new to the gluten free journey?

Is Milk Gluten Free?


Giving up gluten in the diet can be  challenging for many people. How would you feel if I said that in order to be a TRUE gluten free warrior, you have to give up processed dairy foods? Cheese, yogurt, milk, butter, sour cream, etc. Is milk gluten free? What does this look like and are there any alternatives that might make the transition simpler?

Does Milk Have Gluten?

Is milk gluten free? The fact of the matter is that milk is likely not safe to consume if you have a gluten sensitivity. Studies have shown gluten proteins pass through into mother’s milk. If this is true in humans, it is highly likely that a similar process happens in cows. Many cows feed on grain and seeds, whether they’re pastured or fed directly. Their diet consists of many foods that would trigger a response in those who are sensitive to gluten. If any of these gluten proteins transfer into the cow’s milk, it’s entirely possible for those with gluten sensitivities would be triggered. So, unfortunately, gluten free milk is likely non-existent. 

Additionally, gluten is not the only protein in grain that causes or contributes to poor health in those with gluten sensitivity. Many dangerous grain-based proteins can be transferred from the cow, into its milk. If you’d like more insight into gluten free milk, and the lack thereof, Dr. Ford and I answer these questions in this breakthrough interview that you won’t want to miss if you are on a gluten free diet or in the process of beginning your gluten-free journey.


Milk’s Other Dangers

Science has confirmed that gluten-based proteins pass through into mother’s milk. Many people consider dairy an essential food in the diet for calcium and vitamin D and are hesitant to stop eating it. This is just not true. The milk industry has done a remarkable job of marketing to the general public on this. Much in the same way that the grain industry has everyone believing that they need 8-10 servings per day. Consider the following when forming a decision on this topic:

  • Lactose in dairy is hard to digest for humans over three years of age. We go through a genetic down regulation in the production of this enzyme as a natural part of aging.
  • The majority of dairy sold in the U.S. is genetically modified and loaded with hormones.
  • The cows that produce the milk are not pastured, they are gluten fed.
  • Most dairy products contain thickening agents made with grains.
  • Products are pasteurized. This denatures proteins and damages the other immune boosting properties of milk.
  • Fat is removed. Skim milk is toxic. Fat is not unhealthy. Unhealthy fat is. The difference is in how the animal is fed. In the case of the cow – grains are the primary staple. Fat derived from grain is highly inflammatory thus promoting and perpetuating chronic disease.
  • Many products contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners and flavors. These chemicals are not conducive to good health.
  • One of the main proteins in GMO dairy, casein, has been shown to contribute to autoimmune diseases of the skin including eczema and psoriasis. This same protein in strikingly similar in structure to gluten.
  • Clinically speaking, people who go gluten free/dairy free typically have faster recovery of illness than those only going gluten free.

If you are still consuming dairy and are not seeing the progress that you would like, then try cutting out all pasteurized dairy. Going gluten free by just grains may not be enough to achieve the quality of life you desire.

If you would like to keep dairy in your gluten free diet keep in mind that you should only buy from a grass fed source. Regular grocery stores typically carry products that are derived from cattle that are grain/gluten fed and contain added hormones. Remember that an organic and grass fed dairy means that the cow was fed only organic grasses.

Grass fed dairy can be found at a local farmer’s market. Check in your area and find out what you have available for the best GMO free dairy products. Make sure to look for the Certified Grass Fed certification when purchasing these products in order to ensure their quality.

Some options for those looking to remove dairy products entirely from their diet are nut milks such as almond, cashew, etc. as well as coconut milk. These can be used interchangeably in recipes, in your morning coffee, and in your favorite cereals. 

Using these resources can help you make more informed decisions about what you are putting into your body and help you live a more quality gluten free lifestyle. 


45 Responses

  1. I am trying to go completely gluten free and have given up all grains, but I know some of the chicken I consume although pastured is given supplemental grain as feed. It has been a huge transition, to give up all grains. I am mostly staying away from lectins as well. Sometimes I feel that I have nothing to eat. Would it be common sense to say that I should stay away from any grain fed animal products? I am also using raw milk yogurt. The Guernsy cows are pastured on grass and given hay in the cold months. The milk has A2 beta casein, unlike the A1 beta casein that research shows may be linked to many diseases. I do have Hashimoto’s and related problems, but the most distressing is the awful eczema that drives me nuts that is getting worse. I sure don’t want to go straight to thyroid hormones without trying everything. In your opinion, do I need to stay away from anything fed grain, and do you think that the A2 beta casein raw milk yogurt is safe for someone with eczema? Thank you for replying.

    1. Kathryn,
      I would cut dairy out completely. There is too strong a correlation with eczema. Have you been food allergy tested? If not, ask your local doctor to perform and Elisa Act allergy test. You can call my office at 281-240-2229 for more information on this.
      All the best,
      Dr. O

  2. @Kathryn, Bravo! You sound like you are on the right track for yourself and also still have some things out of balance that you are still sorting through. I can say with certainty that it DOES get easier and more pleasant as you learn and eliminate what doesn’t work for your body because you feel and function better — and that’s why we do this! I am true grain-free and also cannot tolerate soy, dairy, chicken (even organic), and any commercially processed anything, plus many other common chemicals — absolutely no cheating or I feel wretched for days, very motivating! The upside is that I feel MUCH better and as my body rebalances I’ve lost almost 70#. Keep up your good work, and find a doctor who works with Functional Medicine (this will likely be a chiropractor) to help you figure out ongoingly what your body needs. I did/do need to use supplemental nutrition to rebuild my body and get rid of symptoms like eczema, brain fog, and leg cramps (and do know that biochemistry is somewhat a moving target). Do not give up! You will feel better. Patience, persistence, and perseverance are your friend.

  3. According to Shari Lieberman (The Gluten Connection),lactase, the enzyme needed to digest lactose is secreted by the vili in the intestine. Gluten-intolerant people tend to lose these. In the UK, cattle are usually fed on grass, hay & silage, so gluten in milk is less of a problem than it is in the US. I drink a small amount of lactose-free milk every day in tea & coffee, which does not make my symptoms any worse.

    Dairy substitutes such as soy milk give me far worse digestive problems than milk,as well as being goitregenic.

  4. Lynn, when you mentioned additional supplementation what forms were you using? I ask because I havent been able to take supplements due to stomach problems or mouth breakouts ( sores in the mouth). Would love to get feedback from you.

  5. I gave up all grain, I gave up meat, I survive mostly on yogurt with honey. Now I can’t have yogurt because of gluten found in Milk. Crap It is frustrating to give all the food I love and looks like I am expected to give up everything. It is difficult to find medication or vitamins that is gluten free. I don’t eat rice because of allergies. Confused and irritated.

    1. This is like 11 years late but I don’t even know if you are still on this website I have all of the problems you do and a little more of the like you say no rice or anything I believe it was lectins that my problem is from it saved my life to read a book by a Dr gundry and I take all of any my supplements are all gummy because of the inability of your body to be able to absorb nutrients from any vitamins and I am on disability because of all this too cuz I just have suffered a lot of disabling side effects of continuing to eat this when I didn’t know this years ago I’m now 60 years old I will be May 29th 2021 60 years old and have had health problems all my life so I’m hoping that you were younger than 40 when I finally figured my stuff out I was about 4041 but I have had multiple neurosurgery and all kinds of stuff from that but my medications and stuff have all been gummy and now I’m about to take or I should say when I get my disability check in May I am going to try the it is a lectin shield type of supplement but it’s by Dr Cara you can look it up online Dr Cara k a r a it has the most because of allergies I’m allergic to soy I’m allergic to gluten corn yeast pretty much like you say what are you supposed to do give up eating everything good luck to you Nate take care I hope this gets to you

  6. Pingback: Anonymous
  7. Nate, Almond Milk [home-made only] is so delicious I can’t describe it. The pre-packaged almond milk you will find at the market is full of sugar and preservatives.

    Buy organically grown RAW almonds. Unfortunately all almonds in the US are pasteurized so the enzymes have been killed but, it’s still a great cow’s-milk substitute. If possible, locate “steam-pasteurized” almonds. Sometimes, an almond farmer will sell direct to the public REAL Raw almonds, prior to pasteurization. That’s how I got mine. Just called small almond farmers in CA and Bingo!

    Don’t forget about the plethora of veggies out there you can eat. Juicing is a great way to change it up too.

    All the best

  8. Hi Dr. O.
    I’m 60years old and have a few health problems that I know are driven by what I have consumed over the years.
    I still work full time at a very demanding job…I feel horrible daily in my gut and fight brain fog and depression daily. No Dr. has ever suggested any testing and seem primarily disinterested in these symptoms.
    If this gluten/dairy free works I will be forever indebted to your research and your very, very insightful website…fingers crossed, here I go!

    1. It absolutely will work Brenda ,I am same,have over done it on fast food,bread cereal etc I eat chicken fish steak with fruit and veg x

  9. What are your thoughts on fresh goats milk and cultered yogurt and kefir from raw goats milk? That’s quite different again is it not?

    1. Did anyone ever answer this question? That is why I am on this thread: I have access to wonderful raw, goat’s milk; however, whenever I drink it my stomach hurts like it does when I have gluten. The goats are not grass fed, but rather grain fed. This comes through in the milk, doesn’t it?

  10. grass fed dairy can be found in most mid and high-end grocery stores. heck, my local grocer carries RAW milk, too, though given my long history of ppi use i am skittish to try it. i do however get terrific pasture fed non-homoginized butter, milk and cheese (kerrygold and strauss farms, there are others, too.) whole foods is another source of pastured dairy products.

    1. Just recently found out I’m gluten intolerant and makes me angry. My father has been a baker all of my 54 years and grew up eating gluten all my life and the government has changed our stomachs, eating because of “FOOD for PROFIT STRATEGY. Wheat is no longer edible and causing health/gut problems. Neil Young/Monsanto years is on to something here too. I only buy Kerrygold butter and love it.

  11. What about kosher antibiotic/ hormone free Turkey am I to stay away from that because of what they are fed? Also is that all the same with goat milk cheeses and yogurts?

  12. From my own experience, I can’t handle A1 Casein (Holstein Cow) protein, but I am ok with A2 Casein (Sheep/Goat dairy). As for cow dairy, I am reduced to grass-fed butter, such as Kerrygold. I have a chronic autoimmune problem with Athlete’s foot that is slowly going away as long as I keep my exposure to A1 Casein from slim to none. Similarly, my daughter, had eczema that flared up when exposed to the same Holstein cow A1 casein milk protein, and no eczema flare up with grass-fed butter and goat milk. I think that the degree of gluten and dairy sensitivity varies from one person to the next. And yes, soy as nasty. It is so bad that I will come down with a migraine headache if I eat too much chocolate that has soy lecithin in it as an emulsifier.

    1. Georgia,
      Most cheaper whey proteins are concentrates which contain higher levels of milk sugar ( lactose ) which some people cannot tolerate. Now whey protein isolate is a different story. It has been ultra filtered and contains less than 1 % lactose. The problem is, as of now, I know of no manufacturers that produce organic whey protein isolate. Blue Bonnet or Nutrabio would be the closest. The rest have all sorts of nasty additives. Best bet if you are dairy and gluten intolerant would be egg protein form Jay Robb. Very high quality stuff. Not cheap but well tolerated.

  13. I was diagnosed as an infant as being allergic to the protein in cows milk. Drank cows milk as a baby. I can eat some yogurt with no problem. But I also notice that in the last year I become bloated 20 minutes after eating. I have tried to log what I eat to figure it out, the only one I know for sure is dairy. But it also happens when I eat pizza, pasta, bread, cakes, cookies and red meats. Oh I have seasonal allergies, allergic to all grasses, hay, wheat, barley, never really been around oats growing, but do not seem to react to eating oatmeal. But I do not want to eat oatmeal three times a day.
    My reaction to milk is congestion, bloat, scratchy, itchy throat ( I want to take a brush and put it down my throat to scratch it, that is how bad it is. No hives). So my question is am I allergic to wheat products and dairy products or is it gluten sensitivity?

    1. Mikelo Kagomont says:
      Your comment is awaiting moderation.
      May 31, 2016 at 4:20 am
      I have had most of these same issues — and i’ve been in the process of finding out thru more tests.

      I’m still waiting to get an actual gluten/celiac test done, i go this coming thur to see my primary and ill beg him to order it in person since he wouldn’t over the phone.

      BUT an allergist did blood draws and sent my blood up to Mayo Clinic Minnesota for testing allergies for all kinds of things.

      And the main culprit for the ingestibles?


      as in malt in beer, malt in malt vinegar, malt in all pastas/breads/pizza crusts…

      Malt is in even more things than gluten is!

      been 2 months of going malt-free, which 1) is hard bcs it tastes so good!; 2) have to give up beer! ? ; and 3) it is a hidden ingredient in sooooo many things!

      no more malted milk balls, no more double malted milkshakes, no more fish-fry specials/fish n chips, no more beer(!!) again; no more breads/crusts….

      did i mention the no more beer part?? :(((((

      as for red meat, i cant eat either, for a different reason which probably doesnt affect you, but you may want to check it out in case….

      water borne Cryptosporidium parasite from the Milwaukee drinking water contamination in 1993 when i lived there adn 400,000 + got sick and 200 + people died.

      other cities have had crypto issues but never on a large scale like Milwaukee did.

      One guy i met in london hostel as bunkmate, got crypto while in bangkok, and he was amazed first that i had ever heard of it, and 2nd that I have it too! it,s a small world sometimes!!!

      but anyway, maybe you have a parasite, bacteria or other issue, that maybe came from some other sourcce in the past.

      Oh, bcs once you get cryptosporidium, there is no way to kill it or to get it out. you stuck with it for life.

      anyway, just some tips that may or may not apply to you.

      But i’ve been so desparate for several years, finally even knowing it was a food allergy of something and never knowing what it was in spite of journaling…..

      bcs I never heard of malt allergy – and it is hidden in way too many things!
      Particularly of the foods you listed.

      Check it out…ask a dr to do blood draw and the allergy form with all the checkmarks for ingestible foods includin the line item for malt, as it is a separate listing available to search upon, and get it sent to Mayo.

  14. Thanks so much GOD Bless You , i been struggleing with autoimmune prostatis due to leaky gut for 5 years even going gluten free i did not solve much my issues , since i did suffer for many years of binge eating disorder wich made me crave all sorts of dairy , cows A1 random dairy ove all i figured out the casein wich glued my intestinal micro villi was the reason i become celiac . From that gluten also gave me a severe leaky gut wich in time turned in a severe auto immune prostatitis , now thanks to this article i finally figure out what was the couse , and why going gluten , starch nightshade salicylic foods free as advised afther a long reserch for leaky gut and prostate issues , did not solve much for me . Now i finally realise the evil milk and dairy of any kind even goats does since we are the only creatures who steal animals milk on earth , and since Nature knows what’s is doing is normal western world with its unatural meat gluten milk dairy connection is so sick . Thanks so much for this i all ready feel on my way to recovery i hope this article can help people like us world wide , i strongly advise to read
    Dr Jane Plant work on milk and dairy she is a great scientist everty time she did have back milk or dairy afhter many years of being breast cancer free her cancer would come back . One.of the most Illuminating studies with the Blue Zones i have read so far.

    1. I have had most of these same issues — and i’ve been in the process of finding out thru more tests.

      I’m still waiting to get an actual gluten/celiac test done, i go this coming thur to see my primary and ill beg him to order it in person since he wouldn’t over the phone.

      BUT an allergist did blood draws and sent my blood up to Mayo Clinic Minnesota for testing allergies for all kinds of things.

      And the main culprit for the ingestibles?


      as in malt in beer, malt in malt vinegar, malt in all pastas/breads/pizza crusts…

      Malt is in even more things than gluten is!

      been 2 months of going malt-free, which 1) is hard bcs it tastes so good!; 2) have to give up beer! 🙁 ; and 3) it is a hidden ingredient in sooooo many things!

      no more malted milk balls, no more double malted milkshakes, no more fish-fry specials/fish n chips, no more beer(!!) again; no more breads/crusts….

      did i mention the no more beer part?? :(((((

      as for red meat, i cant eat either, for a different reason which probably doesnt affect you, but you may want to check it out in case….

      water borne Cryptosporidium parasite from the Milwaukee drinking water contamination in 1993 when i lived there adn 400,000 + got sick and 200 + people died.

      other cities have had crypto issues but never on a large scale like Milwaukee did.

      One guy i met in london hostel as bunkmate, got crypto while in bangkok, and he was amazed first that i had ever heard of it, and 2nd that I have it too! it,s a small world sometimes!!!

      but anyway, maybe you have a parasite, bacteria or other issue, that maybe came from some other sourcce in the past.

      Oh, bcs once you get cryptosporidium, there is no way to kill it or to get it out. you stuck with it for life.

      anyway, just some tips that may or may not apply to you.

      But i’ve been so desparate for several years, finally even knowing it was a food allergy of something and never knowing what it was in spite of journaling…..

      bcs I never heard of malt allergy – and it is hidden in way too many things!
      Particularly of the foods you listed.

      Check it out…ask a dr to do blood draw and the allergy form with all the checkmarks for ingestible foods includin the line item for malt, as it is a separate listing available to search upon, and get it sent to Mayo.

      1. This is for Teresa in Oct 2015…
        system wont seem to let me move it, copy it, nor delete it.

        Mikelo Kagomont says:
        Your comment is awaiting moderation.
        May 31, 2016 at 4:20 am
        I have had most of these same issues — and i’ve been in the process of finding out thru more tests.

        I’m still waiting to get an actual gluten/celiac test done, i go this coming thur to see my primary and ill beg him to order it in person since he wouldn’t over the phone.

        BUT an allergist did blood draws and sent my blood up to Mayo Clinic Minnesota for testing allergies for all kinds of things.

        And the main culprit for the ingestibles?


        as in malt in beer, malt in malt vinegar, malt in all pastas/breads/pizza crusts…

        Malt is in even more things than gluten is!

        been 2 months of going malt-free, which 1) is hard bcs it tastes so good!; 2) have to give up beer! ? ; and 3) it is a hidden ingredient in sooooo many things!

        no more malted milk balls, no more double malted milkshakes, no more fish-fry specials/fish n chips, no more beer(!!) again; no more breads/crusts….

        did i mention the no more beer part?? :(((((

        as for red meat, i cant eat either, for a different reason which probably doesnt affect you, but you may want to check it out in case….

        water borne Cryptosporidium parasite from the Milwaukee drinking water contamination in 1993 when i lived there adn 400,000 + got sick and 200 + people died.

        other cities have had crypto issues but never on a large scale like Milwaukee did.

        One guy i met in london hostel as bunkmate, got crypto while in bangkok, and he was amazed first that i had ever heard of it, and 2nd that I have it too! it,s a small world sometimes!!!

        but anyway, maybe you have a parasite, bacteria or other issue, that maybe came from some other sourcce in the past.

        Oh, bcs once you get cryptosporidium, there is no way to kill it or to get it out. you stuck with it for life.

        anyway, just some tips that may or may not apply to you.

        But i’ve been so desparate for several years, finally even knowing it was a food allergy of something and never knowing what it was in spite of journaling…..

        bcs I never heard of malt allergy – and it is hidden in way too many things!
        Particularly of the foods you listed.

        Check it out…ask a dr to do blood draw and the allergy form with all the checkmarks for ingestible foods includin the line item for malt, as it is a separate listing available to search upon, and get it sent to Mayo.

  15. this article and feedback were quite illuminating!! I also suffer from gluten intolerance, Hoshimotos, psoriasis, leg and foot cramps… on and so on….I will now be going dairy free as well as gluten free!! I never would have connected the dots with the dairy products and the psoriasis outbreaks. they keep getting worse and worse. I was “filling in my diet” with dairy products, cheese and cottage cheese to make up some form of substance in my diet. I am now eating a LOT of chicken. trying to use the organic, but it is hard to come by in our small Ohio town. I have actually thought of raising my own. Sounds even more like something I need to do also.
    Dr. O., could you tell us more about the adverse affects of the dairy on the auto immune system. I also have arthritis and fibromyalgia.

  16. Hi
    I have been recently diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis. I don’t want to take any medication. I prefer to try any alternative first. I’ve read that going gluten free can help. Any suggestions? Should I go dairy free also? (This would be extremely hard since I’m a cheese lover) . I don’t know where or how to begin. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  17. So if a cow feeds off of grains, is that gluten coming through into the milk?

    I liked into grassmilk and this is what organic valley’s website says about it…
    “The best part about Grassmilk is that the taste changes with the seasons and what the cows are munching on. In the springtime, you can taste hints of alfalfa while in the winter there might be a note of rye.”

    Isn’t rye gluten? So there could be traces of gluten in even the “grass fed” cows.

    I’m confused.

  18. I was diagnosed with celiacs five years ago, it has been a very difficult and expensive journey. First of all if the doctor doesn’t specifically tell you ahead of time that you must ingest gluten before the test then you will never know you have celiacs. Because they have to look for the antibodies that are attacking your body. Celiacs being an intolerance to wheat, rye and barley. I also have a severe intolerance to soy and dairy. Sadly no one but God manufactures food I can eat. To anyone reading this please fight Monsanto at any and every chance you get. To the guy with the malt intolerance, malt is the gluten of barley so it would be in your best interest to avoid all barley and anything with MALTadextrine or MALTadextrose in it which is in just about everything that is processed.

  19. I think some of you are confused on what gluten is.
    Gluten is found in wheat, barley, and rye. It is a protein in these 3 things.
    We did “genetically put it there. It’s naturally drives from these 3 items. There is no substantial evidence to confirm gluten in milk products, aside from cross contamination. The person who mentioned eating pasta, I hope you’re eating rice pasta, or some gluten free pasta. Regular pasta is not gluten free.

    It’s very important that we educate ourselves, so we do not give out misinformation about gluten!

    1. I meant we did NOT genetically put gluten in wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten is naturally derived from these things.

    2. Angie,
      Have you read No Grain No Pain? You might be surprised at the research evolving in this area. I would highly recommend the book to you for a better understanding of the definition of gluten.
      Dr. O

    3. I have my own substantial evidence that the gluten peptides from the wheat, barley, or rye that grain-fed cows eat gets into the milk. I have DQ8 celiac disease, and am extremely sensitive to gluten. One or two ounces of milk will cause a severe outbreak of dermatitis herpetiformis. ONLY gluten causes DH, no “gluten mimics”, so it is the gold standard in determining if a product has gluten in it. It’s a curse to have it, but also a blessing because you can absolutely know for sure what product caused it.

      My hypothesis is that the 40% of people with “refractory celiac disease” – that is, symptoms even though they are on a gluten-free diet, are actually getting a steady supply of gluten in foods presumed to be gluten free. A lot of this is based on assumptions, such as breast milk is gluten free. If the mom has a leaky gut, the baby is getting plenty of gluten. If you’re not doing well, eat only foods that absolutely do not have gluten, and have no potential contamination. Products certified Gluten Free are a trap – 20 ppm is way too much for celiacs to tolerate, even if they don’t have an immediate reaction. Chicken: unless you know that the chicken gets GF feed, and pecks in pastures without any possibility of wheat, rye, or barley scattered about, don’t eat the meat or eggs. I’m coming to realize after many years that celiac is sort of like death by a thousand cuts if you are not scrupulously aware. The mainstream celiac centers and doctors are way behind the times in the advice they give.

  20. I meant, we did not genetically but gluten in these 3 items. Wheat, barley, and rye. It is naturally derived from them.

  21. Looking for the all-organic warrior bars. Evenly balanced-protein, carbs, fat- 200 calories 14 grams protein.

  22. My two years old daughter RHEMA experiences acute hives that get worst by day except I apply Funbact-A (antibacterial,antifungal and antinflamatory cream).
    Finding out the likelihood of gluten intolerance is great. I pray this helps. Thanks a lot

  23. My son was dignozed with Lactose sensitivity at about 6weeks and changing his formula really helped. After that, I introduced egg into his diet and with a traumatic event, discovered he is alergic to egg aswell. Now at 18 months he has been tested and is definitely alergic to gluten and egg yolk. I have no Idea what to do? Please help?

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