A Review of Dr. Osborne’s Gluten Free 2017…
It is late December, and I am sitting in another airport looking outside as the snow is falling over the tarmac. I am listening to the song, “I’d Do Anything for Love, But I Won’t Do That” by Meatloaf, because great melodies stimulate my brain when contemplating… and in contemplating the last year, I have to say from the bottom of my heart,
Thank You. Thank you for supporting my work, my clinic, my foundation – Gluten Free Society, and most importantly, my ultimate mission of bringing functional medicine to people across the globe.
I just wanted to take a moment to reflect back on what a blessed year 2017 has been for “The Gluten Free Warrior’s” mission or reaching 100 million people and training 10,000 doctors about the functional medicine approach to healthcare.
The Gluten Free Warrior in January…
In January
PBS featured my best-selling book,
No Grain No Pain, on TV. The show was nationwide and aired hundreds of times in most major cities. PBS converted the show into a DVD set (see below). Overall, we reached millions of Americans with this vital message!

Also in January, my team and I brought
The Autoimmune Revolution, an Online Summit event featuring 35 hours of experts to 70,000 people!
In February, I hosted more than 100 health care providers in Sugar Land, TX. This event was focused on helping these wonderful people deliver functional medicine services to those in need. I had guest speakers like Dr. Ben Lynch and Dr. Eric Zelinski share their wisdom as well.
In March, Natural Grocers featured
No Grain No Pain nationally to their customer base. Thank you
Natural Grocers!
Ok, I took a little break in April ;). No traveling – I stayed home and in the clinic seeing patients all month.
In May, I was invited to the Consumer Health Summit. I got a wonderful opportunity to visit with people like, Dr. Jeff Bland (founder of The
Institute for Functional Medicine), Dr. Amy Meyers, Dr. Trevor Cates, Bulletproof founder, Dave Asprey, Maria Rodale of Rodale publishing, and many more.
Another break from business travel with a focus on the clinic and a little family vacation 🙂
In July, I was invited to speak at the Business Expert Forum of Harvard Faculty Club. I was honored with the “Distinguished Mentor” award for my work in helping advance awareness of the functional medicine approach to helping autoimmune disease.
You can see the talk I gave here. I was also blessed to share the stage with famous functional medicine advocate, New York Times best-selling author, and television star, Suzanne Somers.
August was just as busy…off to California for The Mindshare Conference (this event hosts 100’s of doctors and health care leaders around the world. I was able to take some time to visit with New York Times best-selling author, Izabella Wentz, essential oils guru, Dr. Eric Zelinzki, and many more. During the event I was surprised and honored on stage by being presented with the “Emerging Leader” Impact Award. Izabella and her husband Michael presented the award to me!

The very next day, I was off to visit with a patient in L.A. Her amazing health recovery story was being featured in a Netflix production featuring functional medicine, and they wanted to capture footage of her and I together as well as do an extensive interview with me. The documentary movie is slated for May 2018. More to come on this when I know more.

Shortly after, I was featured as one of the top Functional Medicine Doctors in the world by the top health site in the world,
A week later, still August, I was back in California. This time the Redwood Forest. I was visiting Ocean Robbins and his family. They currently run the
Food Revolution Network (after walking away from Baskin Robbins Ice Cream). I got stuck on Arizona for a week on the way home because, hurricane Harvey closed Houston down. We were blessed to be spared the flooding.
In September, I flew out to Tennessee to shoot an educational piece about
food and inflammation with Dr. Axe and his team. More time focused on the clinic, and I had a nice birthday!
In October, I was invited to speak at The Truth About Cancer’s live event in Orlando. I delivered a research based talk on the connection between autoimmune disease and cancer. It received a standing ovation. The room was so genuine and the people so heart felt, I was almost brought me to tears.

Also in October, my patients and I were featured in a health documentary produced by health advocate, Jonathan Otto, called Bible Health Secrets. You might recognize his name as he also produced two documentaries on autoimmune disease – Betrayal and Autoimmune Secrets.
November and December…
November and December were no less busy as I traveled, to Chicago, Atlanta, and Washington D.C. to lecture on functional medicine to doctors and other health care providers. All of this in the midst of hosting another online summit geared toward helping doctors understand functional medicine. We reached and educated about 10,000 health care providers. In December, my clinic and patients were featured in another documentary film called Autoimmune Secrets.
Looking back at the year…
I got to see my book, No Grain No Pain published in German, Polish, and Chinese. Throughout the year, my work was featured on multiple radio stations and in studio at Fox News. Throughout the year, I kept a full schedule of seeing patients in my office at
Origins Healthcare. I was blessed to meet hundreds of chronically sick people, who needed nutrition and functional medicine. Some had
thyroid issues, some had
autoimmune arthritis, some had skin,
liver, and
intestinal problems, and some had environmental illnesses due to
hidden mold, gas, surgical implants, and more.
…and that is just work 😉
Gratitude for Those Around Me…
I won’t go on about my family too much, because I want to respect their privacy in all of this, but I can share a few very wonderful things with you. I got to see my youngest son learn how to drive, my middle son fall in love, and my oldest son get accepted into dental school. I got to spend time with my family in Orlando at Universal Studios, I got to check state #49, Alaska, off the list. Only one to go – Hawaii. I got to play in Texas snow which only happens about once every 10 years.
I would like to take a brief moment here to thank my wonderful wife. This year I spent almost two months away from home. Her patience, support, and understanding through this very hectic year has been of paramount importance, and there is no way I could have done it without her by my side.
I would also like to thank my team at Gluten Free Society and Origins Healthcare. Shelly, Claudia, Jennifer, Alan, Laura, and the proverbial glue that holds them together in my presence and absence, Sally. Their support makes this important mission a reality. The awards and accolades I received this year belong to them as much as they do me.

All said and done, I took more than 25 air planes and traveled over 30,000 miles. I delivered the message of No Grain No Pain and functional medicine to millions of people across the globe. I helped train thousands of doctors. I received such wonderful feedback from so many of you about how your lives were being saved and changed! Your messages kept me and keep me focused. They give me encouragement and so much fulfillment. They let me know that the work my team and I are doing is changing the world for the better. As we get ready to roll into 2018, I want to say thank you to you all. I love you, and look forward to an even greater 2018!
Always looking out for you,
Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior
3 Responses
Thank you for your expert knowledge and care as my doctor. You have made a difference in my life as you do everywhere. I am blessed and fortunate to have met and become your patient.
Always impressed with your knowledge and accomplishments. Ground-breaking and life-transforming. As a fellow DC and Believer, my hat’s off to you! Blessings into 2018!
Thank you Dr. Sproviero!
Happy New Year!