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How Gluten Causes Brain Damage – Drs. Peter Osborne and Charles Parker Part 2 and 3

Continue one on one conversation from health experts on the effects of gluten on the brain and nervous system…

Part 2

Part 3

Dr. Osborne of the Gluten Free Society interviews board certified psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Parker of corepsych about the damaging effect of gluten on the brain and nervous system. Dr. Parker discusses patients with mental disease…Part 3  

Missed Part 1? View it here.

11 Responses

  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. Pingback: Anonymous
  3. As a licensed professional counselor this topic is very exciting and important. As an individual with glutin sensitivity who is still experiencing issues and is seeking answers, this could provide some life changing answers. I can’t wait to hear more!

  4. My best friend is slowly deteriorating in her health. She has slowly developed joint pain, and sciatica. She walks with help of some sort. Recently add more she has had three severe episodes of vertigo. I am helping her sort out this health issues as a mentor. So this was a great help!

    1. Samudra,
      Sorry to hear about your friend’s health troubles. Let us know how she does with a TRUE gluten free diet.
      All the best,
      Dr. O

  5. I am a meniers sufferer and have also tralised I am gluten intolerant but never been strict enough about removing all wheat and gluten from my diet. I have Also struggled with bowel issues and have just read the book called Wheat Belly by Dr William Davis. I found your series very helpful and a lot of what is said is backed up by the Wheat Belly book. It is unfortunate that I sm only learning now that wheat can be a major contributor to Meniers and I am in the process of remover all wheat from my diet. After listening to this series, I now wonder if sugar is also affecting me. You speak about some tests on the brain, are there any you suggest to help me identify what could be exasibsting the Meniers? I would also love to hear the rest of this series # 4 can you tell me where to find it please.

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