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Avoid Dairy on the Gluten Free Diet

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Dairy versus gluten. Should you avoid dairy on the gluten free diet? What do I even really mean by dairy versus gluten? Dairy versus gluten refers to: many people go on a gluten-free diet, and they keep dairy in the diet. So keeping dairy in the diet, is that good? Is that bad? Is that indifferent? It’s one of the biggest questions that we get. So I wanted to talk a little bit tonight about how gluten-free can be effective, but going gluten and dairy-free can be even more effective, and some of the reasons as to why that is the case.

So one of the reasons we see it be the case is that the protein casein … Now casein, it’s one of the primary proteins found in milk. That being the case, casein, what I’m talking about right now, is often times going to look like gluten. So for many people, especially depending on the type of casein, and the type of cows milk that we’re talking about, the casein from A1 cows, and I’m getting into the genetics of cows … There’s a type of cow called the Holstein, and this type of cow, which is a European descendant cow, was brought over to the United States, and used a predominant milk producer because they’re milkers.

These cows pump out a lot of milk, and so you get more milk from the cow than you can from other cows or other breeds of cows, but the problem is, is that they’re a genetically modified breed of cow, and they produce a type of casein called A1 casein. Now that has to do with the gene pattern of the cow, and A1 casein looks a lot like gluten. So, many people who are getting dairy, and keeping dairy in their diet, but they’re drinking dairy or getting dairy from an A1 producing cow. It’s the casein. It’s the protein in the dairy itself that can actually look like gluten to the body and create the same type of an immune response.

So again, that’s one element, one element of why going dairy free and gluten free can be very, very beneficial, but one of the other components to consider … So it’s not just the A1 casein. Now that’s one element, but it also has to do with some of the proteins that are found in dairy. One of them is called caseomorphin. caseomorphin, let’s type that in for you, is a type of protein that looks and acts a lot like morphine.

So we have another protein found in grain called gluteomorphin that does the same thing, but what this can do is it can create the stage, it can set the stage, for a very, very addictive quality to the dairy. In essence, people can become addicted to dairy through the action of caseomorphin, which acts like morphine. So what it does is, if you’re one of those people that, you get dairy, and you feel really good about life, and you feel really happy, this is probably the caseomorphin working on your brain, working on your neurotransmission. So, keep that in mind.

The caseomorphin, again, it’s a sub-protein found in the casein itself that can create an addictive property, but can also create kind of a morphine-like effect. So calming or soothing effect. There’s some newer research that shows, just like morphine is a pain reducer, that caseomorphin, for some people with gluten sensitivity, actually hinders the pain. In essence, they’re eating the food that causes the inflammation that leads to the pain, but the morphine quality of the food actually suppresses the pain.

So they don’t feel bad when they eat it. Because we’ll get this a lot from people, too, who are having this response. They’ll say, “You know what? I really don’t feel bad or have pain when I eat it.” It’s because, remember, morphine is a pain blocker. So if you are taking in, and getting lots of the morphine based proteins, the gluteomorphins, the caseomorphins, you’re actually inhibiting the pain as it’s being created, and so you may be relatively asymptomatic during the consumption of that dairy. So again, that’s something to keep in mind with dairy.

So what is one of the other reasons that we might see dairy potentially being a problem? One of them is called meat glue. Now I’ve talked about meat glue before, but I’m gonna talk about it a little bit more tonight. Meat glue, its other name is microbial transglutaminase. MTG for short. So if I typed that up for you, you can go do some research on it. Microbial transglutaminase. It’s a food additive. It’s actually one of the food additives that’s used to process dairy. There it is on the screen for you to see.

Microbial transglutaminase is used as a thickening agent, it’s used as a shelf life extender, and it’s used in a lot of dairy products including milks, and butters, and cheeses, and again, it’s used predominately for texture. It’s used predominately for preservation. Now, MTG treated foods … Understand what MTG is. It’s an enzyme made from bacteria. That’s why microbial, right? Bacteria. Transglutmainase. It’s an enzyme made from bacteria that they treat, that food manufacturers treat the food with, and dairy is one of the more commonly treated foods.

I’m gonna pop up a … I’m gonna put that side by side, so that you can see it there. This diagram shows you some of the more commonly processed foods that are treated with microbial transglutaminase, and you can see there, dairy being on the top of that list. Meats, dairy, processed foods, sea foods, and restaurant foods oftentimes will use this enzyme, but number of studies have shown that foods treated with microbial transglutaminase cause an inflammatory reaction in people with gluten sensitivity. Mean that, people with gluten issues tend to react to the dairy products that are treated with MTG.

So again, if you’re going and you’re buying gluten free dairy, by all means. Right? Gluten free, but you’re but you’re buying it, and even if it’s organic but it’s being treated with MTG, then the problem is gonna be that you could potentially react to it because of the way that the enzyme interacts with it, making it look, again, more like gluten to a person with gluten sensitivity. So if you’re a big dairy fan, you’re on a gluten free diet, you feel better, but you’re still struggling? This is where those of you who struggle with dairy might consider, and probably need to consider getting it out of the diet so that you can make a full recovery, so that you’re not reacting to the dairy the same way you could potentially be reacting to the gluten.

Now keep in mind, again, this diagram that I’ve got up on the screen for you, keep in mind that, that also illustrates other foods. It’s not just dairy but, again, I want you to know the connection with dairy. So that’s one of the reasons why we might see a person reacting to dairy as well. Let’s talk about a few of the other reasons. Let’s see. Before I get into that, we’ve got a whole bunch of new people tuning in here. Vicky Rodgers is tuning in. Lisa Morris. Dairy messes me up more, she says. Thank you, Lisa, for that comment. Some people just need to hear it. Matthew from Fort Wayne, Indiana, welcome. Julie, I am gluten, and lactose, and fructose free. Tracy Elizabeth, hola back to you, Tracy. Jennifer, raw milk is okay for me, but store milk? Frown-y face.

Let’s talk a little bit about, again, let’s get into some of the other reasons why dairy can be a big, big problem. One of the reasons has to do with gluten in the diet of the cow, or the animal. I want you to understand, this has not been studied. Nobody has done a study that measures the content of gluten based proteins in dairy. Nobody’s done that study. However, what we have done is we’ve done the studies on human milk. In essence, there are a couple different really good studies that show that there is gluten that passes from the mother’s diet, into the breast milk.

Actually I just had this, this week. I had a patient this week in the office. Her other doctor told her, shame on that other doctor but he said, “Quit breastfeeding.” He said, “Your son is allergic to your milk, and you’re doing your son damage,” and I’m pulling my hair out, and going crazy, because children are not allergic to breast milk. Now children can be allergic to what mom eats because that can pass into the breast milk, and as in the case of gluten, if mom is eating gluten, that gluten does show up in the breast milk, and so if the baby is gluten sensitive, that can do harm to the baby.

Again, this is not me saying, “Don’t breastfeed.” This is me saying, if you are a mom, and you’re breastfeeding, and your baby’s reacting to your milk, don’t quit breastfeeding. Analyze the allergic response, and depending on the age of your child, you can analyze it in your child, you can analyze it in yourself, but you need to find out what the allergens are, and get them to remove them from the diet, so that the milk is more tolerable, because breast milk is by far, infinitely by far, a much better choice than using any of the formulas. Remember, most of these formulas are loaded with corn syrup, genetically modified corn syrup, loaded with other sugars, loaded with chemically derived proteins, and synthetic vitamins that are not a substitute for real human milk. So they’re a far cry away from what your baby’s nutrition should be. So keep that in mind.

So again, not me advocating to not breastfeed, but me advocating that any of you breastfeeding, that have babies who are reacting to your milk, get your baby allergy tested so that you can know what you need to remove from your diet, so that those proteins are not passing through into your milk. So going back to the milk, we know that, in humans, gluten passes through into the milk. We don’t know that about cows, but I like to err on the side of caution. We don’t know it about cows, and what’s the primary diet? Depending on the type of cow you eat, if you’re buying organic milk from the grocery store, understand that, that cow is being fed organic grain. Organic grain. That means gluten is coming into the cow’s diet.

Whether or not the gluten proteins are showing up in the milk? Nobody can truly say because it hasn’t been studied, but I have seen patient, after patient, after patient react to even organic milk as a result of, again, grain fed animals. In essence, if the milk is produced from a grain feeding animal, I’ve seen patients reacting to that milk even if it was organic. So again, something really, really strongly that you want to consider.

Another consideration. So again, gluten is the diet of the cow. Another consideration that we want to keep in mind is very simply put, the concept known as … It’s not a concept. It’s reality. But it’s lactose intolerance. Now many of you’ve heard of lactose intolerance before. Lactose intolerance is … basically, it’s the inability to break down the sugar in milk known as lactose. So we all make an enzyme. Humans make an enzyme called lactase, and that enzyme breaks down lactose so that we can digest it.

However, humans beyond the age of three, they make less and less of this enzyme. So, many people start to become more and more lactose intolerance as they age, and this is actually a very, very common phenomena, but if we’re looking at somebody specifically with a gluten sensitivity issue, those people oftentimes have gut damage where the cells in the GI tract are damaged, and some of those cells have a brush border where enzymes are produced, and enzymes are created. Some of these enzymes like lactase that help you break down dairy.

So years of gluten induced damage to the intestine can leave a person enzyme deficient, creating a lactose intolerance. So if you eat dairy, and you get gassy, and you get bloated, and you have fowl flatulence, and you struggle with constant constipation and diarrhea, irritable bowl, this is probably along the lines of what’s happening to you. Now, dairy is an equal opportunity destroyer for many people. In essence, you can be intolerant to the lactose, but you can also be allergic to the dairy, but you can also react to the casein in the dairy because it looks like gluten, and you can also react to the microbial transglutaminase being used to treat the dairy because it makes the dairy look like gluten.

So again, all of these different factors can play a role in why dairy is not necessarily this ideal food choice for you if you’re embarking on a healing diet. If you’re going gluten free, remember why are you going gluten free? Most people go gluten free because they’re trying to heal. They’ve got years of gluten induced damage, and they need a diet that’s going to help them heal, and so we want to minimize foods that are gonna contribute to an inability for that healing to occur, or that are gonna interfere with that healing, or that are gonna put more stress on the GI tract, and create a problem.

So I want to talk about a couple of other things around dairy. So we’ve talked about a number of points, but I also want to talk about … We’ve been talking about cow’s dairy, but a lot of people gravitate more toward a goat dairy, or a sheep dairy, or they gravitate toward what’s called an A2 milk. You heard me mention A1 a moment ago. A1 versus A2. So, A1 versus A2. A1, again, it’s a type of milk that comes from a genetically modified Holstein cow that can look like gluten. So when people drink that milk, that casein can resemble gluten. Whereas, A2 generally comes from a non-GMO cow, typically a Jersey cow where we’re getting non-GMO protein and, in essence, the casein is not disrupted, or it doesn’t look as much like gluten.

So some people can tolerate raw A2 milk just fine, and it can actually be a nourishing food. I’ve actually had … There have been some patients with chronic ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease who actually do really, really well with A2 fermented milk as a source of probiotic, but also as a source of nourishment. So again, it’s a possibility that you can do well with dairy, but if you’re gonna do any dairy at all from cow, it does need to be A2, and my advice, and I might be going against the grain here but … literally against the grain, but my advice is to use it in a non-pasteurized way, or if you’re gonna pasteurize it, pasteurize it yourself. Boil it on your own stove. That way, it’s not being ultra pasteurized, because what happens when you overheat milk, or when you take the temperature too high, is you denature a lot of the valuable proteins that actually are in it, and so what you’re left with are denatured proteins that can potentially trigger and cause more of an inflammatory response.

So aside from the fact of if you’re getting A2 milk, again raw versus pasteurized, you do want to consider potentially non-pasteurizing that milk, in essence taking it in raw, because it can be much safer. Now I know a lot of people will say, “Well, wait a second. Why did we start pasteurizing milk in the first place? Weren’t there problems with bacteria and disease causing bugs?” And the answer to that question is yes and no. You have to know the history of milk to really understand it.

Understand that there was a time where milk was being processed, and then it was being shipped long distances without being pasteurized, and so by the time it got to where it was going, yes, it had bacteria problems. Yes. There were issues that were potential human pathogen based bacteria that could be spread through the milk. That’s why in some states, raw milk is perfectly legal. It’s just, if you buy it, you have to buy it from the farm. It can’t be transported from one location to another. You have to buy it from the farm directly in order to be within the confines of the law. That’s the way it is here in Texas, and many other states have that same type of law, and that’s why, because when you take away the transport, you take away the risk of the dairy getting old, and sitting there, and collecting bacteria, and creating a problem.

So again, if you have your own raw milk, because some of you are farmers, some of you may have your own cows at home, there’s a potential possibility that you might tolerate that just fine. Then again, there’s also the possibility that you might not because, aside from the fact of whether or not there’s A1 milk, or whether or not it’s ultra pasteurized, or whether or not there’s microbial transglutaminase, or whether or not the cow ate grain, you still have the fundamental, which is a person can still be allergic to dairy. It’s still possible to be allergic to dairy, even if that dairy is the best quality coming from the healthiest animals that are not genetically modified.

So you have to keep all of those things in mind. This is why. One of the reasons why in the No Grain, No Pain diet protocol, I keep dairy out for six months. No matter what kind of dairy it is, no matter where it comes from, I eliminate it for six months because it’s very, very hard to control all of those different variables unless you live on your own farm, and most people don’t. Most people don’t have acreage, and they’re not milking their own cow every morning, and that cow is not a confirmed A2 only genetic Jersey cow.

So again, unless you’re living on your own farm, really, really homesteading it up, you’ve gotta keep things in mind because you can get yourself in a lot of problem with dairy very, very easy, even though you might be thinking that you’re buying the healthiest and best variety of dairy. So whether you’re shopping at a Whole Foods, or a Natural Grocers, or whether you’re shopping at Trader Joe’s, or any of these others like Sprouts where you can get a better quality milk, it still could very much potentially be a problem with you for all of those reasons.

So I’m gonna take just a second here to give you guys a little bit of time to chime in with any questions that you might have. Go ahead and get those typed in for me because I want to make sure I get them all answered. Okay. Let’s see here. I wanted to also post a couple of things up for you in the notes section. So I’m gonna post some things for you. A couple of articles. This first one is on how casein mimics gluten, and if you want to go read more about it, I always like to bring the science just so you guys know.

I’m not here to make things up and convince you to do something just so that you have to limit your diet. I really care about you and I want you to get better. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. So I want you to understand that a lot of the decisions that I make with my patients in my clinic, and that when I’m thinking about writing books, et cetera, that all of that is research based, but it’s also experience based. So I’m fortunate in that I live in both worlds. I live in the clinic, but I also live in the world of research. So I get to have kind of the best of both worlds from that perspective.

So what I just posted for you is relating to some of the studies on that casein mimicking the gluten. Now I’m gonna post up for you another article on some of the other downfalls of dairy that we know about in the medical literature, but also that I’ve experienced directly with patients. Actually, I recently took my son … I say recently. It’s been a couple years, but we were up in Wisconsin, and we were visiting a dairy farm, and I wanted to take him to a dairy farm because I wanted him to experience what actually happens.

So this was one of your traditional dairy farms. Right? The cows were coming in on each row, and they were basically being lined up. They got connected. Their breasts connected to the pumping machines, and it was just constant pumping, and these cows … I actually took a picture in that post that I just up. That’s actually a picture from the dairy farm that I visited, but you can see their feed. Most of it is grain, and it’s genetically modified grain, and that’s another element about dairy that we really even haven’t talked about yet.

It’s the possibility that dairy is contaminated with glyphosate and other forms of pesticide, and keep in mind what glyphosate is. Glyphosate is an antimicrobial. It’s designed to kill life. So feeding cows grain that’s contaminated with glyphosate, and having that glyphosate then pass through into the milk where we now get exposure glyphosate. Glyphosate disrupts the microbiome. Glyphosate can disrupt serotonin production in the GI tract, leading to irritable bowl syndrome. Glyphosate’s a metal chelator, so it can cause selenium and molybdenum deficiencies. There’s all different kinds of things that glyphosate, in the feed, that the animal is eating can do. So if you’re taking in that milk, you’re potentially taking in that poison.

So just, again, we didn’t mention that earlier, and glyphosate is not the only one. There’s another big one, and I talked about this a couple of weeks ago in our episode on hormones. We talked about the herbicide atrazine, which is a known artificial, or what’s called a xenoestrogen. So it mimics estrogen, and it can create hormone disruption in people that get massive exposure to it. So this is just, again, another one of those ways we can get exposure to the pesticides, is through the dairy where the cows are being fed GMO based, or pesticide loaded, grains. So keep those things in mind.

Okay. Let’s see here. I wanted to show you. There was another one I wanted to post up for you on breast milk and gluten, because I feel like you should have that information at your fingertips. So I’m gonna post that link up to you, as well, so that you have a copy, and if you want to read more about how gluten passes into breast milk, you’ll have that, and you can reference that, and if you’ve got doctors trying to get you off of your … get your child off of your breast milk. I can’t believe that there’s an actual doctor, a pediatric gastro neurologist, saying that somebody’s allergic to breast milk. It’s quite ridiculous, in terms of that thought process, that a baby could actually be allergic to mom’s ultimate food.

So I just posted that article up for you. So you have a copy of that. If you want to read through that, you’ll have it as well, and I’m gonna post up … I did a really great … one more thing I want you to have. More information is better. I’m gonna post up an interview I did with a different pediatric gastro neurologist by the name of Doctor Rodney Ford. Many of you know Doctor Rodney Ford. He’s one of the experts in gluten sensitivity. He’s actually got a practice in New Zealand. Been practicing a really long time. He’s got a lot of books out. He’s a great guy, and we actually did an interview a couple of years ago on gluten and dairy, and you might also find that information quite helpful as you’re trying to navigate this issue.

So, just posted that up into the feed for you as well. Okay. Let’s go and get some of these questions answered. Okay. So Kristy’s asking, “I stepped away …” Kristy, why did you step away? You’re missing such great information. No. I’m just kidding. “Did you discuss other types of animal milk?” IE, goat. No. I did not discuss goat and sheep. I will discuss goat and sheep now. Goat and sheep dairy can tend to be just as problematic depending on the diet of the animal itself.

So one, we want goats that are grazing if we’re doing it. Same thing with sheep. We don’t want a ton of grain in their diet. That shouldn’t be a staple in their diet. Particularly, they should be grazing on organic fields, but beyond that, remember it’s still possible to be allergic to these types of milk, and the proteins can be quite similar. So if a person has a reaction to cow’s milk, and they’re gluten sensitive, and they’re struggling with their health, again, this is one of the reasons why, in the No Grain, No Pain protocol, I keep dairy out.

The dairy stays out initially for the first six months because the dairy proteins, even from sheep and goat, can look very similar to an already damaged gut, and they can also be very, very hard to digest to a damaged gut. So they can be counterproductive in our ultimate goal, which is to get that gut healed and sealed, so that, that person can be much healthier. So hopefully that’s helpful, Kristy, in answering your question.

So Coco, “Is Hashimoto’s a direct result of leaky gut? Gluten and dairy are big triggers for us Hashimoto’s?” Yeah. It can be. So is Hashimoto’s a result of leaky guy? Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune low thyroid. Right? There are four triggers. Four triggers. Not one. So dairy’s not the only trigger. Leaky gut isn’t the only trigger. The big fundamental categorical triggers for autoimmune disease, including Hashimoto’s, number one, is infection. So that can be a yeast infection, or bacterial infection, a parasite infection, a viral infection. There are a variety of different types of microorganisms that can create an infection, that can lead to an autoimmune process.

Number two, we have food trigger reactions. So dairy can be one of those reactions. Gluten, certainly. Grains can be one of those trigger reactions. Nightshades can be one of those trigger reactions. It depends on the person. That’s why it’s so critical that a person who’s trying to figure this out gets the appropriate type of testing, and doesn’t just spend months and months, and potentially years and years, guessing at which thing to remove from the diet. The third trigger is chemical exposure. Chemicals, meaning things like pesticides are a known trigger for autoimmune disease. Chemicals in plastics are known. There are studies that have been done that show that those can be triggers. Chemicals like microbial transglutaminase, it’s found in processed food as I just talked about a moment ago, can be one of the triggers. So, understanding what chemical reactions are occurring can be a very, very important part of this.

And then the fourth trigger, the fourth one, is nutritional deficiencies. Meaning if you have nutrient deficit, vitamin D deficiency, zinc deficiency, vitamin C, et cetera, we know for certain that vitamin D deficiency can trigger autoimmune disease. It’s just one example but again, understanding those four triggers, working with a doctor who knows how to accurately test for those different four triggers, is the best thing that you can do to really, really get a definitive on where that Hashimoto’s might be coming from.

So Catherine, “I hope alternative milk is fine, such as coconut and almond for my berry smoothie every morning. Alternative yogurt is fine as well?!?” Good question, Catherine. So, alternative milks. Here’s your problem with alternative milks. It’s not that they’re all bad. It’s very simply this. Alternative milks, often time, contain the gums, the gum thickeners, and these gum thickeners can be a problem … we’re gonna add that up, too. I’m gonna show you that gum thickeners can be a problem, and that carrageenan gum is one of the big ones.

So I wrote an article, let’s see if we can pull that up, on toxic food gums. Access was probably eight our nine months ago. We put that out for you. Let’s see. I’m gonna pull that up and post that in. I just found it, and basically, if you read this article on toxic food gums, you’ll understand which gums are less problematic, versus which ones are not, but carrageenan is one of those. It’s from a red seaweed. For a lot of people with an already existing gluten damaged gut, it can create inflammation or increase the inflammation.

So from that perspective, you’ve gotta watch out for the gum thickeners. Carrageenan gum probably one of the worst. Xanthan gum, not a good one. It’s typically corn derived. GMO corn derived to boot. So those are two that I would definitely want to avoid. So check you almond milk, check your coconut milk for those types of additives, and if they have them, find a different brand, but beyond that? Those alternative milks can be okay. Where you get into trouble with too much almond milk is if you’re using almonds, and almond flour, and almond milk. You get too many omega six fats in the diet, and an omega six, omega three imbalance can create, or can help to promote an inflammatory response, an exaggerated inflammatory response in the body. So you don’t necessarily want to go super duper heavy almond all the time. That’s not to say you can’t have it. That’s just simply to say some people, they go crazy with the milk. So don’t go crazy with the milk. You don’t need all these milk substitutes to be healthy.

Okay. I’ve gotta just show this comment. “Ugh. Goat milk! Nasty!” Lisa, I agree with you, but taste is relative. So some people like it, some people hate it. I’m one in the nasty category myself but, I say it again, all milk is out for six months. All dairy, not almond milk, or coconut milk, but all true dairy milk from animals is out for the first six months in the No Grain, No Pain protocol. Alright. We’ve got Misty here tonight. Misty from Scleroderma community. Hi, Misty. Good to see you back again this week.

Let’s see. Kat, “I have complete intolerance for casein/gluten, and animal proteins, sugar, and onions. Is it happens often?” I’m gonna assume you mean, is this common? Does this happen frequently? It depends on how you really came to understanding that. If what you mean by that is that, when you eat those foods, you don’t feel well? Intolerance may be the right word and it may be the wrong word. Intolerances and allergies are unique to the individual. Meaning, no two people are alike. So does it happen often? Yes. Food reactions happen often. But that exact category or that exact combination may not be 100% across the board with everyone.

I love this question. Wanda, “Is there lactose milk okay to drink?” Now, I’m gonna assume what you mean here, and I’m hoping I’m not putting words in your mouth. What I think you mean is, is the lactose free milk okay to drink? Or there are some milks that are lactose free or lactose minimized. In essence, they have an enzyme. Some of them have an enzyme, like Lactaid has an enzyme in it to help breakdown the lactose. Look, I don’t recommend those. Those are chemically loaded … Well to say it politely, those are chemically loaded and manipulated products, and if you can’t tolerate milk because you don’t have the enzyme capacity to break it down, let’s not sugarcoat it and try to tolerate it by adding another chemically derived enzyme. That’s just a bad idea, and if your goal is really to be healthy, let’s get serious about it. That’s my advice, Wanda. Hopefully that’s helpful for you.

Okay. Would I talk about Lyme sometime? Yeah, I will, but tonight … Well maybe we’ll make a show about it. Those of you who really want me to talk about Lyme, just forward me an email at The more requests that we get from you guys on particular show topics, the more I’ll talk about those topics for you. So, yes. Send me an email at

Okay. Beverly says, “Hello.” Hi, Beverly. Let’s see here. Grew up on a … okay. Deborah Ashby, “I grew up on farm fresh milk delivered to our door. Had no issues with that.” Look, a lot of people say the same thing. I don’t necessarily think milk is the devil. I think has become the devil through a lot of the processing, the way we feed the animals, the way we treat the animals, the way the milk has processing issues, and ultra pasteurization issues. There are a lot of problems with the massive scaled production of food, and I think that’s one of the biggest problems that we face.

The secondary issue to that is, is a lot of people, once their whole diet, and their whole life, has been massively scaled processed food, they’re in horrible condition. Their gut is wrecked. So even healthy, strong, quality milk is still sometimes too challenging for those individuals to tolerate.

Let’s see here. Kristy. “My son was colicky and had severe reflux as a newborn. I had to go gluten-free, dairy-free, and start drinking alkalized water to help him.” Good. Thank you for chiming in on that. That’s the case with a lot of kids. The kids are not necessarily allergic to the milk. They’re allergic to the mom … what the mom is eating. So we have to keep that in mind. Let’s see here. Yeah. Lisa, wish you the best with your infectious issue. Let’s see.

Okay. Lisa Camp is asking, “What about soy? Can it cause intestinal distress in people who have a gluten sensitivity?” Yeah. You know what? It’s interesting. Soy is one of the known foods … There’s been a study. I’ll see if I can pull it up for you. I did another one on that a number of years ago. Soy is one of the few foods that we know, based on research, can actually cause villous atrophy. Here it is. I just found it. I’m gonna post this up for you if you want to read a little bit more about soy. Give me just a second here. Okay. There you go, Lisa.

Soy is known. It’s a known cause of intestinal villous atrophy and for many people, it can create a lot of problems. Now some people would argue that it isn’t the soy, that it’s the glyphosate, or that it’s the GMO modified, genetically modified versions of soy. Yes to both. Yes to all, but it’s also soy’s a legume. Remember legumes are designed … by design to be difficult to digest because a legume, in effect, it’s a seed, and its job is to protect its species and to propagate its species not to be the food for predators. So it has defense mechanisms. Those defense mechanisms in soy are chemicals. There are electins and other proteins that protect the soybean from being overeaten out of extinction. So soy, and other legume for that matter, soy’s just one in the family of legumes that can be a problem for many people with intestinal issues and a history of gluten sensitivity.

Okay. Mikal, “Any thoughts on Flax milk?” Look, I’m not a big fan of just pounding all of these processed milks. I think a lot of people are going into making the same mistake, which is they’re looking for a milk, “Can I get a milk? Somewhere? Please? Can I get a milk substitute?” And what ends up happening is, they end up grabbing a Flax milk, or a cashew milk, or a almond milk, or coconut milk, or any of these other variety milks, and then when you start looking at the ingredients of some of these products, they’re adding sugar, they’re adding artificial flavors, or they’re adding natural flavors that are corn derived, or they’re adding other gums, and other ingredients, and I think as you get into that, you’re gonna run into problems ultimately with all these different milk based products. If you really want Flax, make your own Flax milk at home. Don’t buy the stuff that’s processed. Anytime you’re buying the stuff that’s processed, you run that risk of it potentially being an issue. Now Flax can be extremely hard to digest, and there’s som proteins in it that can pose some problems for a number of people’s GI tracts. So again, it’s not one of those things I recommend people go out and use in mass, especially when they’re first discovering the gluten free diet, and trying to get healthy.

Okay. Let’s see here. Man, all of you are loving the Lyme conversation. So we’ll maybe have to dive into that one of these weeks for sure. So Julie, about the Lactaid milk brand, I just mentioned that I didn’t like that. Those are horrible, horrible ideas. Adrianna is asking, “Are there any okay whey proteins you can suggest, or is it best to stick with eggs white or pea protein? Asking for my husband, for post-workout.” My experience, fundamentally, the absolute best post-workout protein I’ve ever found is from hydrolyzed beef, and it’s not whey at all. Whey has a tendency … a lot of the wheys are highly, highly processed, and the processing of many of these wheys, not very good.

I’ve not yet seen a solid whey based product that was truly grass fed, organic, grass fed, grass finished type of cow whey protein from an A2 cow. So it’s not something that I really recommend a whole lot of. I can post up what I do recommend. We have something called ultra pure protein, and we’re talking about workout recovery here. So this is what I recommend in terms of workout recovery, because the nitrogen score of this protein is bar none. It’s better than any. So when you’re talking about working out and muscle recovery, you want high nitrogen, high biological value protein, here you go. Protein for recovery. You want high biological value protein. You don’t want low biological value protein. So if we’re talking about the P-proteins, and the heme proteins, and some of the other ones, if we’re talking about workout recovery, that is your better bet. Good question.

Pamela is asking, “Is that why pre-made protein shakes make me nauseous like the Lactaid milk?” I don’t know. It depends on what’s in the pre-made protein shake. A lot of them are soy isolate or whey isolate. Horrible, horrible stuff. Again, you’re using that other protein. You shouldn’t get nauseous unless you have a problem with stevia, and some people do. Some people have a problem with stevia because it makes the tummy upset, but beyond that? Yeah. That’s a possibility, Pamela.

Let’s see here. So Andrew, I’m just gonna say this. I’m not doubt what you’re saying about the flour that your purchased that is organic, and I’m gonna assume you mean a grain based flour. Again, there are a number of reasons why you might not have an exact immediate acute response, and of those I talked about earlier, which is the gluteomorphin. The morphine based proteins in some of the grains can actually suppress the symptoms that you might feel.

Now, if you’re eating other types of grains that you react immediately to, there are a number of reasons why. The processed ones, one has to do with glyphosate and atrazine, one has to do with the hydrolyzed types of fats that are added, one has to do with the genetically modified sugar that are added to a lot of these, one has to do with the way they brominate many of these flours, adding bromine to them. Bromine is a halide and what it can do is, it compete with the thyroid, it can compete with iodine uptake into your thyroid. So there are a number of reasons why that’s the case. I would say if you’re truly gluten sensitive, and the only way you really know that is through genetic testing, so if you’re truly gluten sensitive Andrew, you need to keep the grain out, period, whether you feel good or whether you don’t, because the average person doesn’t get a diagnosis until they’ve had decades and decades of damage, and the damage has become so great that they now manifest massive symptoms in the form of disease. So again, if you’re truly gluten sensitive, genetic testing is the way you would identify that, and keep the grain out whether it’s organic or not, but it’s possible that you’re not gluten sensitive and that you were acting to some of those other things in some of the processed types of grain. So I hope that’s helpful for you.

I got a question. What is MTHFR? That stands for Methyl tetra hydra folate reductase. It’s a gene we all have, and it’s a gene responsible for helping to methylate or add a methyl group to the B-vitamin folate. So it helps. Basically it helps to methylate the B-vitamin, vitamin-B folate, and that’s very, very important for the replication of new DNA, new RNA fats, and proteins, and lipids. So it’s critical in a healing process. It’s critical in the production of dopamine and serotine. It’s critical in the detoxification process because you need that folate to basically be able to properly metabolize without needing homocysteine, and glutathione, and into bile acids. As well as to bind and metabolize sulfate, sulfite into sulfate, et cetera. It’s so that you can detoxify. So that is a very, very important gene.

However that being said, Kayla, a lot of people overplay this gene, or give this gene too much credit. This gene doesn’t work alone. It works with a whole battery of other genes that are important for the methylation process. So if you’ve got a mutation in MTHFR, you don’t necessarily need to supplement with methylate and folate for the rest of your life. It’s more important that you get some other genetic testing done to get a more comprehensive picture of what your methylation needs are and should be. Alrighty.

Cindy’s asking about a bioactive whey protein. Again, I do not recommend whey protein if you’re trying to heal and get better. I see too many people struggling with that. So that’s just not something I recommend. Sonya’s asking if Teff Flour would be considered a grain. The answer is yes. Don’t recommend Teff Flour in the diet, either. I did an article, gosh it was a few months ago, on grain free flours. So those of you, Christmas is right around the corner, the holidays are right around the corner. Many of you are looking for … How can you bake? How can you emulate some of the things? So I’m gonna put a link up here for you. Grain free flour options, and I’m gonna post that in the feed so that you have that. Look, it’s an article that might be very helpful as you’re trying to navigate this holiday season and figure out what you can make.

Let’s see. “Where can we find the protocol if we get gluten?” That’s Lu’s question. I’ve got a beautiful protocol for this. A matter of fact, I spent a whole episode on that protocol a couple of weeks ago. Lu, you’ve gotta subscribe. That’s how you get access to our archive. So go to and sign up for our newsletter there. You’ll get access to the full archive of all of the Doctor Osborne shows, including that protocol on what to do when you get gluten. So make sure, and those of you who aren’t subscribed to our newsletter, you’re missing out big time on a lot of wonderful value for free. It’s a great newsletter with a lot of great tips and things that you can do. So make sure you get signed up if you’re not already.

Let’s see. Let’s see. Somebody … It looks like Shelley. Wow. That’s a big long phrase there. I didn’t skip your comment on hemp CBD oil. I didn’t skip it. What I don’t want, there are a lot of people that are … look, understand that the cannabis industry is completely unregulated right now as far as the oils are concerned, and a lot of them are making claims that they’re THC free, and they’re not, and that’s the problem, is I don’t want people out there buying cheap CBD oils that have THC, and now they’re doped up out of their mind. So I’m very, very meticulous when addressing this topic, and talking about this topic. Can the cannabinoids … can they reduce pain? Yes. Are they antiinflammatory? Yes. But Shelley, potentially the much bigger question at hand here is, if there’s pain, if there’s an existing inflammation, if there’s an existing autoimmune disease, taking an oil doesn’t solve the disease, and that’s what I really want you to understand. The oil is, and let me move this … the oil is like a medicine.

So you’re basically using something natural as a medicine to mask the symptoms of disease without treating the underlying reason that the disease exists. That’s a huge mistake. That’s not to be said that an oil like that couldn’t be used for temporary pain reduction as you made other diet and lifestyle changes that were conducive to the eradication of the autoimmune process itself, but if you really wanna overcome the disease, quit medicating it and really dive in, and look for what those four primary triggers are. I really strongly encourage you to look for that. Again, I’m not trying to say that cannabis can’t be helpful, Shelley. I just want you to understand that it’s better to look for the origin of the problems, or of the problem, and Scleroderma is an autoimmune disease, and does have an origin, and the origin is not a cannabis oil deficiency. The origin has to do with those four fundamentals I talked about just a moment ago, and if you don’t have a copy of No Grain, No Pain, I just strongly encourage you to read it, because literally that book has the power to change, or save, your life.

So don’t look for the answer even in a supplement. I know there are a lot of great supplements out there. The answer, though, the ultimate answer is not in, how many supplements can you take? The ultimate answer is, how can you be empowered to identify the underlying the disease exists? Make those changes and you can use supplements along the way for support, but the end goal should be to be off of them, and eat real food, and breathe clean air, drink clean water, sleep, rest, sunshine, exercise. Those are the fundamentals of health. So you have to have those in place, and if we get caught up in using too many different products as things that mitigate pain, then we can get into a problem where we’re not making the real changes that need to be made.

So again, not at all trying to pick on you. I just want to help you. So I hope that was helpful, and I hope you understand I wasn’t trying to ignore your question. Okay. Alright. Well, wow. I got to the end of the questions. That’s maybe a record. So again, those of you who are tuning in, maybe this is the first time you’re listening to the show, go make sure you subscribe to our feed over at You can also visit me on YouTube, at Glutenology. Our channel is Glutenology, and you can learn more there. There’s tons of great video information for you to check out and learn more from, and those of you who are late to the game, I’ve gotta show this to you because I’m super excited about what we were doing earlier this week in Texas where we just get snow once every ten years or so. I was able to build myself a two foot snowman with a pine for hair, and rocks for eyes, and a wooden smile. So we had a great time. My sons and I out there playing in the snow that we get once every eight to ten years. Just wanted to share that moment with you. It’s been a great night. Been a great episode. Hope you guys have a very, very wonderful week, and we will see you back next week for another episode of Pick Doctor Osborne’s Brain.

Thank you so much, and send your comments to If you’ve got show ideas, we wanna know what you wanna know. Have a great evening.

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