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Are You Suffering From Gluten Free Whiplash?

The Celiac Maniac, Cain Credicott ( continues his interview with Dr. Osborne on gluten intolerance and helping educate patients about the potential for other grains to create damage… Did you miss part 1? Watch it here… Watch part 2 here… Watch part 4 here… If you think that this video will help someone else, please share it with them!

5 Responses

  1. Pingback: Anonymous
  2. In part 3 of your interview with Dr. Osborne (“Are You Suffering From Gluten Free Whiplash?”), a vital distinction should be made between the concept of “grains that are labeled gluten free” and “grains that are traditionally considered to be gluten free.” I have read articles that discuss the American Dietetic Association’s report on cross-contamination in non-gluten grains, and my impression was that the danger exists primarily in grains that are naturally gluten free, BUT ARE NOT MARKED “GLUTEN FREE” on the package. In your interview with Dr. Osborne, however, a very different impression is given: that I can’t even trust non-gluten grains that are clearly marked “gluten free,” such as the Lundberg’s brand of rice and rice products, or Kinnikinnick, or Ener-G brand flours, etc. This is an incredibly important distinction for those of us on a gluten free diet. Please respond to Thanks!

  3. Hello Dr. Osborne, I’m one of your newer members and after one month of going traditionally GF my wife and I are doing great. Eventually we’re going to have to lose the other grains too. I wanted to let you know what is being done to the grain seeds in the Chemical company labs. Their goal is to get more crop yield and make money and the genetic alterations in the labs are to allow them to douse the crops with their company’s particular pesticides,fungicides and herbicides that will eliminate the pests and problems but not “affect?” the crop. This allows companies like the Dupont Co. I worked for to sell the seeds(Pioneer) and also all the chemicals that are sprayed on the crop! It works great except that the gluten content is higher and possibly even worse is that the crop adsorbs all the chemicals too and pass along to the consumer of those crops! Within a few generations our descendents will find that we’ve been chemically poisoned and hopefully some of our heritage seeds will survive to start over??
    Thanks, Norb and Mary Banaszak Harrison,Ar

    1. Hi Norb and Mary,
      Thanks for the information. Genetic manipulation and excessive chemical use is indeed a major issue facing the health of our future generations.
      All the best,
      Dr. O

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