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New Research Will Demand An Evolution in The Gluten Free Diet Definitions

Most of you know that I am one of the world leading experts on gluten free diets and food allergy. Additionally, I am a regular contributor on Fox News when it comes to issues relating to gluten and other food allergies. Most recently, I was invited to discuss new research on gluten and other food based chemicals like lectins and their relationship to leaky gut (intestinal permeability) and the induction of autoimmune disease.

Definitions For a Gluten Free Diet are Blurred

More and more research continues to mount a very valid and scientific case against the ingestion of the so called “gluten free” substitute grains. Most recently, a new study discovered two new corn gluten proteins that led to an immune reaction in patients with celiac disease (more on this to come later this week). Additionally, there is mounting evidence that similar compounds found in soy, peanut, and other beans can cause leaky gut and damage to the villi. I will be discussing more on these issues in detail very soon. All the best, Dr. Osborne  

2 Responses

  1. I’m thankful Dr O is out there getting the truth out to the masses.

    We eat the wrong foods for the wrong reasons. When we look at what we eat we see that we eat for 1 reason: TASTE. Not for health, not to show our children the correct way to nourish our bodies, but for taste.

    Sugar tastes good, especially when we add butter, flour and chocolate to the mix. Toss it in the oven and we get a cake. But what is that cake: Most likely..
    GMO wheat flour
    butter from cows fed grains [more gluten]
    More sugar in the icing.

    Really? That’s food? I know it tastes good, but will it sustain us? Will it do anything for us other than comfort us for the fleeting moment? Did it benefit our bodies, other than the obvious love-affair the taste buds are having while we’re eating it?

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