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Copper Deficiency – Nutrient Deficiencies and Gluten

does gluten cause copper deficiency

Gluten & Copper Deficiency When you think of copper, you may think of pennies or plumbing pipes. But copper is also an essential nutrient that plays many important roles in your body.Because those with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease can suffer with nutritional malabsorption, it is important to understand that the functions of copper.Copper deficiency […]

Can Gluten Cause Vitamin E Deficiency?

Gluten and Vitamin E Can gluten cause vitamin E deficiency? Do those with celiac disease benefit from vitamin E supplementation? These questions and many others will be answered below, but first let’s discuss what vitamin E is, and why it is so important. Vitamin E isn’t a single nutrient. It’s a term used to describe […]

Can Gluten Cause Headaches?

Can gluten cause headaches? here’s everything you need to know. Can gluten cause headaches? This simple answer is yes. I bet it’s safe to say that you’ve experienced a headache or two in your lifetime. Maybe even more. Because headaches are one of the most commonly reported medical complaints. And they can range from a […]

Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain?

Can Gluten Cause Muscle and Joint Pain? In today’s world, muscle and joint pain are widespread problems. They tend to be chronic, debilitating, and can significantly reduce your quality of life. Your pain may be dull and achy or sharp and throbbing. It may be felt locally in one area or throughout your body. Muscle […]

Can Gluten Cause Kidney Disease?

Gluten and kidney disease

Can Gluten Cause Kidney Disease? If you prefer to learn by video, click here. Your kidneys are located below your ribs and behind your stomach. And these two “bean-shaped” organs are involved in numerous vital functions, which include: Detoxification Blood pressure regulation Body fluid regulation pH regulation Vitamin D activation Red blood cell production Inside […]

The Functions of Calcium

functions of calcium

Calcium is the most prevalent mineral in the human body. It is essential, meaning the body cannot synthesize it, and it is vital for several functions within the body. And because gluten can damage the intestine causing malabsorption of nutrients, those with gluten sensitivity should be tested for calcium deficiency on a regular basis. Understanding […]

Gluten Withdrawal: Everything You Need To Know

Can Someone Be Addicted to Gluten? Many people who go gluten-free will initially notice an improvement in their health. But on the flip side, many go on the gluten-free diet and start feeling gluten withdrawal symptoms. Gluten Withdrawal Syndrome is a very real phenomenon. In essence, gluten has addictive properties that can create severe side […]

Can Diet Affect Thyroid Function

The Connection Between Diet and Thyroid Function Most doctors will tell you that diet has nothing to do with thyroid disease or dysfunction. This is simply not true. In this article and video (down below), you will learn just how important a role diet plays in thyroid health. Before we dive into the nutritional aspect, […]

16 Food and Chemical Migraine Triggers

migraine food triggers

Migraine Headaches Everyone probably knows someone who suffers from migraines, or experiences migraines themselves. A migraine is not just a bad headache, but a neurological disorder involving nerve pathways and brain chemicals. It is the 3rd most prevalent and the 6th most disabling illness in the world.5 1 in 7 people struggle with these headaches, […]

How to Deal With MS Naturally

Natural Treatments For Multiple Sclerosis

If You Have Been Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis, Here Are 10 Natural Ways to Deal With IT… Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that destroys the insulation surrounding the nerves. It can lead to a number of health problems and ultimately can cripple a person’s ability to walk. Early symptoms of MS include: numbness, […]

Natural Immune Support

Natural Immune Boosters

December through March…These Winter months boast the highest rates for the flu. The reality is simple. In the winter, we have to consider several factors that contribute to a weakened immune system. When they are all at play simultaneously, the cascade can lead to colds, flues, and sinus infections… Lack of Sunshine – There is […]

Gluten Free Warrior Podcast #2 – Recovering From Gluten 101

Gluten Free & Still Sick May go gluten free and feel better, but continue to have chronic health problems. In essence their diet change led to improvements, but not resolution of health problems. If you are one of them, this interview is a must listen to. In this interview breakdown (courtesy of Mike Mutzel Author […]

The Thyroid Summit – Why You Should Watch This Free Event

Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is one of the most common medical conditions diagnosed in the U.S. Thyroid medications account for the 4th most commonly prescribed drug. It costs patients more than 4 billion annually to treat, while the disease effects an estimated 13 million plus people(Data source here). The Thyroid Problem Typical symptoms of low thyroid condition […]

Your Tongue and Nutrition

Gluten Can Alter Your Tongue A common manifestation for those suffering from the detriments of gluten occurs in the mouth. The images of the tongue show a beefy dark red appearance with many grooves. This is also sometimes referred to as magenta tongue. The presence of this symptom is often times accompanied by intermittent bouts […]

Gluten Sensitivity and Glyphosate Toxicity Part 2

Gluten Free Society Expert Interview Series Glyphosate and Gluten Part 2 Dr. Seneff: Yes, I would love to see that. Another interesting thing that directly connects to glyphosate: Glyphosate kills bacteria, and it preferentially kills the good bacteria in your gut. One of those is bifido bacteria, and those guys are really important for processing […]

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