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Celiac Rash: Could Gluten Be The Cause Of Your Adverse Skin Conditions?

When you think about the symptoms of celiac disease, nagging gastrointestinal concerns like bloating and diarrhea are probably the first thing to come to mind. However, for some people, celiac disease causes an itchy, blistering rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis or celiac rash. Learning how to visually identify celiac rash is crucial for early diagnosis […]

Can Gluten Cause Skin Problems?

Gluten and Skin Allergies: The Bottom Line Gluten is well-known for causing celiac disease, but can gluten cause other skin problems? Evidence that connects gluten to many other abnormalities and diseases keeps piling up. And these conditions include those that affect your skin. For some, gluten causes the immune system to overreact. It causes inflammation. […]

Can Gluten Cause Acne?

gluten sensitivity and acne

Can Gluten Cause Acne? Gluten has been linked to numerous inflammatory skin conditions, but can gluten cause acne? Let’s dive into the medical research to find out. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition. Essentially, pimples form when hair follicles get clogged with dead skin cells and oil (a.k.a. sebum). And if the clogged follicle becomes […]

Headache, Joint Pain, Skin Rash, and Hormone Disruption Cured by Gluten Free Diet

Gluten is Connected to Multiple Problems: All too often I see patients with headaches, joint pain, rashes and hormone based diseases. These people often travel from one doctor to the next looking for answers only to be dispensed a steroid cream, pain medications, and a handful of hormone pills. Many of them are told that […]

TRUE Gluten Free Testimonial – Thyroid Disease & Skin Rash Resolved

This testimonial to the TRUE gluten free diet shows how health can improve by changing the way you eat. Hypothyroid disease and scalp sores were resolved in this case. Confused about the gluten free diet? Don’t know the difference between “traditional” and TRUE gluten free? Are you on a gluten free diet and not healing? […]

Psoriasis, Restless Legs, & Chronic Pain Gone With a Gluten Free Diet

May is National Celiac Awareness Month. As part of Gluten Free Society’s message of hope, and to help increase the awareness of the health detriments of gluten, we would like to share Jean’s story with you. This women was taken around the proverbial medical block trying to find a real solution to her health problems. […]

Gluten Free Diet Reverses Vitiligo

Vitiligo is an autoimmune skin condition where the pigment producing cells in the skin are attacked by the person’s immune system. It leads to a bleaching effect of the skin. A group of doctors in Spain recently reported on a case of celiac disease and vitiligo in a young girl. We present a case of […]

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