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Headache, Joint Pain, Skin Rash, and Hormone Disruption Cured by Gluten Free Diet

Gluten is Connected to Multiple Problems:

All too often I see patients with headaches, joint pain, rashes and hormone based diseases. These people often travel from one doctor to the next looking for answers only to be dispensed a steroid cream, pain medications, and a handful of hormone pills. Many of them are told that their conditions are stress based and have nothing to do with diet. Recently a paper was published in the British Medical Journal about a patient who had all of these symptoms. She was tested positive for gluten reaction (in this case it was alpha-gliadin). All other aspects of her examination (to include neurological, gynecological, endocrine, and comprehensive lab evaluation) were normal. After embarking upon a gluten free diet, her menstrual cycle returned, her skin condition resolved, her headache disappeared, and her joint pain abated. The author’s of the report summarize the following:
This case demonstrates that gliadin intake can induce malabsorption and ‘idiopathic’ neuronal or gynaecological symptoms.
Reference: BMJ Case Rep. 2011 Dec 2;2011.

Is Your Doctor Failing to Evaluate Your Diet

Functional Medicine Core InfluenceHave you ever had a doctor ask you what you eat? Have you ever had a doctor test you for food allergies? Has a doctor ever told you that food is an important part of your health? If you answered no to these questions, it is time to fire your doctor and get a new one.

Every Doctor Should Understand the Following

Headaches, joint pain, skin disease, and hormone problems are some of the most common conditions treated in the United States. Aside from understanding the fundamental basic concept that what we eat, think, and do can affect our health in an either good or bad way, doctors should have a minimum general knowledge as outlined below… Regarding Headaches: Food and food additives can be headache triggers. Common food/additive headache triggers include, chocolate, wine, cheese, gluten, dairy, coffee, caffeine, oranges, eggs, aspartame (Nutrasweet), sucralose (Splenda), FD & C dyes, nitrates, sulfites, and MSG. There are more, but this list is a good place to start when trying to filter out potential triggers. Some nutrients can be used as headache prophylactics (relievers). Vitamin B-12, magnesium, vitamin B2, essential fatty acids (omega 3) and Coenzyme Q10. Regarding Joint Pain: Contrary to popular belief, joint pain is not a fundamental reaction to getting older. All joints require persistent movement to maintain their health. Cartilage does not have a direct blood supply and requires that the joint is moved to provide essential nourishment. In essence – use it or lose it applies to us all. Foods can contribute to an inflammatory reaction in the joints. Gluten is a common cause of joint and muscle pain. Ruling out food allergies for those with chronic joint pain of non traumatic origin should be a priority. Joints require good nutrition, vitamins, and minerals to stay healthy. Water is essential to functional cartilage. Magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin D, B-vitamins are all essential for repairing and maintaining healthy joint tissue. Regarding Skin Rash: Food and environmental allergies are common causes of skin rash. Gluten and dairy are two of the most common rash inducing foods. Skin rashes can also be caused by vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Vitamin A, Biotin, Vitamin C, Zinc, vitamin B3, B2, and B5 deficiencies can all cause dermatitis (inflammation of the skin). Testing for deficiencies of these nutrients is a simple process. Regarding Hormones: Hormones are essentially proteins. Your body has the ability to produce them providing all of the essential nutrients are present to do so. Protein deficiency in the diet is one of the most common problems related to hormone imbalance – especially in women. The average American female consumes a diet that is too high in carbohydrates and too low in protein. Tyrosine, methionine, glutamine, and cysteine are some of the biggest deficiencies clinically. Additionally, hormones are produced properly under the influence of vitamins and minerals like B-6, calcium, magnesium, folate, B-12, B-5, copper, zinc, and vitamin C to name a few. If you find yourself in a doctor’s office being told that you have to accept any of the above problems, and he/she has failed to investigate food, and the nutrients it supplies your body – remember this – YOU are entitled to a second opinion. P.S. if you are debating about going on a gluten free diet, >>>TAKE THIS SHORT QUIZ <<<  

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