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Gluten Withdrawal: Everything You Need To Know

Can Someone Be Addicted to Gluten? Many people who go gluten-free will initially notice an improvement in their health. But on the flip side, many go on the gluten-free diet and start feeling gluten withdrawal symptoms. Gluten Withdrawal Syndrome is a very real phenomenon. In essence, gluten has addictive properties that can create severe side […]

Gluten & Your Nervous System – Depression, Brain Abnormalities, and Neuropathy

For years scientists have been investigating the detrimental effects of gluten on brain and nerve tissue. A recent study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry is just one more piece of evidence pointing to this overwhelming connection… Patients with established coeliac disease referred for neurological opinion show significant brain abnormality on MR […]

Gluten Intolerance & Autism – Is There a Connection?

The popularity of the gluten free diet has grown dramatically. More and more parents are turning toward a gluten free diet to help alleviate symptoms of autism and other learning disorders in their children. To a large degree, many in the medical community have ridiculed this, stating that diet and the autistic spectrum have nothing […]

Leaky Gut – Leaky Brain – Gluten is an equal opportunity destroyer

With more and more coming out in research about gluten intolerance, awareness continues to spread about the different manifestations of eating this detrimental protein. Studies on Leaky Brain – Gluten sensitivity research identifies a connection between gluten induced leaky gut, and leaky brain. The ramifications of these findings are important to understand the broad scope […]

Leaky Gut Week Continued – Leaky Brain Syndrome and Epilepsy

As we focus on gluten and leaky gut this week, we should also illuminate the fact that gluten has also been shown to cause the same type of phenomenon in the brain. New research draws a connection between gluten induced leaky brain damage and seizure disorders (epilepsy). Which Came First – The Chicken or the […]

Gluten can make things a little fuzzy!

If you missed the 2011 Charlotte Gluten Free Expo this past weekend, you missed out big time! More than 1000 people attended the event. Dr. Fasano and myself (Dr. Osborne) both presented new and exciting and up to date information on the spectrum of gluten sensitivity and related diseases. One of the topics that came […]

Gluten a Cause of Bipolar Disease?

Another new study finds that Bipolar patients have elevated levels of antibodies to gluten. Unlike several past studies, this research does not focus on celiac disease, but rather identifies that patients with psychiatric bipolar issues are have elevations in IgG to gliadin. Source: Bipolar Disord. 2011 Feb;13(1):52-8. Research continues to show the link between gluten […]

Gluten Protein Alters Brain Prolactin

The following research study demonstrates one of the brain altering effects of gluten. In this case, a compound in gluten acts as an opioid chemical that leads to the excessive excretion of the neuro hormone, Prolactin. Gluten exorphin B5 (GE-B5) is a food-derived opioid peptide identified in digests of wheat gluten. We have recently shown […]

Gluten Free Diet Changes Behavior

Research continues to link gluten sensitivity to behavioral disorders… Coeliac disease in adolescents has been associated with an increased prevalence of depressive and disruptive behavioural disorders, particularly in the phase before diet treatment. In this study, gluten sensitivity in adolescents was discovered to be associated with elevated prolactin and diminished serotonin levels. A gluten free […]

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