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Muscle Twitches and Spasms? Is Gluten Sensitivity Connected?

A new report recently published in The Journal of Neurological Sciences recommends considering the diagnosis of gluten sensitivity in patients that present with propriospinal myoclonus (PSM). PSM is a movement disorders of the muscles characterized by twitching and jerking muscles indicating that gluten sensitivity should be considered in the differential diagnosis of PSM such that […]

Gluten can make things a little fuzzy!

If you missed the 2011 Charlotte Gluten Free Expo this past weekend, you missed out big time! More than 1000 people attended the event. Dr. Fasano and myself (Dr. Osborne) both presented new and exciting and up to date information on the spectrum of gluten sensitivity and related diseases. One of the topics that came […]

Gluten a Cause of Bipolar Disease?

Another new study finds that Bipolar patients have elevated levels of antibodies to gluten. Unlike several past studies, this research does not focus on celiac disease, but rather identifies that patients with psychiatric bipolar issues are have elevations in IgG to gliadin. Source: Bipolar Disord. 2011 Feb;13(1):52-8. Research continues to show the link between gluten […]

Bipolar Disease and Gluten Intolerance – Is There A Connection?

I have discussed gluten’s impact on the brain in several articles and expert interviews in the past. Gluten is a known neurotoxin and has been shown to contribute to multiple neurological and mental diseases including neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, seizures, ADD, ADHD, Migraines, Autism, and schizophrenia. This young women was on up to 13 different medications […]

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