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Is The Gluten Free Diet Dangerous to Follow?

Dangerous Diet?

One of the more common questions I get asked by people is – “Does following a gluten free diet cause nutritional problems even if you are not gluten sensitive?” Many have been told by their doctors that unless you have celiac disease, a gluten free diet can be dangerous to their nutritional health. Nothing could be further from the truth. Watch this short video to learn the reasons why… This video is a segment from The Gluten Free LIE. To watch the entire video, click here <==

The Gluten Free Diet is Not a Nutritional Hazard

The opposite argument could actually be made – i.e. gluten containing diets are dangerous to everyone. If your doctor has told you that whole grain is essential to maintain good health, remember the following 6 facts…
  1. Grains are seeds and by default are difficult to digest.
  2. Grain free diets are not devoid of essential vitamins and minerals, and to the contrary grains contain anti-nutrients that can hinder mineral absorption.
  3. Most grain products are genetically altered, have added preservatives, chemicals, pesticides, and other non-food additives
  4. Grain products are very high in sugar and can promote weight gain.
  5. Grains contain a number of lectin compounds that can interfere with your ability to digest foods in general
  6. Grains create an imbalance in health omega fatty acids and contribute to inflammation.
If you want to add to the list, leave your comments below.   Always looking out for you, Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior  

11 Responses

  1. Dr. Osbourne:
    I have a friend who has 2 children 2 and 4 years old. Both are currently on gluten free casein free diets. They are eating a heavy amount of protein. Both of these kids have BIG appetites. Mom is concerned about the effect of the protein intake on the kids kidneys an their acidity levels. Do you have any literature on this or information you can share?
    Thank you so much for all you do!!! You are changing lives every day!!

  2. Becky Leslie, most celiac knowledgable doctors, even celiac specialists, say that you have to have HLA-DQ2 or DQ8 and most labs interpret that very simply and literally. This gene has an alpha and a beta portion. For the last 20 years it was agreed upon that the beta portion contributes more risk than the alpha portion. Now one celiac center has published that the alpha and beta portions are equally contributing to celiac risk. There are certain alphas that go with particular betas, and most labs identify the alpha first or the beta first, and if they don’t find what they are looking for, they don’t bother to identify the other portion. The fact is that there is at least one combination of an alpha portion on one (not DQ2 or DQ8) gene and the beta portion of another version of the gene on the other allele (from the other parent) that together makes the highest risk DQ2 gene, and this gives you some risk for celiac disease. DQ5 and DQ6 are a risk for autoimmune non-celiac gluten sensitivity in the manifestation of gluten ataxia, with DQ 06 02 (the most common haplotype among Caucasian Americans) a risk for MS. The celiac genes are a risk for ataxia and the riskiest celiac gene, DQ2.5 (alpha 05 01, beta 02 01) is an MS gene. Furthermore, some researchers think DQ7 and DQ9 are a risk for celiac.

  3. Hi!
    I recently took the Cyrex 4 cross reactivity lab. I had positive results on all grains but quinoa…it was in the green. I have trouble keeping my weight up and was using rice to do this. Rice is now off limits as well dairy. I am worried about keeping weight on. Is it safe to quinoa since it tested negative for me, or would you still recommend strict avoidance?
    Thanks so much

    1. Hi Michael, I was wondering if the information you wrote for Becky Leslie could be sent to my email address if you wouldn’t mind. the address is: I would kindly appreciate it.

      I’m at the library doing some searches for apts. and don’t have the time to write it all down. Hope you don’t mind. thank you.
      Patti 🙂

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    I was in the same boat (i.e. had a hard time to maintain my already low weight). It turned out that I had a water boen parasite, that took all nutrients from me. Never mind the 5 dinner like meals I was cooking for myself. I couldn’t think straight, which made matters way worse. That does not have to be the case with you. I’d make sure that you get adquate amounts of fat and add other carbs you do well with (sunchokes worked for me). It took quite a while for me to turn things around. But I eventually did, even though my family and friends thought that it was “all in my head” and told me not to worry to “just eat everything”. I listened to my body, kept researching and seeking out doctors that were actually supportive. Please don’t loose faith, your body will let you know what’s best, if you are willing to listen. Good luck in your journey. I hope that you feel better soon!

    1. Thanks! I can’t tell you how many times I have heard it was all in my head or…just eat a gallon of ice cream! I have t tried sunchokes but I will now! Glad you are feeling better

    2. Hello Claudia,
      How did you ever manage to find a practitioner who diagnoses and effectively treats parasites? I’ve been looking into this for so long and have not met with success yet! Any recommendations? Would be greatly appreciated.

  5. I eat a gluten free, almost grain free diet. My concern are the negative effects of some nuts and seeds. I use blanched almond flour, which blanching is supposed to reduce the negative effects, but I also use a lot of almond milk. Does the milk have the negative effect?

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