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Sleep deprivation will stifle your gluten free results

Lack of sleep is one of the most detrimental components to our health. In the U.S., sleep apnea, insomnia, and other sleep disorders are a major contributing factor to diseases. Lack of sleep has been linked to cancer, heart disease, obesity and weight gain, diabetes, depression, and much much more. In this video, Dr. Osborne discusses the importance of adequate rest, how sleep hormonal regulation works, why modern technology can cause deprivation, and the importance of sunshine. Remember, going gluten free sometimes fails to help a person heal simply because they are not getting adequate rest… Sleep disorders affect more than 70 million Americans. Most of these problems can be resolved with intelligent and customized lifestyle changes. Unfortunately, many doctors do not typically discuss these parameters with their patients. The prescription pad is too often a first line of treatment. The drugs account for more than 20 billion dollars annually in sales. If you have gone gluten free or have been prescribed medications and still suffer with this problem, consider implementing the strategies discussed in the video above. If you still have problems beyond implementing these lifestyle changes, join the Glutenology Health Matrix or seek a functional medicine doctor’s assistance. Functional medicine doctors focus more on the causes and origins of disease vs. treating symptoms. All the best, Dr. Osborne – AKA the Gluten Free Warrior

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