Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg?
It has long been held that chronic seizures cause blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage. Recent studies have also demonstrated that BBB damage triggers seizures.
Brain Res. 2010 Sep 24;1353:176-86. Epub 2010 Jun 27. Mov Disord. 2009 Oct 30;24(14):2162-3.

And so we wonder how many people with seizure disorders are gluten sensitive?
And because epilepsy is for the most part diagnosed by doctors (primarily neurologists) who don’t recognize the important contribution that food plays on health and disease, medication is the first line of treatment. If you ask the doctor what the cause of the disease is, the most common reply is – “The cause is unknown, but most likely genetic.” (unknown etiology) How long can we justify the use of powerful drugs that have equally powerful side effects to treat a disease that in many cases could be easily treated with a simple dietary change? And so we wait for doctors to open their eyes to the possibility that epilepsy (seizure disorders) can be caused by gluten exposure. On that same note, when we will also look closer at the connection between gluten and mental disorders or the brain? After all, it is well established that gluten is a neurotoxin, & we know that schizophrenics have high levels of gliadin antibodies in their bloodstream. In my clinic, I have seen the following neurological conditions improve or resolve on a gluten free diet:- Depression
- Anxiety
- Epilepsy
- Bipolar disease
- Schizophrenia
- Neuropathies
- Facial palsy
- Vertigo
- Ataxia
- Tinnitus
- Migraine headaches
7 Responses
Is there a way to obtain copies of the abstracts for this research? I’d like to share it with my neurologist. Thanks.
http://www.pubmed.com is the National Medical Library website. You can obtain and print the abstracts from there.
All the best,
Dr. O
My daughter 15 yrs has epilepsy. She is on a strict Glutenfree diet by choice for 1 month. We will let you know about its benefits…..Oh she has lost 10lbs and she states she has more energy!Stay tuned for more!……..
does your daughter still take seizure meds?
I am interested in more information on this topic and would appreciate direction to articles on siezure activity and gut health. Our family started the SCD-DF protocol which is gluten free and dairy free. We are into week two of full compliance and my husband who agreed to participate to help make it easier on me to make food for the whole family, is going through serious detox himself, (major halitosis) but the scariest part is that he has had 7 seizures in the past week and I am wondering if the die-off that he must be experiencing himself is the culprit. I am looking for ways I can help him get through this critical period of detox as quickly as possible so that he is not experiencing so many seizures.
I would highly recommend that you find a functional medicine doctor to work with. Seizures aren’t a symptom I would assume are “die off” reactions.
Wishing you and your family the best,
Dr. O
I have sezuires which happened after a strict gluten milk and ice cream diet Now im trying to reverse it