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Gluten Sensitivity and Liver Disease

  More than 200 scientific studies have linked gluten sensitivity to liver disease. In this review, the following liver conditions were linked to gluten intolerance: Reactive hepatitis ( coeliac hepatitis) Autoimmune liver disorders including – Autoimmune hepatitis, Autoimmune overlap syndrome, Autoimmune (sclerosing) cholangitis, and Primary biliary cirrhosis Non alcoholic fatty liver disease Acute liver failure […]

Gluten Sensitivity – Not Just For Celiac Disease!

Marios Hadjivassiliou and colleagues have published yet another paper on gluten sensitivity… The Summary of the paper is below. Bolded points shed light on many misconceptions about gluten sensitivity. “Gluten sensitivity is a systemic autoimmune disease with diverse manifestations. This disorder is characterised by abnormal immunological responsiveness to ingested gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Coeliac […]

Gluten Proteins Pass into Mother’s Milk?

Contaminated Breast Milk!? The following study demonstrates that the gluten protein, gliadin, passes into the breast milk of lactating mothers. Breast feeding mothers were given 20 grams of gluten. Their samples were then analyzed for the presence of gluten. Peak levels of gliadin were identified 2-4 hours after ingestion of gluten. Source: Acta Paediatr Scand. […]

Dogs are Gluten Intolerant!

A study published in the journal Gut demonstrated that gluten can induce enteropathy in Irish Setter dogs. “Affected setters, reared on a normal wheat containing diet, exhibited partial villus atrophy, intraepithelial lymphocyte infiltration, reduced brush border alkaline phosphatase activity, and increased intestinal permeability. Gluten sensitivity was shown by introduction of a gluten free diet, which […]

HLA-DQ markers, positive celiac antibodies, and IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a diagnostic no man’s land. Most receive the diagnosis only after most traditional lab and imaging tests fail to show any pertinent findings. In the referenced study below, 21 of 22 patients were diagnosed with IBS. All of these patients had positive anti-bodies to gliadin (gluten found in wheat). The authors […]

More on Gluten Sensitivity and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

The diagram to the right was recently published in the American Journal of Gastroenterology. The authors of the paper do an excellent job of illustrating the connection between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). An article published last year in the same journal reported on the need to perform HLA-DQ genetic […]

Gluten Sensitivity causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

A new review in the American Journal of Gastroenterology recommends that those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) be genetically tested for gluten sensitivity intolerance. The Review elucidates the role of diet in the progression of IBS symptoms. The authors further state that the classic signs of celiac disease are often absent for those suffering […]

Increasing Prevalence of Celiac Disease in the Elderly

A recent study in the journal BMC Gastroenterology found that the incidence of celiac disease increases in the elderly population when individuals are subjected to additional screening. The study pointed out that individuals who previously tested negative for celiac disease, could test positive if they were subjected to future lab screening tests and intestinal biopsies. […]

The Gluten Syndrome: A Neurological Disease

Below is a recent abstract taken from a paper written by Dr. Rodney Ford. He has had extensive experience treating the neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity and coined the new medical term – “Gluten Syndrome” to describe the non-intestinal reactions of those with gluten sensitivities. He is a true pioneer… “Gluten causes symptoms, in both […]

Autoimmune Heart Inflammation – Does Gluten Play a Role

Acute pericarditis (inflammation of the sack surrounding the heart) can be caused by virus or bacterial infection, but 85% of the cases have an unknown etiology (cause). The common presence of pro-inflammatory cytokines in the fluid around the heart and antinuclear antibodies (ANA – a blood marker commonly used to help diagnose lupus) in the […]

What is Gluten Sensitivity-Intolerance?

Celiac Disease is not the same thing as Gluten sensitivity Contrary to popular belief, celiac disease and gluten sensitivity are not the same thing. Unfortunately, most doctors aren’t up to speed on this very important topic. Standard procedure in a medical office is to test for serum antibodies to gliadin (the gluten found in wheat), […]

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