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Della’s TRUE Gluten Free Testimony

Congratulations to Della! Another TRUE Gluten Free Warrior who was able to conquer her health issues…

Going gluten free has changed my life! That is not an exaggeration. I suffered with IBS for years, with little help from the doctors. I saw one gastroenterologist who told me that all I needed to do was eat more fiber. So on his advice, I started eating whole grains only to my detriment.
I developed ulcerative colitis and practically lived in the bathroom for over a year. I was always exhausted and ached all over. I was a stay at home mom who felt overwhelmed by simple chores. Then after going to work part-time, my immune system started shutting down and I started a cycle of infections and antibiotics. I had several bouts of bronchitis, strep throat, intestinal infections and skin infections, one right after another. I had to quit my job that I really enjoyed.
I had just finished a round of antibiotics and was still sick when I first saw Dr. Osborne. I initially consulted Dr. Osborne just to see if he could recommend some vitamins for me, but I was in for a surprise. I will never forget what he said after a thorough exam and patiently listening to my story- “I would bet my car today that you are gluten intolerant.” Sure enough, the test results came back positive. I have to admit I was overwhelmed at first. I went home and looked in my pantry – I couldn’t eat anything! But I applied his counsel by changing my diet and taking the supplements I was lacking in. I couldn’t believe how quickly my health improved. My friends and family noticed a dramatic change- not only did I feel healthier but I started to look healthier and younger too! I now work again and still have energy to maintain a busy lifestyle with a teen and a pre-teen. I no longer suffer from IBS and my immune system is functioning as it should. My thanks go to Dr. Osborne for helping me get healthy! Della Shapiro – TX

Want to know whether you should avoid gluten? Get genetically tested today!

You can get your copy of Glutenology – Healthy Recipes for the Gluten Free Warrior here…

If you have gone gluten free without the healthy results you expected, join Gluten Free Society and learn why here…

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