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Gluten Causes Brain Damage Part 4 & 5 Dr. Peter Osborne

Dr. Peter Osborne of the Gluten Free Society interviews board certified psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Parker of corepsych about the damaging effect of gluten on the brain and nervous system. Schizophrenia absent without food allergies…Part 4 Dr. Osborne of the Gluten Free Society interviews board certified psychiatrist, Dr. Charles Parker of corepsych about the damaging effect of gluten on the brain and nervous system. A case of drug toxicity mixed with food allergies. Part 5…

Part 1 can be found here...

Part 2 and 3 on gluten and brain damage here…

4 Responses

  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. Pingback: Anonymous
  3. How sad it is, there are many sick patients, hospitalised in the Netherlands, misdiagnosed, because the doctors have no idea of the immune disfunction!!!! Can’t you bring this knowledge to the Netherlands, one way ore the other??? I also have gluten problems, reacting to my muscles and nerves and bowel system. I am almost 50 years old and have a lot of problems moving, sitting even and with the muscle power. They are reduced after i got rhabdomyolyse in the childhood fase. By accident a dietist noticed problems with gluten and the problems with milk followed. I am gluten free for 4 months now, and the nerve pains are gone! I am also less tired and other things improved already! It is sad that after a period of 25 years of resurch this came out accidently. How many people suffer from a lot of problems there whole life!!! It is very sad!!! They need not to be that ill!!!!

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