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New Glutens Discovered to be Harmful To Health

A new research study has led to the discovery of new gluten proteins responsible for generating immune damage in patients with celiac disease. This new study helps shed more light on the mechanisms behind gluten sensitivity. This information helps uncover the myth that only gliadin is responsible for the inflammatory immune reaction that contributes to celiac disease.
Unexpectedly, a sequence from omega-gliadin (wheat) and C-hordein (barley) but not alpha-gliadin was immunodominant regardless of the grain consumed.


Sci Transl Med. 2010 Jul 21;2(41):41ra51.

Gluten is the storage protein found in all grains. Most research focuses on alpha gliadin as the main culprit in gluten intolerance. These studies prove that gluten research is still in its infancy and there is a lot more that we do not know about the scope of gluten proteins and the damage they can stimulate. Additionally, these studies point out more flaws in laboratory testing used to identify gluten sensitivity. Anti gliadin antibodies are commonly used to measure immune responses to alpha gliadin. In light of this recent research, one can see the limitations in only measuring reactions to the alpha gliadins, as omega gliadin, C-hordein, and other gluten fractions were found to also to cause immune stimulation. Additionally, research from the early 50’s (Haas SV and Haas MP: Management of celiac disease, p x. J B Lippincott Company, Philadelphia, 1951.) on 600 celiac patients revealed that using a specific carbohydrate diet (eliminating all grain) led to…
complete recovery with no relapses, no deaths, no crisis, no pulmonary involvement and no stunting of growth.
Because all grains contain gluten (in different forms), and only a fraction of these glutens have been studied, it is foolish to assume that traditional “gluten free” grain based substitutes are safe for consumption for the gluten sensitive individual. Consider the following research conclusion:

Also of note is the fact that the origin of the idea that wheat, barley, and rye gluten as the only cause for celiac disease is based on a study performed on only 10 people. It is time to ask yourself the following question…

Are you on a traditional gluten free diet yet continue to have health problems? A TRUE gluten free diet may be what you need.

Want to learn more? Sign up for the Glutenology Health Matrix here…

18 Responses

  1. great article! thank you for sharing! i hope this info becomes more and more standard in the medical community!

  2. I don’t understand why buckwheat is in question since it is my understanding that buckwheat is in the rhubarb (fruit) family. I was under the understanding that buckwheat wasn’t a grain in any way. I understand rice and corn contain their own gluten, therefore are under question (rightly so), but why buckwheat?

  3. This is great to see. After taking gluten out of my diet (wheat, barley and rye) I discovered that corn and oats also cause the same symptoms. I am now on a grain free diet.

  4. This article is quite old– 1995. Is that the most recent article you could find on the topic? If so, why has no one researched this further?

  5. Glad to see that the research is still progressing. It’s really hard to believe that we still know so little about gluten and it’s different forms/effects. Now that allergies, celiac’s disease, & autism all point to gluten and the rates are rising rapidly, I hope that more money is flowing into this research area.


  6. I’m not surprised; grains do affect me, I should have realized there was more going on than just discomfort. But I have to wonder why my follow-up biopsy looked good. I do see that this news is going to be very bad for the GF industry.

  7. Hi,
    I am realy struggling with stopping eating wheat products at this time knowing that I have sensitivity to gluten. Is there anything you can think of that could shock me into “getting real,” and stopping this behavior. Last year pretty much the whole year I was able to do it, but this year has been a terrible seesaw with predictably bad results in health and weight.

    Thanks. Harriet

    1. Harriet,
      Do you love yourself? Do you have a family? If so, do you love them? Do you love God?
      If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, stop making excuses and “get real” with following the diet. You will end up hurting those you love unless you start taking it more seriously.
      Let me know when it turns around.
      All the best,
      Dr. O

  8. I would also be interested to know if quinoa is gluten free……i am new to the gluten free diet and understood it to be a safe grain ? same with the buckwheat.

  9. I have celiac disease and have been gluten-free for a year now. Just a few days after going gluten free, I was a totally different person. I do eat corn and rice with no problems. Does that mean that it is safe for me to do so, or does it mean that I might be causing some damage that I am not feeling?

  10. @ Peggy,
    No outward problems does not mean no inward problems. If you are gluten intolerant, don’t eat grain. Have you watched the Glutenology Video #1? (above under glutenology tab)
    The video explains why in detail.
    Thanks for sharing your story with us!
    Dr. O

  11. Hi:

    Good article – as someone with celiac disease and a GF website owner. I would be particularly interested in all those who are performing research on other grains that indeed have the problematic protein!

    I must say that I have not noticed overt symptom problems after consuming things like rice, buckwheat, quinoa, etc. But this doesn’t mean there aren’t any problems; it will take a confirmatory upper endoscopy.

    And, to Harriet – look on it as an adventure. Learning to eat a variety of grains – many just as healthy as wheat, such as amaranth, buckwheat, and quinoa — is always going to be better than eating just one grain – wheat – anyway. Eating more beans, nuts, and veggies has also got to be healthier. Please see my site for an analysis of an oft-controversial issue, GF and weight loss –

    I welcome any and all research studies re other grains that may contain problematic gluten proteins!


  12. I use quinoa & amaranth (both in goosefoot or beet family) most for home use, & a variety of grains (sorghum, teff (both closer to millet) for (rarer) baked goods … I agree with K’s suggestion of using more variety, & observing what you react to. I think I’ve read that buckwheat is often cross contaminated – & it is a different family …
    I’m growing quinoa & amaranth, & collected seed from their perennial relative ‘Good King Henry’ has some nice quinoa recipes – am still looking to see if I can find more info on gliadans in quinoa!
    Gluten Free RN recommends folks who are highly reactive go grain free for a time, as they’re healing.

  13. Hi
    Thank you to everyone for their informative posts. I was told by doctors 5 years ago I had IBS, and have had many cameras to investigate this conclusion. Only to find out by trial and error that it was our friend gluten that was trying to inflate me like a Zeppelin. As Iike your good selves I’m still on a journey of discovery and have found starchy foods like potatoes white rice do have a trigger response to my gut. But one of my favourite grains that has NO inflammation effect to me is brown rice. Also Greek NATURAL yogurt is a nice alternative to taken Meds when you been Gluten’end. I look forward to reading more of your post.


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