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I Know You Are Gluten Intolerant, but Are You Cardio Intolerant?

Dr. Osborne here, I see it over and over again in my office – patients going to aerobics classes, long distance jogs, spending hours on treadmills, bikes, stair climbers, and elliptical runners. The end result is NO RESULTS. If you are trying to improve your health, and implementing a workout regimen, you need to read […]

Busting The Cardio Myth

Interview with World Leading Expert Exposes the Truth About Exercise If you are gluten sensitive and just getting started, you most likely are in one of two situations physically: Overweight (high abdominal fat with poor muscle tone) Underweight (malnourished with little fat and poor muscle tone – this is what we refer to as skinny […]

Functional Training Leads to Muscle Gain & Or Fat Loss

Functional Training and Fat Loss Dr. Osborne here, As you know, I am big on breaking traditional myths. The myth that gluten in corn is safe for example. The myth that avoiding sunshine is healthy, the myth that soy based foods are good for you… Many with gluten issues have trouble putting weight on (especially […]

Functional Exercise Is Critical For Immune Health

Dr. Osborne here, It is no mystery that gluten can cause and contribute to muscular loss, muscular weakness, and muscular inflammation. The consequence of this damage can prevent your immune system from being able to properly protect you. You see, muscle is a reserve tank for healthy immune function. Unfortunately, taking gluten out of your […]

7 Tips To Feeling Great and Building a Functional Body

What is a Functional Body? Dr. Osborne here, In the past, I have talked in detail about the benefits of functional medicine. Functional exercise is another term that I want you to become familiar with. Functional exercise helps build body strength and increases your ability to be functional on a day to day basis. The […]

Gluten Free Diet – Does it Enhance Athletic Performance?

The Gluten Free Athlete More and more we are hearing about athletes going gluten and improving their performance. Most notably, tennis champion, Novak Djokovic, gives the gluten free diet great credit for being part of his success. I can personally attest to the gluten free lifestyle helping me improve my athletic endurance and strength. I […]

Athlete Improves Strength, Gains Weight on a Gluten Free Diet

Many looking into the gluten free diet are skeptical at first. This young man was no exception to the rule. Fortunately, he overcame his doubts because going gluten free for him led to remarkable changes. Prior to the diet he was losing weight (16 pounds total). The dietary change led to ability to regain weight, […]

Exercise – Work Out Recovery – Gluten Free Vs. Paleo Diet

I once gave a lecture to superior group of athletes here in Stafford, Texas. Many in the group were injury prone, and many in the group were facing challenges in their workout recovery because of improper diet habits. If you suffer with fatigue, muscle or joint problems, and slow recovery after trying to work out […]

Healing Goes Deeper Than Just a Gluten Free Diet

The Healing Power of Movement We have been focusing on the impact of gluten on muscle and the impact of muscle on restoring health, so if you missed my last post, you can catch up here. Without exercise, the body will not fully heal. Muscle movement, conditioning, and strengthening is a requirement to restore health. […]

Gluten Destroys Muscle

Gluten Muscle Pain Is A Real Problem Before you continue reading and watching, you should know that gluten can cause and contribute to the muscular loss, muscular weakness, and muscular inflammation. This prevents your metabolic system from being able to properly maintain your normal body weight. Becoming gluten-free is not enough to restore good muscular […]

Mrs. United States, Shannon Ford, Eats Gluten Free

[wlm_firstname], Thank you for supporting Gluten Free Society. Here is an exclusive one on one interview with Mrs. United States, Shannon Ford… Gluten Free Society Member Bonus Interview! Mrs. United States, Shannon Ford, talks one on one with Dr. Osborne of the Gluten Free Society about gluten free diets and healthy lifestyle… Member Bonus Discount […]

Do You Have a 5th Mountain to Climb?

Every so often a challenge comes your way that helps to forge your character, mold your being, and challenge your “status quo”… I typically don’t post articles like this one, so I hope it doesn’t repel you too much. That being said, I think that this topic is very fitting to the gluten free community. […]

Tennis Success Fueled By the Gluten Free Lifestyle

Recently, gluten sensitivity has been a hot topic in the tennis world. Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic gives credit to the gluten free diet as playing a major role in his winning streak. He was tested for the problem by his nutritionist in 2010. Since making the diet change, he has taken his game to […]

Gluten Free Diet Relieves This Athlete’s Fatigue

Improved Athletic Performance on a Gluten Free Diet? Going gluten free for this young athlete accelerated his muscle growth, recovery, and focus… Many Athletes are Improving Performance With Gluten Free Diets Recently and most notably tennis champion, Novak Djokovic, credits his diet change to his recent success. In my clinical and personal training experience, removing […]

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