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Gluten Sensitivity and B Vitamin Deficiencies

B Vitamin Deficiencies – Are You at Risk? Low energy, brain fog, heart disease, liver damage, anemia, methylation problems, and much more… B Vitamin deficiencies can sabotage your overall health. Those with gluten induced gut damage are especially at risk for development of b vitamin deficiency. In part 1 of this special video series, I […]

Causes of Osteoporosis – How Gluten Causes Bone Loss

Is gluten one of the causes of osteoporosis

Bone Loss is a Complex Process After being diagnosed with bone loss, many doctors make a general recommendation for women to take calcium, vitamin D, combined with medications that prevent bone from breaking down. Unfortunately, this over simplified advice can create problems for long term bone health. Because most doctors do not study nutrition, the […]

Multiple Sclerosis Caused by Gluten?

gluten and multiple sclerosis

Is There a Link Between Gluten And Multiple Sclerosis (MS)? Because MS has such a debilitating outcome, the question about whether or not natural treatments (including the gluten free diet) are effective comes up on a regular basis. I recently sat down with reporter, Melissa Wilson, from Fox News in Houston, TX to discuss natural […]

How to Heal a Leaky Gut

How to heal a leaky gut

Heal Your Leaky Gut A Solution for Leaky Gut Syndrome Leaky gut (AKA – intestinal hyper-permeability) is one of the most common problems contributing to persistent autoimmune pain and disease. Not fully addressing this problem can lead to a vicious cycle of persistent food allergies, it will lead to chronic inflammation, and the inability to […]

Leaky Gut Syndrome and GMO Foods

Genetic Manipulation of Food Supply to Blame? What you might not know about food is that much of what we eat in the U.S. has been genetically manipulated. Corn and soy based products, oils, food additives and much more. A large percentage of what you eat out of packages comes from GMO foods. These foods […]

Gluten Free Society Meeting – What to Do When the Gluten Free Diet Fails

[wlm_firstname], Thanks for supporting Gluten Free Society’s Mission! You are awesome! As a special bonus this month, we have uploaded a video of our last meeting. The topic? What to do when the gluten free diet fails. Additionally, if you need to stock up on Max Digest, Biotic Defense, or any other specialty gluten free […]

Signs of Gluten Intolerance In Kids

If you have recently gone gluten free and are having difficulty with helping your children go gluten free, this video series by Glutenology and Dr. Osborne is a much watch. The series discusses symptoms and diseases in infants and children that are linked to gluten intolerance and celiac disease. Gluten Free Society and Dr. Osborne […]

Mrs. United States, Shannon Ford, Eats Gluten Free

[wlm_firstname], Thank you for supporting Gluten Free Society. Here is an exclusive one on one interview with Mrs. United States, Shannon Ford… Gluten Free Society Member Bonus Interview! Mrs. United States, Shannon Ford, talks one on one with Dr. Osborne of the Gluten Free Society about gluten free diets and healthy lifestyle… Member Bonus Discount […]

New Research Will Demand An Evolution in The Gluten Free Diet Definitions

Most of you know that I am one of the world leading experts on gluten free diets and food allergy. Additionally, I am a regular contributor on Fox News when it comes to issues relating to gluten and other food allergies. Most recently, I was invited to discuss new research on gluten and other food […]

The Genetics of Gluten Sensitivity

Part of my presentation at the Charlotte Gluten Free Expo was on the genetics of gluten sensitivity. The topic is a complex one, but I hope this presentation makes it easier for you to understand. If you have had serum or blood lab testing done and it came back negative, yet you responded to a […]

Doctors are Not Taught Critical Thinking…

This weekend we had one of the best Gluten Free Society meetings ever! If you missed this meeting, you can check out an excerpt from the talk below… We had a phenomenal turn out this past weekend for our 2nd Gluten Free Society meeting of 2011. If you missed it, you should know that Dr. […]

Dr. Russell Jaffe Speaks at Gluten Free Society Meeting

Our April 2011 meeting has come and gone, and if you missed it, you missed a ton of great information from one of the world leaders in functional and integrative medicine. Dr. Russell Jaffe, M.D., PhD talked on a variety of great topics: Why the modern medical system is critically flawed food allergy testing immune […]

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