What Is Villous Atrophy?

Under healthy conditions, the GI tract breaks down our food, absorbs nutrients for energy, and expels waste. But when villous atrophy occurs, the normal function of the gut is compromise, and severe health consequences can ensue. Read on to find answers to questions like: What is villous atrophy? What causes villous atrophy? What are some […]
Refractory Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an autoimmune condition that is triggered by the ingestion of gluten. When you have celiac disease, your body perceives gluten as an invader, which causes your body to launch an immune response. This causes inflammation in the intestinal tract and other parts of the body. Systemic inflammation then contributes to further autoimmunity […]
Is Celiac Disease Genetic?

It might seem like more and more people are being diagnosed with celiac disease and adopting a gluten free lifestyle. Some of this increase is likely due to the increased awareness around celiac disease. This might make you wonder, are there certain risk factors for developing celiac disease? Is celiac disease genetic? In this article, […]
Celiac Rash: Could Gluten Be The Cause Of Your Adverse Skin Conditions?

When you think about the symptoms of celiac disease, nagging gastrointestinal concerns like bloating and diarrhea are probably the first thing to come to mind. However, for some people, celiac disease causes an itchy, blistering rash known as dermatitis herpetiformis or celiac rash. Learning how to visually identify celiac rash is crucial for early diagnosis […]
Celiac Disease Fever (AKA Gluten Fever)

Celiac disease and Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) can cause a wide variety of symptoms, some more common than others. Most people associate celiac symptoms with stomach pain, diarrhea, malnutrition, and weight loss. One of the most unrecognized symptoms linked to gluten is fever. This article will focus on gluten induced fevers, why they happen, […]
Celiac Disease in Babies

Celiac disease, a dietary mystery known by millions of adults, is often a condition that presents itself later in life. But, celiac does not discriminate by age. While we are used to discussing gluten intolerance in grownups, it is important to recognize this disease can affect even the youngest members of our world. Celiac disease […]
Is Celiac Disease Fatal?

Celiac disease can cause a lot of damage and discomfort, but is there a possibility that celiac is more harmful than you previously thought? Can celiac disease kill you? To be clear, celiac disease cannot acutely cause death. However, if the needed diet change is ignored gluten induced damage can accumulate and affect the different […]
Can You Grow Out Of Celiac Disease?

There is a lot of misinformation out there about celiac disease. From testing and symptoms to diets and treatment. At Gluten Free Society, we aim to empower you with information to help navigate what foods are actually gluten free, as well as what you can do to help heal your body from the damaging effects […]
Genetically Modified Wheat For Celiacs?

Would You Eat Genetic Manipulated Wheat? Gluten, a group of proteins found in cereal grains like wheat, pose major health problems for those with celiac disease, non celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), or gluten intolerances. In an attempt to overcome this necessary diet restriction, scientists are investigating ways to modify genes and breed wheat varieties that […]
Gluten in Corn Can Damage Celiacs

New Study Finds That the Gluten in Corn Can Damage Celiacs Those with celiac disease are traditionally told to avoid four types of grain – wheat, rye, barley, and oats. These grains induce chronic inflammation of the small intestine which results in villous atrophy and malabsorption. But is it really the best advice to avoid […]
Does more gluten create a higher risk of celiac disease in kids?

Early Childhood Exposure to Gluten Increases Risk of Developing an Allergy A study in JAMA found that kids under five years old who eat more gluten have a higher risk of developing celiac disease. In fact, this study found that eating as little as one gram more than the “baseline amount” of gluten each day […]
Is Spelt Gluten Free?

There’s been a rise in popularity of so-called “ancient grains” recently. The irony is that as the name suggests, grains like spelt, millet, and farro have been around a long time, but are only now getting renewed attention. The reason for their spotlight is that many claim that they are more nutritious than modern grains. […]
Is Maltodextrin Gluten Free?

Those of us who avoid gluten and are generally health conscious have become accustomed to reading food labels carefully for unwanted ingredients. In doing so, you may have come across one that has raised some questions – maltodextrin. So I wanted to address the relatively unknown ingredient, maltodextrin. What is it, is it gluten-free, and […]
Impact of Antibiotics on the Gut

Antibiotics and the increased risk of gluten sensitivity and celiac disease Antibiotics can be a controversial topic. While they can help tremendously for some specific infections in the body, they can also wreak havoc in the gut and beyond when overused or misused. But how far can their damage go? Can they really increase the […]
Folate Deficiency & Gluten – What’s The Connection?

Folate Deficiency & Gluten Sensitivity What’s The Connection? Can gluten cause a folate deficiency? Are those with celiac disease at greater risk for health issues caused by folate deficiency? The simple answer is yes, but before we dive into the topic, let’s discuss why folate (AKA – vitamin B9) is so important. Folate is part […]