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Dr. Oz Joins the Battle Against Gluten

Dr. Peter OsborneGluten Free Society Would Like to Welcome it’s Newest Gluten Free Warrior!

Dr. Oz recently went of Fox News to discuss the gluten free diet. This is a major step toward a wider recognition of gluten sensitivity, celiac disease, hypothyroidism, and other gluten related conditions. His viewership is in the millions. Most doctors ignore the relationship between diet and disease. Fortunately, Dr. Oz has a large sphere of influence. Hopefully his and other prominent doctors recognition of this widespread problem will alert many physicians and get them to start looking more into gluten intolerance. Watch what he had to say below…

Wider Recognition of Gluten Intolerance is a Good Thing…

Dr. Oz points out that gluten can be linked to bloating, hypothyroidism, migraine headache, gastric distress, autoimmune disease, brain fog, weight loss, poor sleep, and much more. He goes on to say that gluten affects nervous system chemicals. He points out many of the hidden sources of gluten as well including:
  • Soy sauce
  • Soup
  • Make up
  • Processed foods
Additionally, he states that the gluten free diet is not dangerous for those who do not have celiac disease. This point was important because so many nutritionists have falsely talked about the danger of going on a gluten free diet.

Thank You Dr. Oz

You have Gluten Free Society’s gratitude for putting such an important topic in front of millions of Americans. Welcome to the War on Gluten! If you are a physician or a health care provider, Gluten Free Society has created a certification program designed to help educate you on this ever expanding topic. To sign up or to get more information, you can learn more about it here <<==  

4 Responses

  1. This is one of the most important information anyone could possible have. alert ourselves to many symptoms we have before we injest drugs.

  2. My hypothyroid regulated after dropping gluten. People need gluten specialists such as Dr Osborne. This is a fad now and people do’t understand there are other issue, such as cross-links involved.

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