Is Cholesterol Bad For You?
The battle against cholesterol has been largely fruitless… And even more disturbing are the side effects linked to cholesterol lowering medicines. I have personally seen people develop nerve damage, muscle damage, autoimmune problems, and dementia because of these medicines. Mainstream medicine has been aggressively lowering cholesterol for more than 40 years, yet heart disease continues […]
Gluten Withdrawal: Everything You Need To Know
Can Someone Be Addicted to Gluten? Many people who go gluten-free will initially notice an improvement in their health. But on the flip side, many go on the gluten-free diet and start feeling gluten withdrawal symptoms. Gluten Withdrawal Syndrome is a very real phenomenon. In essence, gluten has addictive properties that can create severe side […]
I Am Gluten Sensitive – Should I Get a Flu Shot
Should Those with Gluten Issues Get the Flu Shot? I am gluten sensitive, should I get a flu shot? The question comes up a lot, because the general recommendation from the medical community is that those with immune illnesses should get the flu shot to reduce the risk of developing influenza, and the complications associated […]
Gluten Sensitivity and B Vitamin Deficiencies
B Vitamin Deficiencies – Are You at Risk? Low energy, brain fog, heart disease, liver damage, anemia, methylation problems, and much more… B Vitamin deficiencies can sabotage your overall health. Those with gluten induced gut damage are especially at risk for development of b vitamin deficiency. In part 1 of this special video series, I […]
Can Gluten Cause Liver Problems?
Gluten Found to Damage The Liver and Gallbladder
How to eat clean and stay gluten free when you travel
Gluten Free Travel – Tips On Staying Gluten Free On The Road… Traveling can pose one of the greatest risks to gluten free diet compliance. There are several factors to consider when you plan for a holiday, trip, family vacation, or just simply need help because you travel for work. Cross contamination, uneducated wait staff, […]
6 Ways To Improve Brain Function
Protect Your Brain Function From Dementia (Brain Inflammation – AKA Brainflammation) Loss of brain function is on the rise. One of the most debilitating medical conditions, dementia, is cruel and unrelenting. This disease can cause severe disability, psychological trauma, family grief, and much more. Affecting approximately 50 million people worldwide, this condition is caused by […]
10 Tips To Help Restore a Leaky Gut & Improve Gut Health
Taking a Natural Approach to Gut Health Many people struggle with gut problems because of gluten sensitivity. It is no mystery that gluten can cause major inflammatory damage to the gut. It is also no mystery that gluten can cause a leaky gut that contributes to the development of multiple forms of autoimmune disease. That […]
Intermittent Fasting For Leaky Gut, Rapid Healing, and Weight Loss
Intermittent Fasting For Healing a gluten belly Click here for video transcript. Intermittent Fasting for a gluten belly Intermittent fasting is a dietary strategy that addresses the timing of food consumption in a pattern that typically trends toward longer breaks between meal times allowing the gut a prolonged period to rest and recover. There are […]
Overcoming Adrenal Fatigue Naturally
Want Natural Help for Adrenal Fatigue? In the video below, Dr. Osborne discusses what you need to understand to naturally improve adrenal function. The full transcript is available below if you prefer reading. A short summary of both are found below. Access the video transcript here. What are the adrenal glands? They are two little […]
Can Diet Affect Thyroid Function
The Connection Between Diet and Thyroid Function Most doctors will tell you that diet has nothing to do with thyroid disease or dysfunction. This is simply not true. In this article and video (down below), you will learn just how important a role diet plays in thyroid health. Before we dive into the nutritional aspect, […]