Time For “Food First” Attitude in Health Care – Starting with Gluten
It is time for a scientific conference to convene and discuss glutens, genetically modified foods, food lectins, food intolerances, and food allergies and how they can contribute to chronic degenerative disease in humans. Why? The new socialized medicine model is going to allow people to get medical treatment without direct cost, but how great is free insurance when the treatment model is outdated. In essence, free care that doesn’t provide a solution to the disease being treated is nothing more than a burden on the American tax payer. A very good argument can be made that the majority of diseases people suffer from are caused by bad lifestyle choices (food being one of the most important of these). That is why I believe that food as a cause and cure for disease should be taken more seriously. Because gluten is so popular, and because doctors are starting to look at it more seriously, the “Food First” change in medicine should start with gluten as the ambassador of that change.
Most of you know that I am one of the world leading experts on gluten free diets and food allergy. Additionally, I am a regular contributor on Fox News when it comes to issues relating to gluten and other food allergies. Most recently, I was invited to discuss new research on gluten and other food based chemicals like lectins and their relationship to leaky gut (intestinal permeability) and the induction of autoimmune disease.
Definitions For a Gluten Need to Be Re-evaluated
To launch this change, the definition of gluten needs to be updated to include a greater comprehensive evaluation of all grains. More and more research continues to mount a very valid and scientific case against the ingestion of the so called “gluten free” substitute grains. Most recently, a new study discovered two new corn gluten proteins that led to an immune reaction in patients with celiac disease (more on this to come later this week). Recent research has been published on quinoa contributing to inflammatory problems as well. Additionally, there is mounting evidence that similar compounds found in soy, peanut, and other beans can cause leaky gut and damage to the villi.
New Science Demands a Gluten Free Definition Overhaul
A recent research study has led to the discovery of new gluten proteins responsible for generating immune damage in patients with celiac disease. These newly discovered proteins are different from the original gluten protein, gliadin. This new study helps shed more light on the mechanisms behind gluten sensitivity. This information helps uncover the myth that only alpha gliadin is responsible for the inflammatory immune reaction that contributes to celiac disease. The authors of the study state:
Unexpectedly, a sequence from omega-gliadin (wheat) and C-hordein (barley) but not alpha-gliadin was immunodominant regardless of the grain consumed.
Source:Sci Transl Med. 2010 Jul 21;2(41):41ra51.
Defining Gluten
Gluten is the storage protein found in all grains. Most research focuses on alpha gliadin as the main culprit in gluten intolerance. These studies prove that gluten research is still in its infancy and there is a lot more that we do not know about the scope of gluten proteins and the damage they can stimulate.
Additionally, these studies point out more flaws in laboratory testing used to identify gluten sensitivity. Anti gliadin antibodies are commonly used to measure immune responses to alpha gliadin. In light of this recent research, one can see the limitations in only measuring reactions to the alpha gliadins, as omega gliadin, C-hordein, and other gluten fractions were found to also to cause immune stimulation. Additionally, research from the early 50’s (Haas SV and Haas MP: Management of celiac disease, p x. J B Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1951.) on 600 celiac patients revealed that using a specific carbohydrate diet (eliminating all grain) led to…
complete recovery with no relapses, no deaths, no crisis, no pulmonary involvement and no stunting of growth.
Because all grains contain gluten (in different forms), and only a fraction of these glutens have been studied, it is foolish to assume that traditional “gluten free” grain based substitutes are safe for consumption for the gluten sensitive individual. Consider the following research conclusion:
Also of note is the fact that the origin of the idea that wheat, barley, and rye gluten as the only cause for celiac disease is based on a study performed on only 10 people.
There are Different Types of Gluten
Each grain literally has hundreds of known gluten proteins. The following is a list of some of the most well known grains and their corresponding glutens:
Wheat – alpha gliadin
Barley – hordein
Rye – secalinin
Oats- avenin
Sorghum – kafarin
Millet – panicin
Corn – zein
Rice – orzenin
Bottom line – there are many forms of gluten. Some that were thought safe have been shown to cause damage and some have not even been studied. Yet the attitude that most people have is that gluten from wheat, barley, and rye are the only grains to be concerned about. To those of you with this attitude, I will remind you that only 10 short years ago, the world dismissed and ridiculed you about celiac disease. Don’t repeat their mistakes.
Get Educated – the following video should start you in the right direction. Click here <<< to watch it.
Are you on a traditional gluten free diet yet continue to have health problems? A TRUE gluten free diet may be what you need.
Wishing you excellent health,
Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior
Agree with all the above. However, if research means anything to the Celiac/gluten intolerant/sensitive…check out Dr. Sidney Valentine Hass book… MANAGEMENT OF CELIAC DISEASE. “The symptoms of celiac disease will persist so long as polysaccharides(complex carboydrates)are ingested and will disappear only if monosaccharides (simple carbohydrates) are used with the addition of protein and fats..” These observations are based on a clinical experience of 30 years and have been substantiated by laboratory investigation as well. Only one study refuted his findings and then “presto” the hypothesis gained medical wide acceptance. Why are so many still ill? Well… this mean starches, some vegetables and fruits. It comes down to the individual and tolerance. Please no complaints..I follow this diet and have plenty to eat. Yes no potato,sweet potato, corn,rice,etc.
Dr. O is right on!! All the so-called “gluten-free” processed food’s are not helpful to regaining your health.
According to Hass “The prognosis is excellent under correct treatment.”
I think it is impossible to purchase any packaged,processed product and thrive. Most are cross-contaminated in manufacturing…even tea can be problematic!! Call the companies in question. Do your homework and you will get back to feeling great!
Dr. Ozborne what do you think of the rotation diet? I havent seen anything on this site? I have been gluten free, dairy free for 4 yrs and went grain free, pseudo grains, legumes free last year so its almost been a year. I did a food allergy test but my gut still seems to be reacting to gluten, dairy and some other things now. I am taking these out and my naturopath recommends the rotation diet even after I get my gut well. The problem I see is it recommends grains, pseudo grains, legumes, that I dont eat..I dont know if I agree that after my gut is healed and becomes desensitized about rotating foods and I havent heard you recommend this. I would like your opinion on this rotation diet . She still believes its ok to eat other grains, pseudo grains, legumes and from my research I stand where you do on this about still inflaming your gut.
I am amazed and disappointed that so many experts in the gluten-free community have not become educated in the importance of going lectin free. Getting tested by Cyrex Labs for cross-reactive foods is just as important as the gluten only tests. I long for the day when someone writes a recipe book that does not use eggs, rice and cows milk, etc. Everyone should download and print the list of lectin containing foods such as at http://www.owenfoundation.com/Health_Science/Lectins_in_Foods.html At this time I am not convinced that lectins are blood type specific, but I avoid any foods with even just one “+” on the list and my symptoms have gone away until I am eat even a small amount of the foods listed.
Thanks for chiming in Susie. Remember though that most foods contain lectins and not all of them are bad. This is an area of science that needs much more research. I too have not found blood type patterns to be specific across the board in my patients. Glad you are taking control and finding a solution that works for you.
All the best,
Dr. O
In about 5 weeks I have to go into the hospital for a c-section for baby no. 4. Not looking forward to the food choices since I am now gluten free. Hopefully they will have some fruits and veggies that will work. Also think I will be bringing my own cocount milk with me since I don’t drink dairy milk anymore.
Since I went 100% gluten free last year my health has steadily improved and I owe some of this to the brilliant advice from Dr Osborne. What we need to remember is that we are not freaks or idiots following some strange fad, we are in fact at the forefront of human nutrition seeking the tools (food) that we need to maintain a strong healthy body. We are the leaders and pioneers, showing everyone who is still under the spell of gluten that there is another way. Remember all new thinking initially meets with resistance, not many of us still believe the earth is flat!
6 Responses
Agree with all the above. However, if research means anything to the Celiac/gluten intolerant/sensitive…check out Dr. Sidney Valentine Hass book… MANAGEMENT OF CELIAC DISEASE. “The symptoms of celiac disease will persist so long as polysaccharides(complex carboydrates)are ingested and will disappear only if monosaccharides (simple carbohydrates) are used with the addition of protein and fats..” These observations are based on a clinical experience of 30 years and have been substantiated by laboratory investigation as well. Only one study refuted his findings and then “presto” the hypothesis gained medical wide acceptance. Why are so many still ill? Well… this mean starches, some vegetables and fruits. It comes down to the individual and tolerance. Please no complaints..I follow this diet and have plenty to eat. Yes no potato,sweet potato, corn,rice,etc.
Dr. O is right on!! All the so-called “gluten-free” processed food’s are not helpful to regaining your health.
According to Hass “The prognosis is excellent under correct treatment.”
I think it is impossible to purchase any packaged,processed product and thrive. Most are cross-contaminated in manufacturing…even tea can be problematic!! Call the companies in question. Do your homework and you will get back to feeling great!
Dr. Ozborne what do you think of the rotation diet? I havent seen anything on this site? I have been gluten free, dairy free for 4 yrs and went grain free, pseudo grains, legumes free last year so its almost been a year. I did a food allergy test but my gut still seems to be reacting to gluten, dairy and some other things now. I am taking these out and my naturopath recommends the rotation diet even after I get my gut well. The problem I see is it recommends grains, pseudo grains, legumes, that I dont eat..I dont know if I agree that after my gut is healed and becomes desensitized about rotating foods and I havent heard you recommend this. I would like your opinion on this rotation diet . She still believes its ok to eat other grains, pseudo grains, legumes and from my research I stand where you do on this about still inflaming your gut.
I am amazed and disappointed that so many experts in the gluten-free community have not become educated in the importance of going lectin free. Getting tested by Cyrex Labs for cross-reactive foods is just as important as the gluten only tests. I long for the day when someone writes a recipe book that does not use eggs, rice and cows milk, etc. Everyone should download and print the list of lectin containing foods such as at http://www.owenfoundation.com/Health_Science/Lectins_in_Foods.html At this time I am not convinced that lectins are blood type specific, but I avoid any foods with even just one “+” on the list and my symptoms have gone away until I am eat even a small amount of the foods listed.
Thanks for chiming in Susie. Remember though that most foods contain lectins and not all of them are bad. This is an area of science that needs much more research. I too have not found blood type patterns to be specific across the board in my patients. Glad you are taking control and finding a solution that works for you.
All the best,
Dr. O
In about 5 weeks I have to go into the hospital for a c-section for baby no. 4. Not looking forward to the food choices since I am now gluten free. Hopefully they will have some fruits and veggies that will work. Also think I will be bringing my own cocount milk with me since I don’t drink dairy milk anymore.
Since I went 100% gluten free last year my health has steadily improved and I owe some of this to the brilliant advice from Dr Osborne. What we need to remember is that we are not freaks or idiots following some strange fad, we are in fact at the forefront of human nutrition seeking the tools (food) that we need to maintain a strong healthy body. We are the leaders and pioneers, showing everyone who is still under the spell of gluten that there is another way. Remember all new thinking initially meets with resistance, not many of us still believe the earth is flat!