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Dana’s No Grain No Pain Testimonial

No Grain No Pain – The Protocol Works…

Asthma, allergies, fatigue, all improve with gluten and grain free diet changes. Listen to Dana’s story below…

One Response

  1. Hello, I hope you can help me. I am allergic to 17 types of food, gluten and wheat sensitive and intolerant. Environmental intolerant to mold- from mold exposure allergic to 157 types of mold- snow mold is my worst, pollen, grass, trees, and weeds. Allergy shots did not work on me. Paleo diet seems to work best for me. Have inflammation took cholestyramine, and before that beet and okra powder. Hoping to move to mold free apartment. Have pain in joints numbness in pinky finger and right hip. Started to take b vitamins. K2d3. I feel dizzy think I am anemic. Challenged when I run out of money for food, and people bring me meals with gluten and wheat in them, or at prayer community where they give me food to take home, and sometimes lie about what is in it. No one I know supports me emotionally to be well and follow this diet.

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