Protect Your Brain Function From Dementia (Brain Inflammation – AKA Brainflammation)
Loss of brain function is on the rise. One of the most debilitating medical conditions, dementia, is cruel and unrelenting. This disease can cause severe disability, psychological trauma, family grief, and much more. Affecting approximately 50 million people worldwide, this condition is caused by several contributing factors.
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So many people are struggling with Alzheimer’s, memory loss, brain fog, depression, attention disorders, and loss of brain function. The key to preventing these problems, and maintaining a healthy and vibrant brain, revolves around intelligent, preventative strategies. In essence, implement these 6 natural tips to optimize your brain and keep it healthy.
Here are 6 Ways to Boost Brain Power & Reduce Brainflammation
- Eat lots of healthy fat
- Fat has a bad reputation, and is often demonized in an unfair light. For the details on this visit the War on Fat.
- Eat the right kind of fat. Avoid hydrogenated fats such as vegetable, soy or corn oils. Most is found in processed foods.
- Eat good Omega 3 Fat by eating cold water fish and grass fed beef. Plant sources of omega 3 (flax, chia) need to be biochemically converted by the body, which some people cannot convert well. Omega 3 Fats help fight inflammation.
- Excessive Omega 6 Fats contribute to inflammation.
- Remember that Vitamins A, D, E, and K are actually forms of fat. A low fat diet will be low in these essential fat soluble vitamins.
- Avoid excessive and processed carbohydrates
- Standard American Diet is 60% carbohydrates.
- Excessive carbohydrates can be converted into and stored as visceral fat.
- Over consumption of carbohydrates can lead to glycation of proteins and hormones causing them to lose function.
- Excessive carbohydrates can contribute to yeast overgrowth.
- Maintain healthy blood sugar levels
- Exercise
- More Muscle Mass = Less Disease
- Muscle Mass = Better Blood Sugar Control
- Movement promotes CSF (cerebral spinal fluid) circulation around the brain. CSF delivers nutrients and carries wastes away from the brain.
- Walking is one of the best ways to have CSF movement.
- Take periodic breaks at work.
- Movement leads to better lymphatic drainage, blood flow and better oxygenation to tissues.
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
- Body weight activity (push-ups, squats, lunges, pull-ups, planks)
- Avoid brain wrecking medications and drugs
- Statins
- Cholesterol is needed to from brain synapses. Statins block cholesterol synthesis.
- Cholesterol below 150 can affect brain health (Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Depression, Suicidal Tendencies).
- Metformin
- Inhibits Vitamin B12 (myelin production)
- Inhibits Folate (forms neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine)
- CoQ10 (deficiency leads to cognitive decline)
- Blood Pressure Medications
- Inhibit CoQ10 production and uptake.
- Causes magnesium loss, vitamin B1 loss, potassium and electrolyte loss.
- Antacids
- Inhibits calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin B-12 absorption.
- Antidepressants
- Prevent serotonin levels from breaking down quickly and recirculating.
- Dr. Kelly Brogan’s book, A Mind of Your Own, is a suggested and helpful read.
- Statins
- Don’t eat grains
- Grains cause brainflammation. Read No Grain No Pain.
- Gluten causes formation of gluten and neural antibodies.
- Gluten causes leaky gut, which can lead to leaky brain.
- Grains are contaminated with mold and mycotoxins. Can create chronic sinusitis, infections, which can alter cortisol, adrenal, and thyroid levels.
- Grains can alter the microbiome.
- Grains are high in Omega 6 Fatty Acids.
- Grain before it is processed can grow molds.
Following these 6 tips can help prevent brain deterioration. Your doctor should be discussing diet changes along with detailed lifestyle changes to help avoid brain and neurological diseases, and maintain normal brain function.
3 Responses
I’m a 45 year old man who was a given a diagnosis of Cadasl, I’m ok going to gym and doing weights most days takeing an antidepressant, doing well overall.
Before I was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease I would speak to my doctor at the time of the symptoms I was experiencing, from flu like symptoms with chronic pain in my legs weekly, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, sleep paralysis, the list goes on. My doctor at the time put me on an antidepressant (which caused me to hallucinate at night upon waking). I got right off that. She at one point had me on a blood pressure medication which was causing me migraines and I decided no way. It wasn’t until I switched to a new pcp and she listened. Luckily my thyroid was enlarged and she could tell. I was diagnosed quickly with hyperthyroidism and a month or so later I was diagnosed with Graves’. I was both relieved and worried. My anxiety was through the roof of course. A friend of mine told me they had Graves’ and told me about your book and I listened to an interview where you explained everything. I figured it couldn’t hurt. I’ve been on a non inflammatory diet for 2+ years with supplementation. I only had one pharmaceutical medication to take and that was to calm my thyroid down. As much as I didn’t want to take it, everything still worked out as I gave in and worked on improving my overall health. I am currently in remission. Finding tools such as diet change, walking, yoga, meditation, Binaural music. So much has worked out just taking that leap and reading your book. Thank you Dr. Osborne. 🙂
Fantastic information..for everyone. I am health educator…still learning a lots from dr like are rich in knowledge and experience.