Marios Hadjivassiliou and colleagues have published yet another paper on gluten sensitivity… The Summary of the paper is below. Bolded points shed light on many misconceptions about gluten sensitivity.
“Gluten sensitivity is a systemic autoimmune disease with diverse manifestations. This disorder is characterised by abnormal immunological responsiveness to ingested gluten in genetically susceptible individuals. Coeliac disease, or gluten-sensitive enteropathy, is only one aspect of a range of possible manifestations of gluten sensitivity. Although neurological manifestations in patients with established coeliac disease have been reported since 1966, it was not until 30 years later that, in some individuals, gluten sensitivity was shown to manifest solely with neurological dysfunction. Furthermore, the concept of extraintestinal presentations without enteropathy has only recently become accepted. In this Personal View, we review the range of neurological manifestations of gluten sensitivity and discuss recent advances in the diagnosis and understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neurological dysfunction related to gluten sensitivity.”
4 Responses
Wonderful layout!
thank you very much
Learning more everyday because of you.. Thank you so much
Thank you! I was told over and over by a variety of doctors who should have known better to not bother with a gluten free diet because I wasn’t a celiac and to not listen to “gluten nazis” . . . even when I told them that after going gluten free I no longer had two migraines per week, insomnia, morning panic attacks, and persistent diarrhea. The many other symptoms and ailments on my list are all improving slowly — as are those that have made life miserable for my mother and my four children for so long. We passed on countless prescriptions for our symptoms (because they didn’t usually help anyway) and now rely on a wonderful naturopath who has helped us all significantly. I have run into countless others who’ve questioned their doctors about the relation of food to their obvious gluten-related symptoms who have been told to not worry about it, all the while the person’s condition worsens. It’s incompetence and negligence.
i did test positive for the gene HLA-DQ 8 ,so does that mean i could have celiac or i do have celiac ??