new to the gluten free journey?

Gluten can make things a little fuzzy!

If you missed the 2011 Charlotte Gluten Free Expo this past weekend, you missed out big time! More than 1000 people attended the event. Dr. Fasano and myself (Dr. Osborne) both presented new and exciting and up to date information on the spectrum of gluten sensitivity and related diseases. One of the topics that came to light was the connection between gluten sensitivity and brain fog (mental fuzziness). Both myself and Dr. Fasano discussed the link between gluten sensitivity and mental diseases such as schizophrenia, bipolar, and depression. To my knowledge, this is the first time that any mainstream researcher has confirmed this publicly. At the conference, I had the pleasure of meeting and interviewing Dr. Fasano one on one. Our picture came out a little fuzzy. Fortunately, our back up camera took several more (to be posted later). Dr. Fasano’s was scheduled to speak for an hour. It ended up taking almost twice as long! Additionally, I spoke about the details of the TRUE gluten free diet, the detriments of corn, and why cholesterol is the least of your health worries. We will be publishing the entire lecture very soon so stay tuned. If you are a member of Gluten Free Society’s Health Matrix, as always you will get instant access as soon as it becomes available. Additionally, I will be posting our private interview. So stay tuned. All the best, Dr. Osborne – AKA The Gluten Free Warrior

One Response

  1. Dr. Natasha Campbell McBride said it when she published her book: “Gut and Psychology Syndrome” (GAPS) in the UK in 2004. Gluten is just part of the picture though and on her diet ALL grains are eliminated, for a recommended time of 18-24 months, as well as most dairy, starchy vegetables and legumes, and all sugars except honey. The wonderful thing about the GAPS diet is that it also cures food allergies and most people can enjoy previously un-tolerated foods, at least occasionally, after the healing of the gut… including gluten-containing foods.

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