new to the gluten free journey?

Are You a TRUE Gluten Free Warrior?

We are giving away the new Glutenology Health Matrix Program to our top Gluten Free Warriors. To enter, video yourself destroying any food/product, etc that contains gluten (i.e. you can use fire crackers, chain saws, hammers, etc) We want to see your creativity really shine here. To enter, all you have to do is upload your video entry to youtube and send the link to

Everyone who enters wins free access! The deadline for entries in Dec. 31st 2010.

7 Responses

  1. When I first went GF I had a great desire to pull breads and other food filled with gluten off the shelves and stomp on them, right there in the grocery store. I never really did that.

    I don’t think I want to destroy any gluten food. I would be afraid of causing gluten crumbs and dust to fly around me. Some might get in my mouth. I have been glutened by the dust in wild bird seed.

  2. I would love to blow up donuts, croissants, soft pretzels, so many things…..but I am afraid too to get near anything. Maybe I can get my husband to do it for my 3 boys and I…..

    1. Karen,
      That’s the spirit! Have your husband blow them up for you. Someone told me that they were going to have their husband use a bulldozer this morning!
      All the best,
      Dr. O

  3. Ive recently decided that if someone wants bread or pasta or pizza of gluten-content, they make it on their own. I am so totally against touching it but…I feel like killing it…sounds like fun! I might just give in!

  4. People at work ask me: “Do you miss bread” and I answer “No not at all, just the look of it makes me sick” and I see people getting fatter and sicker and they do nothing about it and they keep eating bread and pastries like that is the only choice on this earth, it almost looks like an addiction. Like the drug addict consuming what kills them.

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