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Leaky Gut Week Continued – Leaky Brain Syndrome and Epilepsy

As we focus on gluten and leaky gut this week, we should also illuminate the fact that gluten has also been shown to cause the same type of phenomenon in the brain. New research draws a connection between gluten induced leaky brain damage and seizure disorders (epilepsy). Which Came First – The Chicken or the […]

Gluten Sensitivity Spectrum – Not Just a Celiac Issue

The Gluten Autoimmune Spectrum The following picture displays some of the more common manifestations of gluten induced diseases. Problem is, many people, doctors, nutritionists, and the media are mostly in the dark when it comes to the different diseases linked to this food protein. The following is an abstract from a recent paper published in […]

Leaky Brain, Seizures (epilepsy), & Gluten Sensitivity

New research draws a connection between gluten induced leaky brain damage and seizure disorders (epilepsy). Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg? It has long been held that chronic seizures cause blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage. Recent studies have also demonstrated that BBB damage triggers seizures. Source: Brain Res. 2010 Sep 24;1353:176-86. Epub 2010 […]

ABC News Discusses Gluten Sensitivity

The following excerpt was taken from a recent ABC News story on gluten sensitivity based on interviews with Dr. Fasano and Dr. Peter Green (both of these doctors are leading celiac researchers): …recognize gluten as an invader and unleash attacks on the small intestine, producing diarrhea, abdominal pain, along with fatigue, headaches and joint inflammation. […]

Gluten Protein Alters Brain Prolactin

The following research study demonstrates one of the brain altering effects of gluten. In this case, a compound in gluten acts as an opioid chemical that leads to the excessive excretion of the neuro hormone, Prolactin. Gluten exorphin B5 (GE-B5) is a food-derived opioid peptide identified in digests of wheat gluten. We have recently shown […]

Gluten in the Diet Triggers Many Neurological Problems

Headaches, Depression, Nerve Damage, and Seizures… What They All Have in Common Recent research identified that 70% of gluten intolerant patients had social phobias. Depression was found in 52%. These are neurological manifestations of the disease, or are related to the disease, and they’re not the only ones either. Italian researchers found that 22.5% of […]

Gluten, Leaky Brain, and Epilepsy (Seizures)

Which Came First – The Chicken or the Egg? It has long been held that chronic seizures cause blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage. Recent studies have also demonstrated that BBB damage triggers seizures. Source: Brain Res. 2010 Sep 24;1353:176-86. Epub 2010 Jun 27. Mov Disord. 2009 Oct 30;24(14):2162-3. We know that gluten sensitivity can contribute to […]

Sensory Nerve Pain Resolved with a Gluten Free Diet

Gluten has been shown to damage nerve tissue in multiple research studies. Dr. Hadjivassilliou and colleagues have published yet another study on the damaging effects of gluten on nerves. The study links sensory ganglionopathy (damage to nerve bundles that can lead to numbness and tingling of the hands and feet, burning sensations, poor balance, and […]

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