Gluten and Brain Fog
Gluten and Brain Fog Brain fog is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that affect your ability to think clearly. There are a number of suspected contributors to the symptoms of brain fog. One of the contributors that has been increasingly studied in connection with brain fog is gluten consumption. So could […]
Omega Fats and Gluten Sensitivity
Omega Fats and Gluten Sensitivity We’ve all gotten the memo that fat is back, but we know that not all fat is created equal. You’ve probably heard of so-called “good fats” and “bad fats” – but what about omega fats? Are they good or bad for those with gluten issues? Below we will discuss all […]
Is Leaky Brain a Gluten Problem?
Is Gluten a Brain and Nerve Toxin? Heard of Leaky Brain? We know that gluten can contribute to a wide range of complications within the body. Yes, digestion is the most common, but celiac disease and gluten can affect everything from oral health to gut health. But can its effects extend all the way to […]
6 Ways To Improve Brain Function
Protect Your Brain Function From Dementia (Brain Inflammation – AKA Brainflammation) Loss of brain function is on the rise. One of the most debilitating medical conditions, dementia, is cruel and unrelenting. This disease can cause severe disability, psychological trauma, family grief, and much more. Affecting approximately 50 million people worldwide, this condition is caused by […]