The Best iPhone App for Gluten-Free Warriors
Learning the ways of a Gluten-Free Warrior is a journey rich in rewards. Not only are you gathering powerful knowledge you about your particular allergies and/or sensitivities, but you are working on preventing many chronic health conditions. It can sometimes be overwhelming to begin a new style of eating and living. Luckily, there is an app that can help you on your journey while following my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet called Suggestic. It is hands down, the Best App for Going Gluten Free.
If you have struggled to adopt a grain-free lifestyle or are brand new to the ways of the Gluten-Free Warrior, Suggestic can be a massive help in guiding you through the ups and downs of this new and healthy lifestyle. Let me explain what Suggestic is and the advantages of using it.
Going Gluten-Free Using Technology
I’ve seen many begin this adventure. The key is patience–total mastery of the Gluten-Free Warrior lifestyle and a TRUE gluten free diet isn’t something you do in a day or a week. Or even, for some, in a month. The No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet, a gluten-, dairy- and sugar-free plan takes time and practice.
Eating to reduce the inflammation affecting your body is just the first step. What comes next is the process of healing from the effects of autoimmune damage induced by gluten, restoring hormone and nutrient balances in your body, and continuing to reverse that inflammation. Once your body is no longer exposed to glutens/grains, chronic conditions clear up. The weight comes off. Sleep is deep and you wake up feeling rested and restored. Your joints no longer ache, and your energy levels are amazing!
The No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation. Cut out the gluten in wheat, corn, rice, rye and more and you can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases as well as lose stubborn pounds and feel years younger. You dramatically slash chances of getting a long term illness like type 2 diabetes, and look and feel better in the process!
Meet The Gluten Free App, Suggestic
Who hasn’t gone on a diet and wondered if they are following it correctly–even a program as straightforward as my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet? So many times I hear questions like, “How will I know whether or not I’m completely avoiding gluten?” Or, “Is feeling a little light-headed normal?”
Your iPhone can now support your gluten-free lifestyle and help make staying on my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet much easier. Suggestic is the most helpful gluten-free diet app that I have found and I have been using personally, and I recommend that those going on my programs use it as a tool.
Customized No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet App
In my nutritional practice in Sugar Land, Texas, most of the people who walk in the door are in some sort of pain. I’ve seen thousands who were at their wit’s end, having spent months and years trying to get a diagnosis that would result in a successful treatment so they could heal their chronic health conditions. So often I learn that the root of the problem involves a gluten sensitivity. Gluten can provoke an autoimmune response, or inflammation, which is often at the heart of the pain. If this is an ongoing event, then likely there are vitamin and mineral deficiencies that are also contributing to the patient’s poor condition.
I have my own history of food sensitivity and it was through careful and meticulous lab testing that I was able to hone in on the optimal diet for me. Today, I continue to follow a 100% gluten and grain-free diet and enjoy the incredible benefits including improved mental function, higher energy levels, as well as optimal digestive health. The No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet was designed to help you experience the Gluten-Free Warrior’s lifestyle, to rid your body of gluten and adapt this super-healthy lifestyle.
Making the No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet Easier
Following the No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet will be easier for you, too, with the help of Suggestic. Simply go to the Apple app store and download the Suggestic No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet app onto your phone.
Once you select my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet, a whole world is unlocked. You can learn all about the science of how gluten can trigger your autoimmune system, how to get started on the program, what to eat and what to avoid, and locate restaurants (for a rare occasion) that have grain-free options on the menu.
Experience Tracker
This No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet app is not just about eating. Suggestic has great trackers to support other aspects of your life. The team at Suggestic understands that stress, work and other challenges can sometimes derail your best intentions to follow a program. At any time during the day, you can log your mood, how you slept, how much water you’ve had. I’m always curious to look back to see how I felt when I tried something new.
I also notice that if I don’t get 7 1/2 solid hours of sleep, I am definitely more cranky and less mentally sharp. Not getting enough quality sleep is a common mistake that the Suggestic app can help you pinpoint and fix.
Stay on top of these lifestyle aspects and make sure you are getting what you need. On the upside, I also like to note when something was going really well and I could see that, yes, I had good sleep, drank enough water, and was generally in a great mood. Taking my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet on Suggestic can help you log the aspects of your lifestyle that yield the most success.
My Favorite Features
There are so many amazing features on the Suggestic app that are designed specifically to make everyday eating easy while you are following the No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet. You can log the meals you’ve eaten so you’re never wondering how you are doing.
If you’re super busy like I am, you will especially love the grocery list feature. Just tap on the food basket icon and the shopping list for your selected recipe appears. Once you purchase the item, cross it off the list.
Or you can select the breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for your meal plan, then create shopping lists. So easy!
You can further personalize your suggestions by adding filters. Don’t like onions? No problem! Just select it as a food to avoid and Suggestic will filter it out for you. That means you won’t see any recipes or restaurant menu options with onions.
When you sign up for my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet on Suggestic, the extra guidance is amazing. Each day you will receive a fresh set of reminders and supportive emails.
You’ll also have access to exclusive recipes that are specially formulated to keep you deliciously full–remember, this diet is not about counting calories! Suggestic aims to solve many of the challenges people face when adopting a gluten-free (and dairy- and sugar-free) diet.
Getting Started
Once you download Suggestic from the Apple app store (you can download it for free here), you will be guided through each step of the process of getting started. It’s like having a personal nutritionist interview you to determine your goals. The journey for my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet on Suggestic is a simple program that gently navigates the grain detox process. It gives you exactly what you need to reach optimal health and be successful. Once you have the essentials set up—a day to begin, foods to buy, etc., then your journey is underway.
It is a comprehensive No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet app that guides you in creating the best plan for your health.
Each day, you will track how you eat and live. The goal is to have no wheat, corn, rice, oats, barley or other grains whatsoever. Also, you will eliminate dairy and sugar, and scale back on caffeine. We NEVER count calories, so feel free to eat healthy veggies and organic proteins. To compensate for deficiencies of modern lifestyles (not of the diet), you will want to supplement with a premium gluten free multi vitamin.
Follow my rules throughout the diet and you will have great success. After the first few days, with the help of this awesome diet app, the beginning stages become much more manageable.
Nutritional Guidance
Here’s what I love about Suggestic: Preparation is about making sure you have the foods and supplements you need to get through the diet. And you will also purge your fridge and pantry of anything that has any form of gluten, dairy or sugar.
This list may surprise you–you will need to read ingredients carefully. I’m not going to give away the complete outline of the journey here… Every day you will be guided with task lists, emails, occasionally instructional video, and lots of food options. You can always pick and choose your way through the recipes, ingredients, and other elements–it’s all meant to support you, not limit you.
Recipes, Recipes, Recipes!
I also love that Suggestic has all my recipes! Need my favorite gluten-free banana carrot muffins recipe? It’s there! Craving a healthy snack? Just open the app! Wondering what to make for your family for dinner? No problem! Just some of the reasons why Suggestic is the best App for going gluten free.
With the meal planner feature, you can prepare for the week so much more easily. Just select meals for each time and day and you’re all set. The No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet app puts together your customized shopping list.
Eat Out Without Worry
I’m often asked about the restaurants for eating gluten-free in the area—no matter where I am. So I open up Suggestic and tap the “Eat Out” button. Endless results appear with all sorts of great info like menu choices are grain-free, how far away, how expensive, even if it’s open at the time I’m searching. Pretty cool.
Also, when I get to a restaurant, if it’s someplace with our augmented reality feature, I can point my phone at the menu, and the app will show me items that fit into the No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet or not. I don’t have to wonder what to eat and have less educating to do with my waiter about how to prepare my meal. Such a relief.
The Best App for Going Gluten Free!
I come to realize how helpful my iPhone actually is in keeping my lifestyle organized and on track. (And don’t worry if you don’t have an iPhone. Suggestic will have an Android version soon. In the meantime, you can get all the latest No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet updates on my website or sign up for my newsletter.
Having Suggestic is super helpful because it reduces the stress of navigating through a gluten-free, healthy lifestyle in a world that is packed with grains and unhealthy substitutes. I recommend getting the app and signing up for my No Grain, No Pain 30-Day Diet. Experience for yourself what I’m so excited about. Once you sign up and put it to work every day, you’ll never regret it.
Always looking our for you,
Dr. Osborne – The Gluten Free Warrior
P.S. I did a special QnA with the app developer. You can watch it below…
4 Responses
Hi Doc. I just saw your presentation at the IHS. Thanks for all the great information. I’m a DC too and gluten free. I’m interested in the app but have an Android. I can still recommend to my patients.
Do you have any good links to hidden sources of gluten and how to ID on a label?
Hi Doc,
Here is a list you can use
I would like to know if you have the No grain, no pain 30-day diet app for Androids? I do not have an Iphone but would love to have access to the app on my galaxy phone.
I agree with Venissa Candelaria, I too would like to use this app but only have an Android phone. Will it be available any time soon?