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Glutenology Houston 2012 Gluten Free Expo was Epic

Houston Gluten Free Expo Brought a Huge Crowd

Gluten Free Warriors LearningThis past Saturday was completely amazing! An estimated 1000 attendees joined me in the Texas Medical Center, Houston for the Glutenology 2012 Gluten Free Expo. The lecture hall was packed with Gluten Free Warriors. I talked about the changing definitions of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease. I discussed the difference between traditional and TRUE gluten free diets, and elaborated on the traditional flaws in lab testing and why genetic testing is the new scientific gold standard for diagnosing gluten sensitivity.

The Event Brought People From All Over the Country

I got to talk with a lot of people at the event including a couple who came all the way from New York to attend. I spoke with another woman who came from Louisiana. We had guest speakers from the University of Maryland Celiac Research Dept., and Shannon Ford (Mrs. United States) flew in from Florida to share her celiac story and her wisdom on regaining health. Nutritionist and Chef, Jaqui Karr also made an appearance to share her knowledge. The most amazing part of the entire event was the people. So many wonderful people came out even in the torrential rain storms that struck the day. I got to speak with so many amazing people, hear their stories moved me. There are so many people suffering from the devastation of gluten. The event brought us one step closer to educating the masses on this epidemic.

Many Doctors Got Certified in Gluten Sensitivity

Before the event started, I held a closed door session with 23 doctors and health care providers. The Tier 1 Certification course was the first of many to be taught across the country this year. These doctors and health care providers are the first graduates from Glutenology University and will be listed in our new database geared toward helping patients find qualified physicians and nutritionists to help them in their gluten free endeavors. The event was ultra successful, and we plan on repeating it again in Houston next year. A heart felt thanks to those of you who helped make it happen!  

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