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Your medication is not the solution?

pain medications and gluten
More and more Americans are taking prescription drugs, and in increasing quantities. It’s estimated that from 1994 to 2005 the number of prescriptions purchased increased 71% (from 2.1 billion to 3.6 billion) compared with a 9% growth in the U.S. population, according to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit that analyzes health care issues. During roughly the same period, the average number of retail prescriptions per capita increased from 7.9 to 12.4.
Now, new research by the pharmacy benefit manager Medco Health Solutions is showing for the first time that a majority of insured Americans, 51%, took prescription drugs to treat at least one chronic health problem last year, and one-fifth of the population used three or more chronic drug treatments.
While the Medco data shows, unsurprisingly, that seniors have the highest prevalence of chronic medication use, younger generations are catching up. Nearly half of women ages 20-44 are being treated for chronic conditions, in addition to one-third of men their age. Top treatments used by the general public include medications for high cholesterol and high blood pressure, with use of cholesterol drugs by 20- to 44-year-old men increasing by more than 80% over the past seven years. And nearly 30% of children ages 19 and under take a chronic medication.



Gluten Free Society’s Stance:

This is insanity! When will the world wake up and realize that drugs are not the answer to chronic disease. The question here is – How many of these conditions can be helped with a gluten free diet. We know that gluten sensitivity prevalence is at least 1% in the U.S. (that’s 3 million people). Some scientists believe that gluten actually effects more than 30% of the population (100 million people). Gluten intolerance has been linked to heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression, high blood pressure, liver disease, and on and on and on… The chart below illustrates the top U.S. prescription medications. Many of the diseases these medicines are used to treat have direct ties to gluten intolerance. Unfortunately, most doctors won’t hesitate to tell a patient to take a medication. Unfortunately, nutrition is not even taught as a subject in most medical schools. Medications continue to be ineffective for the resolution of chronic degenerative disease, yet they continue to be prescribed in record numbers. What’s the definition of insanity? Proper diagnosis of gluten sensitivity could save millions of lives and billions of dollars…

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17 Responses

  1. I totally agree with the gluten society’s stance. My Allergiest told me to take my 8 yr old son to a behaviorist because the Dr thought my son would benefit from ADD meds. I told him the only time he freaks out is when he has gluten and why would he need meds? Just tell me to take him of the gluten idiot! That is what I did and my son is fine now.

  2. 4 years ago, on my near-death bed, I was taking 17 prescription medications around the clock. I had to be awakened in the night to make sure I was taking them. I had seen 100+ doctors, trying to convince each one that I was not crazy and they were not looking for the truth. If not for a miracle from God, I would not be here today. Now, 4 years later, no one will give a definitive diagnosis EVEN WITH positive DNA results! They’d rather medicate you, speak death to you, tell you you’re crazy and KILL you than look further than the little box they live in!

  3. I am so happy to see this post!!
    Prior to my Celiac diagnoses, I was wrongly diagnosed with Bi-polar Disorder and put on Zyprexa and prozac.
    the zyprexa caused me to gain an insane amount of weight. That was 4 years ago and I am still fighting to lose the excess weight!

  4. Leila,
    Absolutely! The site is in it’s infancy. We will be launching a forum as well as a member section sometime within the next week or so. Stay tuned. We have a ton of updated expert interviews (including Dr. Rodney Ford) and tutorials about to be released.
    Thanks for visiting and thanks for the nice complement.
    All the best,
    GFS – Dr. Osborne

  5. Pingback: Anonymous
  6. This is so true. There are cultural forces at work among the population that keep people from making necessary changes as well. Americans often want a quick fix to their ailments. Dietary changes feel too radical or imposing to them, but they’re happy to think that a pill will fix their health issue(s). I’ve had many encounters with friends and patients who simply don’t even want to entertain the idea of having to give up their beloved bread products. To them, I say, “I guess you’ll just have to get as sick as a dog before you’re willing to change,” and they usually respond, “Yes, I will.” I even had a co-worker whose daughter was diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis who preferred to have her daughter on methotrexate than to even try her on a gluten-free diet. Her response: “I’ll never be able to get her to cooperate with that.” As a physician assistant who was trained in a system that applies a drug for every diagnosis, I find it fascinating to be looking into the system from the outside now, quite disturbed by the realization that professionals who are dedicated to helping sick people get well have become so captive to the pharmaceutical industry, when in fact taking chemicals is rarely (perhaps never) the key to wellness.

  7. I must say, I enjoy reading your article. Maybe you could let me know how I can subscribing with it ? Also just thought I would tell you I found this site through yahoo.

  8. Doctors only see you for 10 mins at an appointment, maybe 1 a month. They and we expect a diagnosis in this time frame. You live with your body 24hrs a day. Know your own body and own it. If you have kids it’s up to you to know what goes in and what comes out, and the effects it causes, you are responsible for the children you have, document everything if necessary.

  9. Great to read this article. I have been struggling with gluten intolerance for the past few years (that I have admitted, much longer really)and find that if you don’t eat grains people think you are weird. I am starting to believe that people who eat grains are the odd ones and the reality is many more of us are intolerant than we would like to admit. Thank you so much for getting this information out in the world.

  10. My asthma and allergies are pretty much under control since going gluten free, I’m able to be medication free until I have a flare up (usually because of contact with allergens includeing gluten or because of respiratory illness).

    I find it sad that people (previous replies included) think that going gluten free means grain and bread free. I eat many wonderful grains (quinoa is my favorite!) that do not contain gluten. I eat bread, cakes, muffins, pastas that taste so fabulous that people do not believe it is gluten free! (The secret to the bread was discovering the book “Gluten Free Baking Classics” and following the flour mix recipes, specifically making sure to use “super fine” rice flour)

  11. For many years now, grain productors have totally manage to genetically fool around with our health!! When will it stop. Every day , new cases of gluten intolerance ? People are getting sick from all of the junk,wheat,soya,milk… When will the medical officials realize that it is only the tip of the iceberg!Correctly diagnose suffering people? When will we see more information on television ?Proper labeling?
    A worldwide problem still expanding….

  12. I have suffered needlessly from migraine headaches since I was 18. Now at nearly 69, after testing high for wheat allergy, I’ve been totally gluten-free since mid-March and wha la…… migraines! It makes me very angry that all of my previous doctors over the yrs never suggested testing me for food allergies. Yes, they did environmental tests, but never for food. Although I didn’t test high for corn, I know that since I crave popcorn, that is a significant problem, so I’ve given that up, too. (I’m a nutritionist.)

    There isn’t ANYTHING I would chance eating containing gluten that might trigger a migraine. I feel like I’ve been let-out of prison. Now I don’t even have to carry painkillers in my purse or freak-out if I forget them. They simply aren’t needed.

    I wasn’t tested for Celiac because the minute I learned of my wheat allergy, I went gluten-free, cold turkey and haven’t regretted a moment of it.


  13. I forgot to say in the previous post that I also have lived with frequent sinus infections, have been diagnosed with bronchiectasis (I see that’s in your list of conditions related to gluten.), hypertension, N.A.S.H., have plaque in two arteries even though my HDL is 100, but was 120 when I was much younger. I also have Adrenal Exhaustion. Although I no longer have migraines since giving-up gluten, I do hope the hormones I’m now taking, along with Lugol’s Solution will eventually allow me to go off all of the drugs. I hate taking them.


    P.S. It wasn’t until I found Dr. Osborne’s website that I learned that ALL grains must be avoided. I’m now doing that because it makes sense.

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