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No Grain No Pain – HIIT

High Intensity Interval Training

In this two part video series, Dr. Osborne discusses the importance of high intensity exercise while giving examples of exercise movements and programs. Part 1… Part II…

One Response

  1. How would you recommend scaling this type of exercise for someone who has weaker than normal adrenal glands. I crashed with severe adrenal fatigue 4 1/2 years ago and I’m a lot better now but I can still tell that I’m not where I used to be physically and I admit I’m a little nervous about anything remotely cardio. I’m 49, 5′ 41/2″, weigh 137 lbs. and am a mesomorph. I have read your book and have been grain free for over a month now(and still continuing). I was gluten free already but now that I’m grain free my chronic pain is much less. Thank you for your work! I am ready to start this exercise program to enhance my healing. I always loved to exercise when I was younger but like I said am a bit tentative. I’d appreciate any advice you can give me.

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