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How to Deal With MS Naturally

Natural Treatments For Multiple Sclerosis

If You Have Been Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis, Here Are 10 Natural Ways to Deal With IT…

Multiple Sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disease that destroys the insulation surrounding the nerves. It can lead to a number of health problems and ultimately can cripple a person’s ability to walk. Early symptoms of MS include:

  • numbness, tingling, burning, pins and needle sensations, and coldness in the hands and feet
  • brain fog
  • weak muscles
  • poor memory
  • fatigue
  • loss of coordination (clumsiness)
  • vertigo
  • slurred speech
  • visual disturbances

If you have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, the following diagram lists 10 steps to take immediately to naturally overcome this debilitating condition – How to deal with MS naturally (click on image to enlarge)…

how to deal with ms naturally

How To Deal With MS Naturally

  1. Have a functional medicine doctor properly measure your nutritional status
  2. Consider starting on vitamin D and vitamin B12. You can click on the links to find the best forms of these vitamins.
  3. Stop eating processed foods immediately. This includes sugar.
  4. Stop drinking alcohol immediately. Alcohol leaches many of the vitamins and minerals out of your body. It also puts stress on the liver. Because many MS patients have heavy metal toxicity issues, the liver function should be preserved as much as possible to help eliminate heavy metals more effectively.
  5. Get sunshine every day possible. Use common sense. Don’t go out long enough to burn, but go outside as much as possible to ensure that your body is producing its own source of vitamin D.
  6. Sweat. Sweating is an important mechanism that helps your body eliminate wastes and toxins. Because multiple sclerosis patients tend to have these in abundance, sweating because a natural form of detoxification.
  7. Gluten and multiple sclerosis are connected. It is very important to have your doctor test you for gluten sensitivity. Don’t accept celiac testing. It has a tendency to come back with too often falsely negative. You need genetic testing to best identify gluten sensitivity.
  8. Have your doctor rule out other food allergies. One man’s food is another man’s poison. The wrong foods can contribute to autoimmune disease and chronic inflammation.
  9. Read No Grain No Pain. The 30 day protocol in this book will set you up with the basic knowledge you will need to achieve success in the long run.
  10. Listen to the Gluten Free Warrior Podcast where I interview Dr. Terry Wahls. She is a medical doctor who was stricken with MS. Frustrated with mainstream treatments, she began the diligent process of investigation and research, and overcame the disease.

Is There a Link Between Gluten And Multiple Sclerosis (MS)?

Diet is extremely important if you want to deal with MS naturally. I recently sat down with reporter, Melissa Wilson, from Fox News in Houston, TX to discuss natural options for the autoimmune disease multiple sclerosis. Some of the biggest take aways from this video on how to deal with MS naturally – Avoid gluten. Evaluate your vitamin D and vitamin B12 status immediately. If they are low, begin a supplementation regimen immediately.

Gluten And Multiple Sclerosis – Is There A Scientific Connection?

Simple answer: YES

how to deal with ms naturally and gluten free

Gluten has been shown to trigger the production of antibodies that attack the nervous system and cause demyelination. Gluten has been shown to contribute to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. These same nutrient deficits can disrupt the nervous system leading to increased neuropathy and chronic inflammation. If you have MS and you are still eating gluten and grains, you need to rethink your dietary strategy. Consider reading, No Grain No Pain. The 30 day protocol in this book is easy to follow and will put you on the fast track to improvement.

More Medical Research Sources:

  1. J Med Life. 2014 Sep 15;7(3):440-4.
  2. Nat Rev Neurol. 2012 Dec;8(12):678-89.
  3. Med Clin (Barc). 2013 Apr 15;140(7):314-9.
  4. J Biomed Sci. 2012 Oct 11;19:88.

If you have MS and you are struggling with mainstream care, follow the ten steps above, and share this post with your doctor. If you know someone struggling with MS, take the time to forward this information to them.

Always looking out for you,

Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior

2 Responses

  1. My husband was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and had a stroke a few years after his diagnosis. His  conditions left him with problems with swallowing and burning mouth syndrome ,blurred vision BUT his gait improved after starting multivitamins which they prescribe , he started swinging his stiff arm again and could write legibly after the usage. The chief of neurology always said his condition will reverse back to normal. I did not believe it until last month here after his new result. 

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