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Do You Have a 5th Mountain to Climb?

Every so often a challenge comes your way that helps to forge your character, mold your being, and challenge your “status quo”…

I typically don’t post articles like this one, so I hope it doesn’t repel you too much. That being said, I think that this topic is very fitting to the gluten free community.

As we go through life, we all face adversity. Some times it comes to us unexpectedly, sometimes we choose the path less taken, and sometimes we do things that bring it to our doorsteps. Being diagnosed as gluten intolerant or sensitive was probably one of those times for you. I have diagnosed and treated thousands of patients with gluten sensitivity. I have been fortunate enough to help people who were on death’s door. I have had the privilege a helping people through this huge lifestyle change. I have seen every reaction to it imaginable. From tears of pain and frustration to tears of joy at finally finding an answer.

The journey of going and being gluten free is much like climbing a mountain. Steep slopes, rocky landslides, torrential snows, avalanches, wild animals, and many other challenges all lie in your path. Only in life these challenges present as severe health problems, frustrating doctor visits, frustrated family members (that don’t understand that a little gluten is not OK), awkward social situations, depression and isolation, etc.

Are you a Victim or are you Empowered?

Many people embrace the challenge with the wrong attitude. They put themselves into a role of the victim. Poor me, I can’t eat birthday cake. Poor me, I just have to live with this disease. Poor me it’s my genetics.

Many embrace the challenge empowered with hope and determination – I don’t care about birthday cake, I would rather be healthy. I don’t have to live with the disease, I choose to conquer it. It is this attitude that drives those who have great success at restoring their health. These people are empowered to be healthy.

Self Improvement Starts With You –

Ask yourself these questions… Are you moving toward or away from self improvement? What do you do on a regular basis to improve your mental, physical, and nutritional health? Do you give more than you take? Do you strive to help those around you become better people? Are you willing to sacrifice instant gratification and dawn the hat of patience, persistence and perseverance to improve your character? I am.

Do You Have a “5th Mountain” to Climb?

Pushing through your comfort zone is not easy. People fear challenges and change. That is why it is so important to embrace both when the opportunity arises. Tomorrow I will climb my “5th Mountain”. What is it? It is a workout to test my body’s ability to perform on a level few people will ever attempt. It is a challenge that will test my physical, mental, and chemical capabilities to an extreme. The workout is as follows:
  • 100 burpees
  • 1 mile run
  • 100 squats
  • 1 mile run
  • 100 sit-ups
  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pushups
  • 1 mile run
  • 100 pullups
  • 1 mile run..
All while wearing a 20 pound weight vest.. It will be immensely challenging. I will probably be physically drained for several days. When it is over, I will be a stronger person for the experience. Remember that adversity tears us down before it makes us stronger. Extremes in moderation give us a greater understanding of the nature of relativity. In essence, how does one understand what is easy without the perception of what is truly difficult. What is your “5th Mountain”? How will you challenge yourself to improve? Please share with me below…

Yours in health,

Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior

The Fires that Forge Our Character Burn and Scar Before They Sharpen –


2 Responses

  1. I am gluten intolerant and only found out about it 2 years ago at the age of 47. I have struggled against various health issues all my life and have developed chronic bronchitis which hits me 3 times a year: Oct, Feb and May. Like clockwork. Right now I am sick in bed. But when I do not have bronchitis, I push myself to the max working out, in a fight to strengthen my immune system. I have had great results with Shawna Kaminski’s Female Fat Loss After 40 program.
    Knowing how not to poison my body any longer with gluten and how to work out most effectively are my plan for challenge and improvement!

  2. Anxious to hear how it went yesterday…shared the workout with my teenage sons who said you are “bad ass if you can do 100 pull ups.” Keep us posted.

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