. One of the most common types of infection in the GI tract (stomach) is a bacteria called Helicobacter pylori (AKA- H. pylori). This bacteria can bore through the stomach mucus and cause erosion of the lining in […]
How Gluten Induced Malnutrition Affects Testosterone Levels
Does Gluten Lead to Less Manly Men? Gluten is known to effect the production of hormones in both men and women. Studies have shown that gluten can disrupt the endocrine system leading to reduced hormone production. Gluten and testosterone deficiency are linked. Another one of the detrimental mechanisms of gluten is nutritional loss via malabsorption […]
Gluten Linked to Autoimmune Liver Disease

Another research study investigated the connection between autoimmune liver disease and gluten. This study investigated whether children with combined autoimmune hepatitis and celiac disease had higher remission rates of hepatitis while on a gluten free diet. The conclusion of the study is below… CONCLUSIONS:: Patients with AIH co-existing with CD achieve treatment-free sustained remission in […]
Can Tremors Resolve with The Gluten Free Diet?
Gluten Damages Nerves It is a well established medical fact that gluten can cause inflammatory nerve damage as well as incite neurological autoimmune disease. Multiple studies have made this connection over the last several years. Common neurological diseases caused by gluten include – neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, vertigo, ataxia, autism, schizophrenia, depression, and epilepsy. One of […]
Can Gluten Sensitivity Cause Bone Loss?
Gluten Contributes to Bone Loss in Multiple Ways… Bone Loss Mechanisms Gluten induced disease goes far deeper than celiac. There are hundreds of different symptoms, syndromes, and diseases that gluten can create. Some of the most common mechanisms behind gluten and bone loss are: Intestinal atrophy leading to malabsorption of vitamins and minerals leading to […]
Gluten and Calcium Deficiency
Nutritional deficiency is a common side effect of gluten sensitivity. Often times patients going on the diet fail to improve because of long term vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused by years of food induced gastrointestinal damage. The problem with this phenomenon is that many patients go gluten free and still continue to have health issues […]
Is Gluten Sensitivity Linked to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)?
A recent research report identified an individual with progressive nerve damage findings mimicking the autoimmune neurological condition known as Lou Gehrig’s disease (AKA – ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). The condition manifests as progressive muscle weakness and loss, involuntary spasms and twitches, and eventually a degeneration of the muscles responsible for aiding in breathing. Many […]
Vitamin C Deficiency and Gluten Sensitivity
Vitamin C Found To Reduce Inflammation Caused by Gluten A new research study has identified that vitamin C reduces inflammatory damage induced by gluten. The authors of the study state the following: Ascorbate decreases the mucosal inflammatory response to gluten… Research Resource: Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2012 Jan-Feb;40(1):3-8. Epub 2011 Mar 21. Gluten Induced Damage Can […]
Gluten Sensitivity and Vitamin Deficiencies
Have You Had Your Nutritional Levels Checked? One of the biggest delays in healing that patients with gluten sensitivity face has to do with the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, and other dietary nutrients. Many doctors check their patients for iron deficiency, but fail to check other essential nutrients like vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, […]
Gluten, Acid Reflux, and Esophageal Disease
Can Gluten Cause Heartburn? Do you suffer with heartburn? Has your doctor put you on medications like Nexium or Aciphex to control your reflux disease? Remember that the drug does not correct the origin of the problem. It only masks the symptoms. Research suggests that people who suffer from acid reflux – AKA gastroesophageal reflux […]